indesign inside indesign error CMYK on PDF exporting
Problem in inDesign v15. Previous versión works fine
I use huge indesign files (wen name it A) inside a indesign file(we can name it B), is cool feature that optimice our workflow. After update, everythink looks working well but when we exporte print file in PDFx1a Format we experiment problems on RGB->CMYK conversión on images os "A"file, when we export from "B" file. But it work fine if we export on the original "A" source file. Some similar issues are detected, leaving space in white or low, strange white image file as described on attach file.
Not very sure if it is related with:

Odón García commented
I Just made few new test, the problem is on PSD Layer colapse on indesign inside indesign. Not on CNYK conversion. If you colapse al psd layer can solve problem. But if you made a colapsed layer copy on top of psd the problem presist. al least on my computer
Odón García commented
thank you, i have some good experience editing the original file (PSD) placed in "named A file" and sale as CMYK instead RGB file. Most times this work well, so, you need to be more efficient and remove/convert manually from links box any RGB file.
But sometimes error persist even if you change file to CMYK, in that case, we solve exporting "A" file to PDFx1a and linking to PDF file instead INND file. -
rudolf commented
Hello, i reported same problem here (i even send test files to aman) with no solution (he found no problem):
I (as-so) solve this by placing (your A) file in a separate InDesign document and copy/paste this frame (with newly placed A file) to main document (your B). Then it work OK (export B to PDF X1a) - until next update of A document (using right-click and "Edit original file") - then again separate copy/paste is needed for correct export to x1a. Sorry for my english...
PS: it probably has to do with InDesign version upgrade. I had problems with version 14 too, not only 15. My main (B) document comes from even older InDesign version (export to IDML and reopen in new InDesign has no effect to this problem).