Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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5139 results found
Add hanging punctuation for chevrons
Hanging punction is currently not working with chevrons (« ») – which are used in Germany, Spain, Italy, France & Norway. In Quark XPress this works perfectly with one click. I am a professional typographer and would like to have this issue fixed as soon as possible. Kind regards Egil Haraldsen
10 votes -
DataMerge icons/images inline into text frames
Add the ability to put file paths for icons/images with text in a cell, so that the images are merged inline with the text in a text frame. For example "Here is some text and here's an" would merge the file into the text.
I know a lot of people who do work on card games using DataMerge, and this is the single most frequent request I get.
Currently the way we get around this is by merging text with placeholders like "[icon]", then copying the icon to the clipboard and doing a find and replace [icon] with…
15 votes -
Allow more formatting of running heads
I'm working on a book whose running heads use both bold and roman type. (Chapter 1: Chapter title where "Chapter 1:" is bold and "Chapter TItle" is roman. As far as I know, I can't use variables or automatic section heads to format this way so have resorted to having a separate master page for each chapter.
54 votes -
Show Page Dimensions permanently in Document Window
With more than one tool to change general/individual page sizes, keeping an eye on these numbers is crucial.
Please make page dimensions visible at all time – e.g. in the slug/pasteboard area next to every page or in the Pages thumbnails, at least as some kind of tooltip or popup info. This behavior could be activated with a preferences checkbox. Thanks.
1 vote -
Make guides work outside of the page like Illustrator
Self explanatory really - Make guides work outside of the page like Illustrator, so you can lay things out on the pasteboard accurately before you put it on your document.
2 votes -
"Force quit" a background task
In all the years that we've had background tasks, I've almost never been able to cancel one successfully. Whenever a task hangs up for unknown reasons, and I hit cancel, it just hangs on the 'cancelling' step and the only way to stop it is to force-quit InDesign, which can equal lost work and damaged files.
I would like to see a more assertive way to force shut down of a background task that isn't cooperating.
104 votes -
Predetermine Adobe .pdf settings for Publish Online Documents
I post interactive documents in a double page spread with Publish Online, but when it is downloaded, all the interactivity is stripped out and it downloads as single pages. What is the point of posting an interactive document in a spread format if you can't download it, as an interactive document in spread format!
I would like to be able to predetermine the .pdf download options before publishing online ie double page spread with (cover page) and choose the interactive elements to be included. That way when they press download .pdf it is downloaded with all the interactivity and in…
2 votes -
Making imported PDF edit more obvious in InDesign and fixing delays with mouse clicks
As a book designer who works with many long manuscripts, I do appreciate being able to import PDF edits into InDesign. That is a great new feature in the last few versions.
However, some edits are just too hard to spot in a spread. One can easily spot highlighted text (such as when the editors mark a phrase for deletion or replacement). But when the editors insert or delete commas and periods or choose a spot where they want to add new text, there is nothing obvious -- beyond a skinny, nearly invisible cursor -- to draw the eye. The…
5 votes -
3 votes
Would like the Links panel to show status, resolution, color information for linked AI and PDF
It would be helpful to be able to view the following information for linked AI and PDF files in InDesign's links panel:
- Color space of linked AI and PDF files
- Status of any links or embedded art in linked AI and PDF files
- Effective resolution for links or embedded art in linked AI and PDF files
63 votes -
Frame Fitting Panel
Fairly self explanatory. Frame fitting options are one of the only frequently used features that don't have their own panel, which can cause UX issues for various reasons. Solution, give them a panel.
Thanks1 vote -
Unequal columns within a single text frame
It would be great if we could define different column widths within a single text frame, making the automatization of sidebars in longer documents easier. Currently, we need to set up differently sized text boxes on the page and link them.
20 votes -
Please add a history panel to InDesign, like Photoshop's
This is a very helpful feature, saving time and enabling the user to track what they've done. Thank you.
363 votesHistory panel has been added to the latest version 19.5 of InDesign 2024. Please update your copy of InDesign from CCD app to this latest version to start using this new feature.
Adobe InDesign team
Indesign feature
Please add in "outline stroke" (which is an illustrator function) to indesign. We need this for when a printer requests that all strokes are outlined.
5 votes -
OS Specific Features Lacking
I can respect that you want to keep the CC base code clean of OS specific features, but I HATE subscriptions and I HATE the fact that you make the apps feel like 2nd class citizens on Mac. Two examples:
1) Full screen windows.
2) Full Dark Mode support.I won't go into details as I am sure that any developer / engineer working on these products on a Mac knows exactly what I am speaking of. There was a time when I truly loved Adobe products and thought it was a fair company. Today with subscriptions and attitude, I'm…
1 vote -
merge data
Will it be possible in the future to merge data from Excel,
To the table at Indiesin
Thanks2 votes -
Google Photos and Docs Integration
It would be great if you could place photos or text from Google services - Google Photos, Google Docs, Google Drive. InDesign would simply need to integrate the Google APIs for those services, then it would be seamless to import these objects - better yet would be supporting of links, so edits to Docs could be updated in InDesign the same way changed photos show update status of linked photos.
9 votes -
Show the year-based version name in the about window
I'd like to see the YEAR based version name of each product, in the About window. Today I need to visit Wikipedia to check what the version numbers mean.
2 votes -
Sensei, use it to align text and shapes
Hi all,
Could Sensei be used to align text and shapes? Seems like a no-brainer to me to let AI fix it.
An example , text in a circle.
Now if you want to align it, you first need to Frame to fit the text. Then you need to select both the textframe and the circle. Then align them horizontally and vertically. ( on some frames you need to nudge the text up a bit to really align then horizontally.
AI would could align both boundingboxes in less then a second.
Please add it :)Rob
2 votes -
Adobe Sensei Kerning
It would be great if Sensei could be implemented to replicate and improve manual kerning pair choices based on user preferences or behavior over time.
2 votes
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