Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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301 results found
A check box to Remove Local Formatting in an auto TOC.
You include a checkbox to Remove Forced Line Breaks in the text styles used for the auto TOC so why not one to Remove Local Formatting so the text style can display exactly the way you set it in the TOC styles dialogue. Now one must select all the text and set Character Style to None every time the TOC is updated which is inefficient. Thanks.
17 votes -
Negative value for object style position
When placing a frame in the bleed area (-3mm), inDesign won't allow me to set the position of an image frame to -3mm, it has to be a positive value. Meaning I have to position image frames on the left-hand page manually, rendering the feature useless on the left hand page of each spread... If you can set the value to a negative amount in the regular coordinates palette why wouldn't this be mirrored in the styles?
16 votes -
Object Styles (Size and Position) Reference point
Object Styles (Size and Position) Reference point is now only possible from te left and top side of a page or margin.
Please make it possible to set from bottom and/or right side of page or margin or spread.16 votes -
Paragraph Borders: Inset vs Offset or "Keep Within Frame"
LOVE that borders and shading are now built into paragraph styles; but, I would like to be able to create a paragraph border with an inset (instead of an offset), or something like the "keep in frame" option for paragraph rules. The result is a paragraph outline in line with the other paragraphs above and below it, but with an inset paragraph inside the border.
16 votes -
Stroke styles
Allow us to create and name custom Stroke Styles. These would be in addition to Object Styles.
Stroke Styles could be used to specify a custom underline, strikethrough, or paragraph rule. Stroke Styles could also be applied to paths and called by Object Styles.
16 votes -
Color-code paragraph styles
I'm working on a huge training book with dozens of styles. I've stashed them in style groups, but it is still a chore, even inside a group, to scroll, scroll, scroll to try to find the style I need -- and it is also a chore to switch among the style groups themselves -- as many of the styles are used on every page due to the nature of the material. It would be SO VERY HELPFUL if one could color-code paragraph styles (a la the Layers palette) so that when there are this many styles, the ones a person…
15 votes -
Add ability to name Grep-styles
Add the ability to name or grep-styles.
Grep queries are not human friendly, and it can be hard to "read" and understand them. A option to label them would be great.15 votes -
Synchronize styles across book documents should REMOVE styles as well as updating and adding them.
Synchronize styles across book documents should REMOVE styles as well as updating and adding them. For all styles: object as well as text.
15 votes -
Stylesheet Manager
A place to manage bulk style changes across paragraph, character, and object styles.
15 votes -
Multiple paragraph/character style sheets
When selecting more than one paragraph of text that therefore uses multiple paragraph styles, instead of saying (mixed) at the top of the styles palette, it would be really helpful if it could highlight which actual paragraph styles were in use. 'Multiple' is of no use - I can see there are multile styles just by looking at it!
15 votes -
underline outdent/indents
The border and rules have options to outdent or indent, but the underline style does not. Sometimes you need a character style to highlight a word, and the only way to do that is with the underline style. It doesn't look great when there is no space on either side of the highlight, so you need to add extra spaces before and after the word. Can this be added to the underline style options?
Maybe it should be a new feature called ”highlight.” It would work like Microsoft Word but with options.
14 votes -
Revision clouds/bubbles
Would love to add a feature to do revision clouds (for architectural plans and presentations) like adobe acrobat has
14 votes -
Add word and character spacing (justification) options to character styles
Allow the justification options within character styles.
Quite often I have different typefaces in one paragraph, which need individual values for the justification of word and/or character spacing. But I can only do the justification for a whole paragraph with exactly one font, ignoring all the other contained typefaces. This leads to word spaces, which are way too narrow or too wide in parts of a paragraph (see the top image). If I could adjust justification options in character styles as I can do in paragraph styles, the problem would be solved!
14 votes -
Advanced Paragraph Shading Options
- The ability to specify a specific measured width for paragraph shading in pica, inches or whatever is the standard unit for the document.
- The ability to extend shading through continuous paragraphs. (i.e. If two consecutive paragraphs have the same paragraph style (with shading) that there is no gap between the paragraphs. Currently you have to use offset to extend these.
13 votes -
conditional GREP formatting
We need to add conditional GREP formatting. For eg. in screen 1 (yellow highlighted text) tagged in xml, and are able capture with GREP styling. But when we put condition, it also captures unwanted text in same GREP style (cyan highlighted), tagged with same xml tag. It would be great as conditional text, i.e.. "IF x=y then DO 'this'" OTHERWISE APPLY 'this style'.
If such option available in indesign, it would be a great help as we are doing frontend xml publishing.
13 votes -
Allow Adjacent Bordered Paragraphs to Share Their Border
It's great that Paragraph Borders are now included but it really needs an option to "Connect Border to Adjacent Paragraphs Sharing the Same Style" so that the border runs around multiple paragraphs if needed. I know you can work around this with forced line breaks and empty lines but that jars with me and doesn't give me proper style sheet control.
13 votes -
Add section number (^x) in Paragraph Style / Bullets and Numbering / Number
The ability to add the section number in Paragraph Style / Bullets and Numbering / Number.
Currently, chapter number (^H) works but section number (^x) does not.
12 votes -
STYLE support for run-in (aka in-line) headings
Currently there is no Style setting that can produce a run-in heading. This is a very widely used style in documents using more than 2-3 heading levels, and I have needed it for years now.
NOTE: Using Nested Styles does not fulfill the need for run-in headings. Using a nested style is a work-around based on character styles, and this technique does not allow a heading to be "promoted" or redesigned!
A quick solution:
Create a new Style setting checkbox to be used by the run-in heading style: "Run-in". When checked, the paragraph is given 0 leading, and its total…
12 votes -
Eliminate Basic Paragraph style
Please eliminate the Basic Paragraph Style. Don’t just allow users to delete it (but if nothing else, at least do that). Remove the style from new documents and don’t have it in the panel by default.
The style is a trap. Users who edit the style or use the style and base other styles on Basic Paragraph usually fall into a trap when copying and pasting text between documents that have different definitions of the style. The text will paste in with different formatting that in the source document. When this happens there are usually one of two reactions: “How…
11 votes -
paragraph shading borders align to / away from spine
Add the ability to have paragraph shading and borders align to / away from spine. Also make it possible to have each corner affect individually align in relation to the spine.
11 votes
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