Paragraph Border Controls when Split across Columns or Frames
There needs to be a control that "If paragraph breaks between columns or frames" restricts the paragraph border to: "baseline" , "cap-height" and perhaps a value offset for this. At the very least there needs to be the "clip to frame" option for paragraph border like there is for paragraph shading. However, the controls for baseline and cap-height would be ideal.

Sabine Ro commented
Yes, please!
Ryan commented
Aaaaaand Adobe is dead...
Bala commented
Yes, This is very important one
AlleyJ commented
Definitely needs the "clip to frame" option
Anonymous commented
Please! having this behavior would save me tons of manual adjustments.
A Alam commented
This in particular is a necessary functionality.
But the whole Paragraph Border feature could be a lot more powerful if it would stay across paragraphs but stop when the style changes. So it would be brilliant as an "Indented Quote with Adjacent Vertical Line".
Anonymous commented
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.... this is a useless feature without
Raphaël Freeman commented
yes! The feature is useless without this!
Maryse Bédard commented
Yes please!! 😀
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
That would be wonderful!
Anonymous commented
Yes.good idea!
Anonymous commented
This will be very helpful
Anonymous commented
I would like that option
RACH B commented
ZR commented
Anonymous commented
OMG, Yes
yisroel beenstock commented
100%! Its about time, been bugging me for years!
Anonymous commented