Change PDF page number / .ai artboard number without placing the file each time
In a similar sense to the Object Layer Options, it would be awesome if there was a context menu option to switch to a different page number in .pdf and different artboards in .ai files.
This way when inserting a multiple page PDF For example, I can copy the object then go into the context menu and select the next desired page. Currently I spend more time looking through the OS filesystem to place the same PDF again.

David Cuesta commented
Please Please more people vote for this. OMG. Takes so long.
Does not have to be a pop up, how about just in links panel an ability to change page of linked file.
I.e. Click on the page number and enter a new page number click on it to open the more options dialog from when you place the original link.
We often place multiple .AI files into indesign, if we change the artboard order or the content of a few of the artboards in illustrator the Indesign file goes out of whack. Would be much better to just allow us to switch pages, rather than having to reimport the whole .AI file again.
Same goes for PDF.