Would like the Links panel to show status, resolution, color information for linked AI and PDF
It would be helpful to be able to view the following information for linked AI and PDF files in InDesign's links panel:
- Color space of linked AI and PDF files
- Status of any links or embedded art in linked AI and PDF files
- Effective resolution for links or embedded art in linked AI and PDF files

Scott Falkner | ACP commented
There are a number of reasons this would not work.
>Color space of linked AI and PDF files
Illustrator files placed in InDesign are effectively PDF files. PDF files do not have a colourspace. Objects and images can be bitmapped, grayscale, RGB, or CMYK.
>Status of any links or embedded art in linked AI and PDF files
>Effective resolution for links or embedded art in linked AI and PDF filesInDesign would have to parse the file to see the status of each of these assets. And, since this is a PDF and all assets are embedded in the PDF, it would be irrelevant.
[Jongware] commented
Just a note: what if that linked file contains mutilple, varying resolution images?