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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6832 results found

  1. page pallet

    1. Indesign 15.1.1 and earlier versions - English supporting Hebrew.

    2. When I create a document with binding right-to-left the page pallet numbers are blurry and hard to read this is not an issue when the document has binding left-to-right. See screen video and screen shot attached.

    I am using Windows 10 latest version, but this has been an issue for many year now

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  3. export to PDF from latest InDesign 2020 results in pixelated PNG or JPG images

    Upgrading from 15.0 to 15.1 versions of InDesign CC breaks PDF exporting of PNG or JPG images. Images now appear pixelated and low res no matter how high the original resolution of the image is, even when exported at 300 dpi (Print Quality settings). PNG and JPG images are flat with no transparency.

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  4. 19 votes

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  5. Character Style is cleared from copied Hyperlink

    June 26, 2020
    Windows 10 Home 1909
    InDesign 15.1 x64

    When copying text, the Character Style of Hyperlink text is not copied.

    Attached is a video showing the problem:
    ITC Officina OTF [book, bold] are used.
    A Paragraph Style is applied to all text.
    A Character Style is applied to the "portfolio" and ""
    "" is an active Hyperlink, as per the Hyperlinks panel
    Once copied, the Character Style is removed from "".

    Bug happens if the Text Frame is copied, and/or if text is copied and pasted into new text box.
    Bug happens in multiple INDD files.
    Bug happens…

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  6. Ungespeicherte Dokumente verloren

    Weil Adobe der Ansicht war, es müsse mal kurz Indesign neustarten und die Zugangsdaten überprüfen, habe ich gerade zwei ungespeicherte Dokumente verloren! Die Arbeit von acht Stunden!
    Es wurde zwar abgefragt, ob ich speichern will oder nicht, aber diese Frage kam so überraschend, dass ich gar nicht so schnell realisieren konnte, was da eigentlich los ist. Ich habe versucht, den Vorgang mit Esc abzubrechen. Daraufhin wurde Indesign ohne Speichern der geöffneten Dokumente trotzdem geschlossen.
    Hören Sie gefälligst auf, Ihre dämlichen Spielchen auf fremden Computern zu spielen! Sie können nicht einfach ohne Vorwarnung und Begründung ein Programm schließen, mit dem gerade…

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    To identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received an email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.

    We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding: Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.

    We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2021(v16.0.0.77) as it is more robust and contains a lot of bug fixes.

    We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  7. InDesign 15.1.1 English dictionary missing plural word spellings

    Since the update every plural word version is not in the dictionary. Simple, basic words like 'years' and 'days' now show as a spelling error. It was working fine before the latest update. Get it fixed - it's pointless having the spellchecker when so many basic words are missing!

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  8. FIle extension should NOT be highlighted in the Save window.

    FIle extension should NOT be highlighted in the Save window.

    This didn't use to happen, but all the adobe apps has started doing this from 2 or 3 updates ago.

    PLEASE REVERT. There's no good reason for the file extension to be highlighted.

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  9. Update to the latest version not possible

    After reinstalling Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe InDesign CC 2018 (version 13.1) on a new Windows computer, it is not possible to update to the latest version 13.1.1.
    Even with a new installation of Adobe InDesign, version 13.0, no update is offered.
    All update installers should be available for all authorized versions * of the Creative Cloud.

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  10. Emojis cropped

    INDD 15.1, Mac OS 10.15.5

    Some emojis character are cropped at the bottom, see attachment. Please fix.

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  11. Darstellungsfehler in der neuen Review-Funktion

    Problem: Platzierung einer (sehr einfachen) nativen Illustrator-Grafik mit einigen Deckkraftmasken funktioniert in InDesign prima, aber in der Review-Darstellung sind plötzlich Elemente halbtransparent zu sehen, die ganz bzw. gar nicht dort sein dürften. Offenbar ist diese Voransicht deutlich weniger präzise als ein erzeugtes PDF ... ?!?

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  12. Random Crashing of InDesign after sitting idle for long periods of time

    InDesign 2020 .1 and following has crashed on my computer a number of times after sitting idle fora long time. I've sent in the crash reports on most of the occurrences of this.

    The second thing that isn't working right is that hide application isn't working right on my mac which is operating using Catalina with a late 2012 iMac 27" with 24 gb of ram. The window just goes inactive but hides the desktop and is in full opaque view.

    and 3. When I open a file that has been made using a customized workspace, the app uses the…

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    To identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received an email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.

    We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding: Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.

    We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2021(v16.0.0.77) as it is more robust and contains a lot of bug fixes.

    We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  13. InDesign 15.11 - Share for review: LINKS panel does not appear, even when Window shows it is active.

    Share for Review only works in Advanced platform, but controls disappear at top. Link window does not appear even when selected. Switched to Book platform and got controls back, but Share for Review comments disappeared.

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  14. InDesign Comment Area for Edits and Notes

    Is there a note feature in InDesign to add notes for edits? I have always added a text box from a copied email but wonder if their is a sidebar utility so I don't loose the notes as I page scroll. Normally I have 2 screens but I think this feature would be cool as I continue my career in InDesign.

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  15. Find/Change queries are changing font (INDD 15.0.3)

    When I save a named find/change query, the font family Clickbits is replaced with Myriad. Individual find/changes work fine, but the queries just won't retain the correct font name.

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  16. caesura


    I would like to suggest for the next version of Indesign to make possible the caesura between two consonants only.

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  17. Kerning Drop Cap Bug // Indesign 2020 (15.11)

    Indesign 2020 (15.11) Adjusting the Space Between my Drop Cap and the Next Letter with kerning doesn't work.

    Nothing happens when i want to adjust the space between the drop cap character and the next character?

    It works just fine just one character further along, and between the character before (The drop cap spans over two characters)?

    So it seems

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  18. Placed PDFs that contain hyperlinks when exported to PDF, links are removed

    InDesign 15.1.1
    macOS Majave
    Acrobat Version (Architecture: x86_64
    Build: 20.9.20067.384717
    AGM: 4.30.101
    CoolType: 5.14.5
    ========= END SYSTEM INFO ========

    Step 1: Open Indesign and place the "Placed PDF.pdf" file on a page
    Step 2: Export the PDF using Adobe PDF Presets (High Quality) select Hyperlinks checkbox on export and save
    Step 3: Open exported PDF and put mouse over hyperlink that was present in document from Step 1.

    Expected Result: would expect the hyperlink to remain clickable when exported from originating PDF

    Actual Result: hyperlink was removed on export and is no longer clickable :( See attached document…

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  19. Type is shifting inside text box upon moving.

    I've been noticing when I use the type tool, I can fill it as normal. Style things with the appropriate fonts/colors but should I move the box it self to a new location the spacing above the font will grow or shrink and shift everything inside that text box. It almost acts like it is adjusting like it has text flow around an image feature selected. Sometimes remove all the styles then re-applying them will fix it but this is issue had been annoying me for maybe the past 2 months.

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  20. color profile changed after copying image box

    color profile changed after copying image box

    InDesign 15.1.1 x64
    Windows 10 Pro

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue
    We are reviewing it

    -InDesign Team

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