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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6903 results found

  1. File name editor in book tool

    It would be incredibly useful if you could use the book editor panel to be able to rename the underlying file. For instance, just before I finalise a textbook, I would like to be able to put chapters numbers in as a prefix to each file.

    At the moment, I have to remove "all" the files from the book. Or rename the files after closing InDesign. Then I patch up the book by using the resultant errors to remind me of which file goes in which sequence in the book. This process is very time consuming and unnecessary, considering the…

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  2. Tagged and other accessibility features not working properly in v15

    It's not consistent, but a variety of issues often occur when exporting tagged files for 508 compliant PDFs. I often have to backsave to v.14 and all works fine in that. Sometimes I will get a pdf that has artifacts or other elements that have different tags than those assigned in the InDesign file. Sometimes I get urls that won't read on the read aloud function. Sometimes things work fine. It's happened often enough that it seems to warrant attention.

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  3. unasked for font changes in 15.0.2

    It isn't so much an idea as a major problem. I upgraded to 15.0.2 yesterday and now fonts are being changed involuntarily and when I go into find font, I can't change them back. The names say they are there but the file looks like ****. I've gone back to InDesign CC 2019 to work, because I am completely stuck in CC 2020.

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  4. Zoom Shortcuts Won't Work

    The shortcuts for zooming in and out will not work (Ctr l+ +/-) very frequently. I have to quick the program every time.

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  5. Tab Palette

    The magnet in the Tab Palette goes to the beginning of the text field. When the text field is too large, it should be able to go to the beginning of the selected text when the text field does not fit on the screen.

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  6. 数値を入力するときにポインターで選択している数字がわからないんですけど


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  7. publish

    Latest version of ID...

    A MP3 file placed into ID with On page load selected in the media panel and placed anywhere in the layers panel, or even alone on a page with no other objects, audio does not play On Page Load when exported to Publish Online, plays fine if you create a button and have that button play the file though.

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  8. Endnotes don't export to ePub

    EPUB Export Endnotes with Hyperlinks

    Version: InDesign CC 2019 – 14.0.3

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Use the endnote feature and in one of the endnotes (preferably after the first one), add a hyperlink.

    2. Export the InDesign document to EPUB

    Expected Result: All endnote references are hyperlinked and the numbers for each endnote are backlinked back to the reference.

    Actual Result:
    Endnote number is missing for all endnotes after the hyperlink that was added to the endnote and no linking occurs after the manual hyperlink. Indesign crashes.

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  9. indesign inside indesign error CMYK on PDF exporting

    Problem in inDesign v15. Previous versión works fine

    I use huge indesign files (wen name it A) inside a indesign file(we can name it B), is cool feature that optimice our workflow. After update, everythink looks working well but when we exporte print file in PDFx1a Format we experiment problems on RGB->CMYK conversión on images os "A"file, when we export from "B" file. But it work fine if we export on the original "A" source file. Some similar issues are detected, leaving space in white or low, strange white image file as described on attach file.

    Not very sure if…

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  10. missing links in books

    When printing or exporting books to pdf InDesign tells me where to find text overflows. But missing or changed links are only mentioned as "there is a missing link somewhere in this document".
    So please tell me where is this missing link.

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  11. Trackpad scroll issues with InDesign v15.0.2 on new MacBook Pro 16" 2.4 GHz 8 core processor 64GBmemory. .

    InDesign v15.0.2 Trackpad is not scrolling well on new MacBook Pro 16" 2.4 GHz 8 core processor 64GBmemory. I just upgraded my equipment to top of line MacBook Pro. and bought the subscription to Adobe all apps. I have been using 2013 MacbookPro with CS6. My files are unresponsive in Indesign. I typically collage with 600+ photoshop images to make is single design on multiple pages. On my old system I was not running into problems except new OS was incompatible with CS6.

    This is unacceptable. I called Adobe and they were not helpful.

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  12. Develop Publish Online for more than one "owner"

    We use your Publish Online function for our white papers, published online on our web. We love a lot about the function BUT there is some important functions we struggle with:

    • Only the owner of the PDF can edit in the published version. We have a team of designers and become dependent on one of them.
    • The PDF is not responsive to other devices
    • Statistics can only be viewed/monitored by the owner, often the designer not the functions that necessary needs this insights.

    Would love if you can develop these functions futher so we can stay Adobe-based!

    Thank you!

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  13. [bug] UI won’t show up although app seems to have launched successfully

    macOS Catalina 10.15.5
    MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)

    Nothing appears when I create a new document or open one. The app seems to be working though because it keeps adding a numeric increment every time I create a new file. InDesign is updated to latest build. Please advise.

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  14. Number 5 does not work Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad

    I have this bizarre bug when I'm typing the number 5 on my bluetooth Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad, the style of my typography changes, and the n° doesn't appear…

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  15. 탐색기나 브릿지와의 호환

    인디자인 cc로 업데이트 한후 탐색기나 브릿지에서 이미지를 가지고 올때 드래그가 안되는 현상이 가끔 발생합니다. 너무 불편합니다. 문제 해결좀 해주세요.

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  16. Power Efficiency

    Since I've moved to working remotely entirely, I've noticed how quickly using several Adobe programs burns through my laptop battery. I'm running a brand new 16" Macbook Pro with the latest MacOS Catalina version, and I'm lucky if I get an hour and a half of battery life while running InDesign and Illustrator at the same time. When I review what is using the most battery life, my Mac lists InDesign, Illustrator, and Core Sync as the main culprits.

    Now, I understand that these programs at times are fairly graphically intensive, but the battery life I'm getting is absymal, and…

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  17. CC Library

    If my groping link broken, and I will be re connect with a file/logo from the cc library, is the new linked file from the library not in the object frame from the document!

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  18. I can not export PDF files

    I can not export PDF files edited in INDESIGN (please check the attached printscreen) and that were created in a former version of the program, prior to the latest update in macOS Catalina Version 10.15.4
    I tried to reinstall the latest version of INDESIGN (15.0.2) and the problem is not solved.
    I will apreciated your help in detecting the cause for the problem and guiding me for the solution.

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  19. caption

    When using the ‘generate live caption’ -and i read more than one data-field- the caption is placed over several paragraphs.
    When this is used in combination with numbering paragraphs (to auto number the pictures) every line gets a new number e.g.

    So this is a pretty useless option right now, I have no idea how to fix this…

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  20. Intraktive Felder

    Bugs in den Fomularfelder.
    Schriftgrad steht auf automatisch. Wenn daraus ein Interaktives PDF generiere wird, wird der Text beim überlaufen das Feldes nicht kleiner wie es eigentlich sein sollte, sondern der Text läuft weiter und ist dann nicht mehr zu sehen!
    So kann die neue 15.1 x64 Version nicht verwenden werden!

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