[ID-4261000]Hebrew Text with Vowel Points Reorders Incorrectly When Pasted from InDesign to Word
When keying (or importing) Hebrew text, InDesign often misplaces vowel points when two or more vowel points are attached to a single base character unless the base character and vowel points are keyed in a specific order. I don't totally understand it, but it has something to do with Unicode normalization. Microsoft Word gets around this problem, but I can't say how. It would be nice, however, if InDesign could get around it, too.
One Hebrew font, SBL Hebrew, has written Unicode features (?) to prevent the normalization problem, but most fonts cannot do this on their own in InDesign. Times New Roman, for example, sets fine in Word, but the same file in InDesign shows vowel points displaced. The user guide for SBL Hebrew (available easily online) explains the problem better than I can.
Thanks for considering addressing this behavior.

Thank you for reporting the issue. We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
Rivkah Wolfson commented
did you change open type settings to adjust from base character? that's what helps align vowels for me without having to manually use diacritic settings.