Object Styles: Size and Position relative to spine
When setting an object's position with this feature, one must choose left or right for X position. With Anchored Objects, we can choose for that to be "relative to spine" instead. So instead of "left" or "right", we can choose "inside" or "outside".
This would allow for symmetry on a spread. Example: an object could then extend from the spine, beyond the page edge, through the bleed, whether on a left or right page.

Joel Hakoune commented
This feature is very important, it would help a lot.
Alon Emanuel commented
Come on, this is way too basic and critical to not be implemented. It's already implemented in anchored objects, why not in normal objects?
Marie commented
The amount of time this would save is RIDICULOUS. If I have objects that need to appear a certain distance from the text—such as an unanchored sidebar or textbox—I have to make two separate styles, one for left pages and one for right pages, and if anything moves so that a page is deleted or added, I have to go through and reapply the appropriate left-right style to every single object.
Micah Liesenfeld commented
Please make this happen, Adobe! My textbooks have wide outside margins to allow people to take notes, but this makes it impossible to make 1 object style for my text block that works for both left and right pages. Ugh!
Anonymous commented
Is there any news if this is happening? This „feature“ would be so useful.
Leonardo Agosti commented
I agree as well, very useful!
Anonymous commented
this would be so helpful!
Jessica commented
Please, please, please....do this soon! It's so time consuming placing and re-placing 100s of text frames in book length documents when I add a single page to a facing page document.
Magnus Gaarde commented
Completely agree.
We need this option if we are serious about using this feature.
Also agree with Vicki Martine about adding several positioning options.I also work with scripts to place text frames and for now need two object styles (left and right page). This in itself is not a big problem but if I insert or delete a single page all frames with positioning options turned can potentially move to an incorrect position based on how my page margins are set up.
Add this feature please.
Vicki Martine commented
Also position relative to top, bottom left, right margins: really useful when creating social media posts with liquid layouts
Adam Jury-Last commented
Came here to make this request and found that it already exists!
Adding this alignment feature would make workflows much smoother: fewer object styles would be needed in a complex document, and documents would better reflow as pages are added/removed.
Scott Falkner | ACP commented
Agreed. Much wanted feature. So much so it’s a mystery why it wasn’t included.
JThoeming commented
I fully agree with @Steve Laskevitch. I place Charts by Script and for that right now two Object Styles are given (left handed and right handed page). With the spine feature one Object Style would be enough.