Apply master pages based on paragraph, character or object styles

חיה מושקא קופציק commented
It's so important!!
Anonymous commented
Ariel commented
Check out my script Mastermatic:
It's not free, but it allows linking master pages to paragraph styles and object styles, it can update while you work, and has many other useful features. -
Filip Blazek commented
I lost so many hours of my life manually assigning individual master pages to beginnings of chapter or intro/outro pages... Should be simple to implement.
Artemij Keidan commented
I totally agree on this request. This is absolutely a must have.
Viacheslav Horobchenko commented
One can also associate the start of a new section with a paragraph style (character or object)
Raphaël Freeman commented
This does exist as a plugin callled Mastermatic
Mike Atnip commented
This would save a lot of time, especially when edits (adding graphics, etc) are made after importing text.
Andreas Wolkerstorfer commented
Would be a good thing, for example if you want to hide running headers on opening pages.
Barb Binder commented
Yes, please add the ability to tie master pages to a paragraph tag, and assign them automatically.
As an example, have the option to assign the "Opening Page" master page spread to any spread using the paragraph tag "ChapterTitle".
It would be a time-saver for long document layout.