PLEASE!! Remove "Synchronize styles accross book" button
PLEASE!! Remove "Synchronize styles accross book" button or at least add a "are you sure" confirm button.
This is an irreversible action which can mess all documents within a book without the option to undo it.... AND IS NEXT TO "SAVE BOOK" BUTTON.
You are just one pixel away from destroying your project instead of saving it!
This is nuts

Jason Burnett commented
I just accidentally synchronized 10 chapters (ruining every file) on a book I have been racing against the clock to finish. My customer is in tears and I have to basically start from scratch. This is a terrible setting and if I were involved with Adobe in any sort of executive function, would find the developer responsible for this terrible decision and fire him or her.
I cannot brelieve how much stress this is causing me. I'll be buying and checking out Infinity's publishing software--adobe has lost their way.
monokano commented
The synchronization feature requires careful consideration and judgment before being executed. It should not be something that can be easily executed with just a button click. This button is recognized by InDesign users as the “sync bomb” button, and is therefore wrongly designed in terms of UI. We would appreciate it if you could remove this button.
同期機能は、慎重な考慮と判断を経て実行される必要があります。ただ単にボタンをクリックするだけで簡単に実行されて良いものではありません。このボタンはInDesignユーザーから同期爆弾ボタンとして認識されています。そのため、UI設計として誤っています。このボタンを削除していただけるとありがたいです。 -
Janus Bahs Jacquet commented
The two options are ten options apart in the book options menu. The sync option is in a whole section of its own containing only “Synchronize [Book/Selected Documents]”, “Synchronize Options…” and “Update All Cross-References”.
An “Are you sure?” button would be good, since it’s not intuitively obvious that any book documents not currently open will be altered and immediately saved with no further prompt, but you are definitely not just one pixel away from destroying your project instead of saving it.