InDesign 2021 keeps crashing
InDesign has crashed about 5 times since updating the other day. My team is also having the same problem. Mac and PC.

Hello All,
We have fixed a number of stability issues with InDesign’s latest update. Please download the latest InDesign version.
If you are unable to see the update yet, go to Creative Cloud application, click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
Julian Alexander commented
InDesign is crashing consistently, mostly on small tasks. Also, I've noticed it has crashed when the computer wakes from sleep. Literally when it is doing nothing. A month of calling support has gotten me nowhere. Has anyone found a solution?
IMKAI commented
Same here. With all the problems that we have already put up. Mine is on the latest M1 Max having the same issues too.
Are there updates by Adobe regarding this?
Its really frustrating that a lot work were help back because of this issue.
Samantha commented
I am on Monterey on Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017. Adobe 2022, 2021 keeps crashing on start up. Doesnt matter what file, idml or ind. I have tried everything - uninstall, reinstall, delete preferences, clean my mac, delete plug ins ALL adobe trouble shooting tips, installed earlier versions, 16.1, 17 but no difference. Crash report is attached. Ive sent it over 100 times to adobe but no response. Im paying for a produce I cant use. Please help.
Christian Kenny Carroll commented
I'm having the same issue on PC, keep trying to open InDesign by double clicking and through Creative Cloud, crashes every time on launch and I'm not even reaching the home menu. Works fine on my MacBook Air but would rather use my PC as its a lot faster. I've restarted my machine multiple times, uninstalled every InDesign file imaginable and can't find a fix online anywhere...
Nick Fletcher commented
How do I get refund and move on from this Adobe wall of silence
Ben commented
Have sent about 9 Apple crash reports in the past 20mins because InDesign won't even display the crash report window. I followed these instructions: but the Adobe crash window still won't show.
I can work in InDesign for about 20sec before it crashes and the fans start spinning up - painful sorry!
I stupidly thought the 2021 upgrade was a point upgrade. Now I can't downgrade because I won't be able to open files created with 2021.
OSX 11.6.1 Intel Mac.
Bob Quellos commented
Any fixes for this yet. I'm also crashing constantly.
Lise Quintana commented
InDesign has only just started crashing for me. I'm not using any special font (Times New Roman), I'm not trying to export anything, I don't have anything else except Chrome running on my computer. Every time I try to apply a style to text, it crashes. Which means it's completely nonfunctional. I'm ready to kick someone in the shins.
April Leidig commented
Here it is September 2021 and this is STILL an issue. Running InDesign 16.4 (latest) on MacBook with Big Sur 11.4 (also latest). I have shut down every other application that I possibly can. I have paused Time Machine and the beachball spins after EVERY thing I do in an uncomplicated book with no illustrations. I want to tear my hair out.
Emma Ball commented
This has been happening to us for over a year now- reported the issue via twitter and the only answer they gave was to use the files on our desktop.... this really is not practical when we have two users at work and are trying to design a 90 page catalogue with huge deadlines!
We are submitting crash reports every time and still the issue seems to be ignored -
Anonymous commented
I have notice this crashing issue after I updated to InDesign 16.4 (2021). I also thought it might be due to the recent update of macOS Big Sur 11.5.2. After contacting Apple support and running First Aid on my hard drive, reinstalling the OS and removing any external devices. I found that InDesign still randomly crashes. It seems to be after exporting PDFs and trying to open them in Acrobat. Eventually, any other open apps will crash. I will have to force quit, but then the Finder freezes. I try to restart the finder, but then I just get the endless spinning pinwheel (beachball). I have two iMac models from around late 2019 that this is happening to. Just got off the phone with Adobe. They are blaming it on a font file (just finished validating them and they all checked out) or they say they don't recommend using Font Explorer X or Suitcase. Seriously? Then bring back ATM. I've never had any issues with Font Explorer before. I am testing running InDesign with any font manager. I will follow up with the results.
Kurt Lichte commented
Is this an M1 chip, or an OS thing?
I'm on an Intel-based Mac, OS 10.14.6 -
Kurt Lichte commented
Have experienced the same thing, when saving my work. InDesign says my file may be damaged, and wants to repair it. If I cancel, it crashes. If I tell it to repair, I lose all the work I've done during that session. Have submitted two crash reports to Adobe, and haven't gotten a response.
ranger_rick commented
same. there is no pattern. could be typing or scaling a photo etc etc. and the bb appears for anywhere from 5-15+ seconds. completely random. i have uninstalled ID. reinstalled. starched prefs. ran in safe mode. nothing works. turned off AV. done everything and NO improvement.
Anonymous commented
It's crashed 4 times in the past half hour. How do I roll back to an earlier version?? It had lost work I'd saved too. Arghghggh!!
Ian commented
I've just updated to Indesign 16.3 and it now constantly crashes - im only trying to add a soft return!
I have had to roll back to the previous version of Indesign
Any ideas?
Ellie commented
I have no been able to get Indesign 2021 to open once before sending a crash report. I have tried to get it to open for the past month, at least once a day m-f while at work.
Mac is up to date. InDesign is pretty worthless at this point for me.
Anonymous commented
Same here. And still on Intel. This expensive software is costing me money.
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same problem with Indesign on the new Mac. This is an impossible situation. It freezes all the time. The only way to correct is force quit and reopen. The software costs way too much for a problem of this nature. Get it fixed. Adobe is only interested in lining their pockets. All the new issues and updates are not necessary. Instead make a programme that works and is afordable. So done with Adobe!!!!!!!
Benj McCoubrey commented
Keeps crashing ALL THE TIME!!! Clearly not appropriate for the new apple M1 chip. So unreliable. Not only does the program crash but my whole mac goes with it, so I often lose my work on other applications. On a 16GB M1 MBP with 16 cores and 500GB disk, with most removable files on 1TB Ext. SSD (1050 Mb/s transfer speeds). Every single other program (including Illustrator) works like a dream, but InDesign just fails me every time and delaying the time I have to work on the project. PLEASE fix.