When opening two documents as tabbed one window group, ID does not auto-fit the resulting taller window onto full screen
Make adding the additional document tab fit the resulting tabbed window into the same space the old one without tabs occupied.

Aurora Penticton commented
Same here.
Jeremy Bohn commented
I see the same thing here too on 2 different computers. The problem was in InDesign 2020, still there in 2022.
As soon as you open more than one document in tabs, the window height changes. The second document open usually makes the window shorter. Sometimes it will make it longer than your screen. Click the Zoom button and the window snaps into the right size. But as soon as you open another document, that new tab will be either too short or too long.
Thomas Hageleit commented
When opening one INDD-File through double-click in Finder, the window opens correctly. When double-clicking two or more files in Finder, the first one opens correctly, but when the second one opens and TABs appear, the window gets too long on the bottom part and the information there cannot be seen. I think this should be an error on adobes part in handling the tabs feature of macOS 10.12 and should be fixable.
Contact me if you need further assistance.
Kind regards,
Thomas hageleit