Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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5168 results found
Anchored illustrations
The layout of anchored Illustrations can NOT be moved around freely on the page it is anchored on. If you try to move the graphic around on the page or next page, the text is obscured or destroyed - the text is under the graphic. If you use the "inline" function the result is the same. The ability to move the "anchored" graphic anyway on the current page, page before it or the next page without the text being effected in any way. The TEXT should re-position itself around the image wherever move it.
3 votes -
Make the layers right hand side squares bigger!
Hi, might just be me, but the little squares to denote in which layer an object is in is too small, or not very co-operative.
If I need to move something from one layer to another, I find it really difficult to hit the target right to move the item, the square is too small.I am not blind, its just the one element of the UI that I constantly don't get a positive result from first time, normally takes 3 attempts!
4 votes -
print-preferences should auto-sort alphabetically
Just a thingy: Im not able to alter the order of my styles, thats fine and dandy. But then I would rather have it sorted alphabetically.
@screenshot: See how "A1" (2) is at the bottom, where my brain want to find it at the top of the list beneath A1 (1).
2 votes -
Collaborate files in the start "Workspace" (quick shortcut)
In the Workspace "start' you can show your indesign files from de cloud. Called CC-Files. I like this feature. It works fine, but don't work with shared (collaborate) folder.
I see al my cc-documents in the cloud, except the files in the shared (collaborate) folder.Please make it possible. Otherwise, the idea of the cloud does not work.
2 votes -
A archive/backup save feature
I recently was working on a highly important document. InDesign crashed AT THE SAME TIME as it was in the process of saving the file. I do regular saves, but because of how it crashed I couldn't revert to an earlier saved version of my file. My new workflow is to regularly save my work and I use sequential numbers e.g. filename-v01, filenam- v02. I also sometimes will use save as and create a new file called filename-backup and then I will have to do another save as to revert the document back to filename.indd. What would suit my workflow…
2 votes -
One desktop for all pages instead of desktops for each seperate page/spread
When copying asset(s) to the desktop you always have to search on wich pages you copied that asset(s). When all pages are on the same desktop, the copied assets are more easy to find, because they are always on one desktop.
4 votes -
Put "Text Frame Options" and "Text Wrap" under the Type Menu!
Put "Text Frame Options" and "Text Wrap" under the Type Menu!
3 votes -
Make the start/end of a stroke highlight when you choose an arrowhead for the start/end in the Stroke panel
It is very frustrating when applying an arrowhead to a stroke when you don't know what InDesign calls the start or end of that stroke. It's not so bad when you've drawn a straight line but a number of times, we edit shapes to create complex lines. Then it's a case of trial and error as to which end you place the arrow (and most of the time, typically, you end up choosing the wrong end. I know there is the ability to swap these but it would be useful if when you hover over either the start or end…
2 votes -
Shadow-Effect for Text
Please make it possible to give only seperate words a Drop-Shadow
2 votes -
Keyboard Shortcut for Adopting Paragraph Style Sheets
Using the text tool, click in a paragraph.
Hold Option & Shift, then click a Style Sheet formatted paragraph
The paragraph that had the text tool in it is now formatted to the [Option/Shift] clicked paragraph's Style Sheet.
This is one of the most time saving keyboard shortcuts from Quark Xpress.
This saves countless hours for anyone formatting text, albeit a tri-fold, or a 1,000 page catalog.
PS: If you're going to mention Command/Return to bring up Style Sheets, this is not time saving. The user still has to scroll the curser around to select the Paragraph/Character Style Sheet, removing…
2 votes -
Autmatic High of Textframes and Tabel-Cells in steps/on grid
If a textframe has an automatic high, is dos not fit on the grid. it would be nice, when there would be the option "fit on grid" or/and "in steps of XX mm". The same probelm is in Tabels, when in one cell the text get lmultiline.
2 votes -
Allow paragraph shading to end at each line without forced line break
Allow a ragged paragraph highlight without having to hard return at the end of each line to do it
9 votes -
Make align/do not align to baseline be available on the text control panel at top as well as on para control panel.
It is great how, at the top of the Indesign work area, when you choose the text portion of the control panel, you can still (at far right) access some paragraph tools (spacing, etc.); and how when you choose the para portion of the control panel, text tools are also still available at far right. Perhaps there is a reason I haven't thought out as yet why my idea hasn't been done, but I have to, I am CONSTANTLY needing to access the align/do not align to baseline tool when I'm in text mode, and I have to keep switching…
1 vote -
Info on existing PDF place option to prevent worng option when replace PDF
Indesign as now, no info show PDF place option, we might use the worng option when replace, and the size might different from the original.
3 votes -
'Apply Similar Filter' character addition
As already used in Photoshop and Illustrator, the 'Apply Similar Filter' to text and character seems like a logical step, given that InDesign is a primarily text heavy application, being able to select similar fonts would be a must in my books.
1 voteThis is now available in InDesign CC 2018. Thanks!!
Native language hyphenation
My German client would love if their words broke naturally not at random bits of words, similar to how shows the proper place for word breaks:
5 votes -
Complement and Inverse
Why not have Complement and Inverse on the color menu, just like in Illustrator?
1 vote -
Please Integrate with photoshop.
Im having a nightmare trying to open Indesign files in to photoshop, keeping layers. One can think that it would be more natural, because thay are both design programs made by the same company. In practice it seems to be impossible. Please I need to be able to do it somehow. Any clues?
4 votes -
Email Invoices
Its 2017, how about you start making an option available to email invoices for Creative Cloud? I have to go to 3 different accounts every month to print these manually for my accounts department. Its RIDICULOUS.
1 vote -
Better Stroke Styles with Gap color
This is actually a crossover between objects and styles. When I do a custom striped stroke style with a gap color, the gap color peeks out behind the stroke. It appears both in InDesign and in the resulting PDF. That background color should not show.
3 votes
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