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5184 results found

  1. I still want to ask why cell styles for tables, can't include row height settings?

    It would lead to disastrous results?

    I don't see that it would.
    Instead I think that would save a lot of work.

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  2. Direct Editing of Photoshop Layers in InDesign

    Currently, users must switch back to Photoshop to edit layer details, masks, or effects before re-importing images into InDesign. This process can be time-consuming and interrupts the creative flow. It would be highly efficient to enable direct editing of Photoshop layers—such as brush adjustments, opacity, blend modes, and layer masks—within InDesign itself, without needing to reopen Photoshop.

    Benefits for Users:

    Streamlines the workflow by reducing the need to switch between Photoshop and InDesign
    Speeds up the design process, as minor adjustments could be made directly in InDesign
    Allows more flexibility in applying last-minute edits and achieving the desired look…

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  3. Make other type of non-separable characters

    Sometimes, on dealing with math questions, we need to use measurament unities like "kg/cm²" and the character "/" wrap the line, separating a measure that is one itself. So I think it might be nice to include other non-separable characters than space and hyphen, like non-separable "!", "()", "/", ", etc. Maybe it could be even an option in the character panel...

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  4. Please fix text boxes after accepting a PDF comment

    When importing PDF comments and accepting the markup/comment, the text box becomes unresponsive until you click off and back on multiple times. This has been an unaddressed bug for years. I am working on a catalogue with over 1,000 comments, this is going to double the time it takes to work on each page. Please fix this bug

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  5. epub permissions

    When a team member moves on, and their Adobe account cancelled, all live ePubs published under that account are lost, and the links currently out in the world are broken. I would like to see an additional option in the Publish Online Dashboard that allows users to add/transfer permissions to another user or the master account.

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  6. Check GenAI Images in Preflight

    Add GenAI images to Preflight profiles. This is especially important since GenAI images default to saving to the user's computer, which is not ideal in a collaborative environment where other users will see broken links.

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  7. Rendere operativo InDesign su IPad PRO

    Rendere operativo InDesign su IPad PRO

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  8. InDesign Review Panel should NOT switch the filter to 'Resolved' when editing text with older resolved comments

    I am often working on documents with multiple review sessions. The problem that occurs since the latest updates of InDesign is that as soon as I put the cursor in a piece of text which previously had a comment attached to it which is resolved, all resolved comments pop up in the comments panel and I cannot see the current comments: all comments are immediately filtered to 'resolved'. Of course I can switch off the filter for resolved comments again, but it switches back again to 'resolved comments' as soon as I start working on the text. This is driving…

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  9. A preference option to skip all tours

    Tour popups about History Panel and Hide Spreads fonction appears about once a day. This seems like a small detail but no, it is annoying. Thank you.

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  10. In Find/replace be able to find specifically an upper or lower case version of the search

    Several fonts have kerning issues. Specifically capital Y and lower case o like in words such as You. The Yo tends to look like Y ou. Lowercase usually looks fine. The request is to be able to find specifically a cap or lower case version of a letter or group of letters. In the Y o example putting a negative tracking on the Y will make it once again look like Yo without having to find and fix in excess of 80 You, yours, etc. per file.

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  11. Update text box design so that the middle bottom anchor point isn't almost always hidden by "Explore more text options" / "O" icon

    The text box needs an update. I can almost never adjust the size of my text boxes from the middle bottom anchorpoint, butcause the "O" icon for "Explore More Text Options" is on top of it or near enough to it that I can't select the anchorpoint. I need to be able to resize text boxes from the bottom middle anchorpoint. Adjusting the size with the bottom right anchorpoint isn't a usually a good option because the width will change slightly.

    Fix this issue by moving the O icon away from any anchorpoints outside of the box somewhere.

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  12. Stop requiring a resave of documents in new InDesign versions

    I would love it if the Adobe team would figure out a way to have new versions of InDeisgn not require a resave of previously created documents. This is probably THE most annoying feature of using this software. It is not user friendly when you have developed a working method on updating documents month to month, only to be prompted to save the file before any other processes can be performed. I can't tell you how many documents I have "Saved" to my desktop when I thought I was exporting them to PDF. Please fix. Annoying!!

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  13. la fonction de contour d'illustrator qui permet d'avoir des lignes de plusieurs sortes serait trés utile dans indesign

    le panneau contour dans illustrator serai incroyablement utile dans in design, pour éviter les aler -retours qui sont une incryable perte de temps

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  14. Side by Side Page View

    When using Adobe InDesign, it would be helpful for certain documents to be able to see two pages side by side. As of now, a simple two-page document has page two appearing below page one.

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  15. Stop exporting <Sect> tags

    Please make InDesign stop exporting <Sect> tags for every text frame. We don't need these tags, and they interfere with accessibility.

    We need more control over how our content exports to the tag tree. We only need to see our content under the articles <Art> tag.

    We have to remove every single <Sect> tag to make our PDFs truly accessible.

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  16. Vertical Type

    Please add a Vertical Type tool like the one that is in Illustrator and Photoshop. The method of typing each letter on a line and returning after each is fine, but more time-consuming than it needs to be. The other method, using Type on a Path with a straight line and the stair step effect, does not produce aligned text.

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  17. Add a note for paragraph and character styles

    Add a text field (doesn't need to be really long, maybe 255 characters?) to allow users to make notes about their styles!

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  18. drop caps

    im editing books in hebrew and I'm trying to do a drop cap not for only one letter or more, but insted for one word.
    so I think it will be great if you could add this feature that allowing to choose the option of one word.
    also in the same subject, Indesign styling the drop cap by it self, its not letting you to change the size of the drop cap. so if you could add this one it will great for all the pepolr whom editing books in hebrew.

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  19. We want the IDKL back.

    It should be possible again, that a InDesign Document is locked, when somebody opend it. It's really annoying, when more then one person can open the same InDesign Document.

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  20. It should be consider reading mml code by assistive tech for accessibility and need to think on providing option image or artifact

    The new features of MathML implementations, should consider MML code need to read by assistive devise for accessibility purpose.

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