Improve the tabs window interface
No matter what size your text is or how much Iyou zoom in, when you open the tabs window to set or modify tabs, the window is WAY too small, and the little arrows to adjust the tabs WAY too fussy. It's almost impossible to grab the existing tab to move it over or even select it, and you end up creating 4 or 5 new tabs because you're clicking on the ruler trying to select an existing tab. I wait for this to improve with every update. Going in to my 25th year as a graphic designer, and I just don't think it should be this hard to create tabs.

Rob Conger commented
I gave up posting to Adobe a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, and I'm pretty sure this will get the same attention as visiting the death star customer service, but who knows. -
Michelle commented
Please Please Please redesign this. Tabs is one of the biggest features in indesign that is used. It is a pain to try to grab the tiny triangles without making a new tab.
Anonymous commented
It is a shame that Adobe makes this type of forums with the intention of improving its products and that the people spend their time writing to give their feedback and that paradoxically, Adobe does nothing about it, especially when this is a problem or user need claimed for so MANY years.
Hopefully they listen to us.
Rogelio Briseno commented
I couldn’t agree more with Charlotte’s comment. It really is a pain in the neck to try to grab the tiny slide arrows on the left of the Tabs window. Most of the times I just create new tabs instead of moving those **** triangles! Adobe, please redisgn the Tabs window. Thank you.
David Cuesta commented
Could not agree more, having to do an annual report with lots of tabs in columns and I fell like if I am in 1996. There must be a better way. Even just making the tab arrows 20px instead of 8px wide would be much better.
Anonymous commented
The tabs bar didn't use to be this fussy. it's driving me crazy, and I can't believe more people aren't throwing a fit. 2019 here.
Anonymous commented
This is a problem! Adobe are you going to address this issue?
M’n commented
another issue occurred on top of this is that when clicking the magnet button, it doesnt resize the tabs window to the text frame, (it remains the same size no matter how many times i clicked it) in CC 2019
Charlotte Sinclaire commented
I can't believe it's been a year and no one else has commented on Ms. Van Steegh's posting about the need for this feature. I pull my hair out every time I have to set up complicated tab situations (e.g., multi-level TOCs with Figure numbers that have to be right-aligned when they get into double-digits, etc.). I HATE AND DOUBLE-HATE those tiny little slider arrows on the tab bar. As Ms. Van Steegh pointed out, they are "WAY too fussy" in that they are nearly impossible to select. I also very much dislike that the top arrow slides along with the bottom so that you have to drag it back. Yes, we can set some of these indents under paragraph indent settings. But it would be nice to do it all in one place when you're already there, PLUS Ms. Steegh is absolutely right that trying to set an actual tab -- which you can do no other place except the tab bar, as far as I know -- is annoying beyond belief! For years, I thought my problems with this palette/window was because I use such high resolution to accommodate my high-end monitors. But she's right, it never changes. And it SHOULD. New properties windows (CC 2019) are all well and good (though no one can use CC 2019 yet because it hangs so often), those are frills. We need improvements on actual PROBLEMS.
As for this one, couldn't you at least make the tab bar big enough to see and allow the arrows to move independelty (and make THEM bigger also)? Everything is just too hard to grab, control, and maintain.