David Cuesta
My feedback
15 results found
56 votes
Hello All,
We have fixed a number of stability issues with InDesign’s latest update. Please download the latest InDesign version.
If you are unable to see the update yet, go to Creative Cloud application, click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
David Cuesta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment -
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
Please Please more people vote for this. OMG. Takes so long.
Does not have to be a pop up, how about just in links panel an ability to change page of linked file.
I.e. Click on the page number and enter a new page number click on it to open the more options dialog from when you place the original link.
We often place multiple .AI files into indesign, if we change the artboard order or the content of a few of the artboards in illustrator the Indesign file goes out of whack. Would be much better to just allow us to switch pages, rather than having to reimport the whole .AI file again.
Same goes for PDF.
David Cuesta supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
Does not have to be a pop up, how about just in links panel an ability to change page of linked file.
We often place multiple .AI files into indesign, if we change the artboard order or the content of a few of the artboards in illustrator the Indesign file goes out of whack. Would be much better to just allow us to switch pages, rather than having to reimport the whole .AI file again.
Same goes for PDF.
David Cuesta supported this idea ·
63 votes
David Cuesta supported this idea ·
149 votes
HSB option has been added to Color Picker and other panels for better experience.
Please try out InDesign’s latest update Id 16.0.Let us know your feedback in the comments.
Abhinav Kaushik (AK)David Cuesta supported this idea ·
30 votes
This issue has been fixed in the latest update of InDesign 2022 - version 17.3
Please update to this latest version of InDesign using Creative Cloud Desktop Application to get the fix.
InDesign team
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
Thank you, Ravi, even though I would like it to work with live screen drawing, at least now I can copy items properly again. Shows someone cares. It would be really helpful if you can ask your team not to try and break things that have worked for over 20 years consistently. Thanks
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
Please fix this, also drag with option key in Pages panel is not working properly anymore. IT USED TO WORK FINE!
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
Still happneing and super annoying I use drag copy like 50 times a day. Requires an extra key press everytime. (&)%£&)^@!(*$^£
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
I have the same issue, when I am duplicating stuff on a layout. The issue I wrote about below is separate issue tho, in pages it's not the same issue.
David Cuesta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
Drag-duplicating an object with Alt key pressed does not duplicate, if moving on a separate page stopped working in Adobe Indesign 2020
2 votes
We have released InDesign CC2019.0.2 with lot of bug fixes. If you are not on then I would recommend you to upgrade to latest version as it is more robust.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please provide more information to santalwa@adobe.com –
• Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when you encountered the issue in InDesign?
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue?
• Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If Yes, Can you please provide the document(s)/asset(s)?
• Does Trashing preference and cache, please create a backup of Preference and cache before trashing them, help to resolve the issue?Adobe InDesign Team
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
The problem still exists. If you drag a page and hold down alt it does not let you make a copy in the order. I mean quark express had this feature back in 1998 man! It used to work a few years ago then you broke it, then you fixed it, now it's broken again. Of course this is only getting 2 votes, but if you look back through time I am sure you have other comments which were fixed that had lots more comments.
David Cuesta supported this idea ·
1 vote
David Cuesta shared this idea ·
35 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
Could not agree more, having to do an annual report with lots of tabs in columns and I fell like if I am in 1996. There must be a better way. Even just making the tab arrows 20px instead of 8px wide would be much better.
David Cuesta supported this idea ·
191 votes
Dear All,
This is fixed in latest InDesign CC version. Please upgrade to the latest release.
Abhinav AgarwalDavid Cuesta supported this idea ·
211 votes
The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update (14.0.2) of InDesign 2019.
If you are unable to see the update notification, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right of Creative Cloud desktop application and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.
Once the update button is shown against InDesign, click on the button to update to Id 14.0.2.If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
The list of fixed issues can be found at: helpx.adobe.com/indesign/kb/fixed-issues.html
Adobe InDesign teamDavid Cuesta supported this idea ·
623 votes
In the Beta versions of InDesign, it is now possible to Open PDFs.
Work on adding more features & capabilities to this feature has also started.
Adobe InDesign team
David Cuesta supported this idea ·
936 votes
David Cuesta supported this idea ·
397 votes
The ability to find colors in documents in now available in InDesign’s latest release 16.0.
It can be found in a new tab of Find/Change dialog – Color.
Please let us know your feedback in comments.Regards,
Abhinav Kaushik (AK)David Cuesta supported this idea ·
27 votes
Hello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have been able to fix few scenarios but it is till work in progress.
Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the incremental fix.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
Adobe InDesign Team
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
Not working for me either, hasn't for a while, seems in some updates it works, but in other updates it reverts to just dropping the copied pages at the end of the document, which when you have 300 pages is not really functional
David Cuesta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment David Cuesta commented
Seems like this issue is back in latest update of Indesign 2020
Same issue