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  1. Focus the application after drag-and-drop

    Scenario: 2 monitors, on the right Bridge, on the left inDesign. When I drag-and-drop a file into a container, as expected, the linked file does change.

    Problem: inDesign doesn't focuses - Bridge remains in focus, so any shortcut key goes into this. Example, Ctrl-Z removes the last copied file... :-(

    Suggestion: focus inDesign after an external drag-an-drop is accepted.

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  2. Allow single source code embed presets to work across all devices

    Would love the option to have embedded full screen single source code work in desktop, not just in mobile.

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  3. Please add support for Server operating systems.

    Multi-user environments are prevalent with Citrix which needs better support for all Adobe products.

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  4. Please add Chinese language support. A global economy pleads for this.

    I need to create bi-lingual content in English and Chinese. The current English language interface does not support this, (though the program could be downloaded with a Chinese language user interface in the Asian region.)

    With the global economy we have, the ability for English speaking users to create bi-lingual content with Chinese or Japanese characters is needed.

    Such ability is a basic function of most of the software I run.

    Adobe is behind the times in this regard.

    We look forward to this being addressed in the next update.

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  5. Kurdish Language Spelling

    Adobe InDesign has many users writing and experiencing the Central Kurdish language which are living and a great part population of Iraq which is the Kurdistan Region, but unfortunately, the Kurdish language spelling dictionary isn't available in InDesign.
    I hope you can add an option for users writing with this language to let InDesign get their phrases and sentences to be added to the Kurdish language dictionary and be available for other users.
    Or if you create a translation web page to add the Kurdish language phrase and sentence spellings to be available in Adobe InDesign and other adobe…

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  6. Importar pdf com várias páginas de forma automática

    Utilizo o script para importar pdf com muitas páginas, porém, as páginas importadas chegam no tamanho da minha página (ou até maior). Gostaria que ocorresse a importação de forma que as páginas importadas respeitassem as margens do meu documento.

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  7. Texto de tabelas auto ajustar (quando importadas)

    Trabalho com documentos longos (média de 500 páginas) e nesses documentos recebo centenas de tabelas. Muitas tabelas são numerais, e quando o número é maior que o tamanho da célula, o software trunca para um ponto vermelho e indica um erro, mesmo quando ainda existe espaço na página para ajustar o tamanho da coluna.
    O software poderia ajustar o tamanho da célula para caber o conteúdo escrito.

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  8. Chromebook

    Hello to the Adobe InDesign Geniuses! I write this with a heavy heart, I have been a mac holdout/Windows Defender when it comes to Adobe products (Photoshop) since the Mid 1990's If I had to guess, 1995 or 1996. I LOVE Adobe Products and have a huge distaste for mac. I am reaching a breaking point with Windows, they are trying to make an OS SOOO much more and constantly causing problems, I just had to re install windows on 5 computers due to the latest update that I have yet to have one Windows tech support expert agree as…

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  9. Continuous numbering of footnotes and endnotes; endnotes to separate chapter

    PLEASE add these features to the footnote and endnote functionality of InDesign:
    - Continuous numbering of footnotes and endnotes throughout the various indd files within a book document
    - Ability to put the endnotes of the different indd files within a book document in a separate .indd file at the end of the book; numbering continuous OR per chapter.

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  10. Add Search Function in the Button and Forms Action

    In the Button and Forms Action add Search Function for pdf. This would be very helpful for multi page interactive pdfs, eliminating the manual addition of a search button, which gets overwritten after every new export out of InDesign.

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  11. I would like to be able to download/print a list of all linked files with their full pathways.

    I would like to be able to download/print a list of all linked files with their full pathways. Currently if you highlight all the files on the links panel, then right click, then choose Copy Info, you get a complete list of files, but not the full path.

    Having the full path will help me identify when and how the image was created, what category the image falls into, and where the original artwork is located in the warehouse.

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  12. Image inside workspace moves while corners of the window are dragged. Please provide option to keep contents within window from moving.

    Create an option to keep screen image from shifting within the workspace window when the corners of the window are dragged, so that when one resizes the window, the contents stays still. That way, the user won't have to use the hand tool to get back to what they were looking at on the page before they dragged a corner of the screen.

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  13. Make the Links Panel more efficient/less work to use

    Make Links panel more usable by wrapping the information for links. For example, I can't even see most of the file path until I undock the panel and make it wide enough to view. Same with a long file name. Then you have to F around adjusting the **** columns so you can see both file name & file status. Wouldn't it make more sense to have an auto-size feature so info like this is easily viewable? Even wrap text to the next line. Also, why so much space between all the lines of info? It's a ridiculous amount of…

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  14. 'Paste Attributes' - just like in Premiere Pro

    If I have a couple of images placed on a page, if I want to match the attributes (eg. reference point, x offset, width, rotation angle, etc.) of picture B with picture A, I have to either manually remember (or copy) enter each of picture A's number and enter it into picture B's attributes, or use a script such as Equalizer.

    It would be fantastic to have something just like Premiere Pro's Paste Attributes. Using this, I could select picture A, do Edit>Copy, then select picture B, do Edit>Paste Attributes... and a dialog box would pop up asking which attributes…

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  15. Support Excel's Strict Open XML Spreadsheet format

    InDesign should be able to Place an Excel file that's been saved as a Strict Open XML Spreadsheet (which appears to be a subset of the normal .xlsx workbook format). Currently, attempting to place an Excel file that's been saved as a Strict Open XML Spreadsheet results in a "Cannot place this file. No filter found for requested operation" error.

    A sample Strict Open XML Spreadsheet file is attached.

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  16. Be Able To Apply Color to Text And Object Style Definitions and Sort Them By Color

    I work with a large number of paragraph, character and object styles. Even though I can order them alphabetically, it's still tedious to find the right style since the panel is so small. Grouping them is another option but I find it just adds another level in the hierarchy and adds to the already crowded assortment of styles.
    It would be nice if I could assign a color to 1 or more style definitions and also be able to Sort By Color.

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  17. Add an option to hide Text via caracter format setting

    Add a checkbox to the character format settings that allows users to hide text. In some situations it is very useful to use grep rules to hide certain text elements. Until now, the color of the font had to be removed and had to set the size to 0.1.

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  18. text reflow

    When a document is really long (say 1000 pages) any new page break earlier in the document makes the document slow down as it clunks through the rest of the document. Is there a way to temporarily halt document reflows?

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  19. Convert links to resolution

    Convert a copy of selected links to 300 dpi (or any chosen resolution).
    Including upscaling or downscaling.
    Alos available on packaging

    This would be helpful especially when supplied images are way too big, or some images are fine though a bit low res and need to be upscaled for print.

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  20. QR Code

    I think it would be great if the QR codes that are generated can be actually tracked. The number of users, where it was scanned, etc. Basically, Google Analytics but only for QR codes.
    It would make things a great deal easier instead of setting up Google Analytics to track this information.

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