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301 results found

  1. font weight mapping

    Different font foundries/designers have different ideas on how to name the font weight. Unfortunately this causes problems, when you want using (character) styles like "BOLD" or "ITALIC".

    More often then not, you need to change the definition (from "bold" to "65 bold" or "Italic" to "oblique") when changing the font.

    If you have multi-font documents, you even need to assign styles according to the font instead of the weight. Building a hierarchy of styles gets more complicated too.

    The idea is to have a table of weight mapping like:
    65 bold = bold;
    bold = bold;
    45 light = light;…

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  2. Style hierarchy

    It would be nice if you could easily see as one of the views of styles (paragraph, character, and object) a hierarchy of which styles are based on each other. Like a cascade of styles. I work on long documents and books that use LOTS of styles and besides the normal view and alphabetical view, it would be nice to be able to "sort" by hierarchy, perhaps with the swivel arrow, like when you have different styles in grouped folders. For instance, we have "text" and then "text left" and "text centered," and so on, but they are all based…

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  3. Row Height and Column Width definitions in Cell Styles

    It would be really helpful if you could control the width and height of cells through Cell Styles, a bit like you can with Object Styles.

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  4. Add Space Before on Column Top checkbox

    Currently the ‘Space Before’ value is ignored when that paragraph appears on the top of any container—frame/column.

    There are innumerable occasions when we need the above space settings to be honoured even when the paragraph appears on the top of the column. We InDesigners resort to various antics and workaround like keeping an ‘Invisible Rule Above’ or use a character style with extra leading etc..

    It is very easily solved by a simple checkbox in the Indents and Spacing tab just below ‘Space Before’ selection which says ‘Add Space Before on column top’. If checked, the value will always be…

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  5. Some way to synchronize and update styles (Paragraph and Character especially) across multiple InDesign documents.

    Currently, there is no way other than the undesirable "book" workaround method to have a set of Paragraph Styles - that can be updated globally accross multiple InDesign documents.

    There should be some way to synchronize and update styles (Paragraph and Character Styles especially) across multiple InDesign documents.

    This could be done by some kind of external "Styles" library (ideally, both Local and or Cloud based) that can be applied to an .indd file, that when updated or changed, will then update or change any document using that same Styles Library.

    Currently, it is very difficult to keep Styles updated…

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  6. Shading for character styles

    I love using the shading for whole paragraph styles, but it would be nice to have shading for character styles as well. This would be nice for "highlighter" effects, which you just want to highlight a few lines or words. Just like applying an underline or strikethrough, but with a little more control over color, padding, maybe even shape?

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  7. Assign paragraph style depending on odd/even page

    It would be nice to assign a paragraph style automatically depending on the “value” of a odd or even page? So you can for example make some styles have more margin at the right or left side, depending on odd or even.

    Of course you can apply this with different paragraph style, but when a new page appears in the middle of a large document it would be very nice if this can go automatically.

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  8. Table of content – Styling improvement

    1) Please make the TOC dialogue box scaleable: especially the include paragraph styles box is unmanageable (long names are not visible and after applying settings to a style it scrolls back to the top of the list)
    2) Please include option to strip or override character styles in TOC
    At the moment you need a lot of paragraph styles to set up the TOC, especially when having multicoloured headlines, both in document and TOC
    3) Please give text boxes an option "include in TOC" (helpful when having the same headline on several pages) and the option to enter alternate wording…

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  9. Utilize paragraph shading for text messages with improved functionality

    The new paragraph shading feature would be fantastic to use for laying out text message conversations in books/long from documents, but needs a few tweaks to make is fully functional. Text messages in books is becoming very common and having them run in the text while paging is crucial.

    It used to be that you had to create shapes and anchor each in for a text message. Now you can use Paragraph Shading defined in the style for left side texts with no adjustments, but because right side text messages need to have the "bubble" shape aligned right, but the…

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  10. Style group support via xml import

    So far as I know, InDesign does not support style groups via xml import.

    Why is this usefull?
    If styles in a InDesign template organized into groups, we cannot refer with the attribute aid:pstyle and aid:cstyle to these styles and automatically apply these during xml import.

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  11. Add cell width and heigth to table (or cell) styles

    Very often I use tables in multiple pages taht need to have the same dimensions. Being able to do that in Styles would be priceless.

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  12. Break hyphenated words at hyphens

    Please make it so that hyphenated words always break at the hyphen when they break between lines.

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  13. Object Styles for Generated Captions

    It would be really helpful when generating captions to be able to assign an object style in addition to a paragraph style. (Even better if there were multiple caption styles to choose from...)

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  14. External Paragraph Styles (to keep all documents in sync easily)

    I would like to have external paragraph styles (and other styles too) so that they can apply to multiple documents and keep all documents using them in sync with the same set of styles.

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  15. Add ALL table and cell properties to table and cell styles

    It's really confusing to have table and cell styles that only affect a subset of properties. Since I love using styles as a best practice, it never occurred to me that I was missing properties until running into numerous issues and doing a ton of research.
    Examples of missing properties are header/footer rows for tables, and keep options for rows.

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  16. Edit multiple paragraph styles at the same time

    When we have changes in layouts or designs it is a pain to edit all the paragraph styles individually. Please make it possible to edit them all at once.

    Example: 10 paragraph styles in one doc all with the same font. Customer wants to change the font.

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  17. Custom stroke styles, that can be shared with Illustrator (and vice versa)

    Stroke styles like those of Illustrator, where the library and styles can be created in either and shared between both programs

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  18. Apply object style to a group

    It would be nice if I could apply an object style to grouped objects. Especially useful when using only the position functions.

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  19. Automatic hanging indents/"indent to here" for lists

    Currently, creating hanging indents for lists requires either manually adding "indent to here" ahead of every list item, or fiddling with the left indent and first line indent options of the list paragraph style until the desired effect is achieved-- a process that must be repeated if the type size changes or for subsequent list levels.

    Since hanging indents are what one almost always desires when creating lists, it would be great if this was a checkbox option one could simply turn on when setting up list styles. With the option on, InDesign would automatically indent all text to the…

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  20. A check box to Remove Local Formatting in an auto TOC.

    You include a checkbox to Remove Forced Line Breaks in the text styles used for the auto TOC so why not one to Remove Local Formatting so the text style can display exactly the way you set it in the TOC styles dialogue. Now one must select all the text and set Character Style to None every time the TOC is updated which is inefficient. Thanks.

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