File name editor in book tool
It would be incredibly useful if you could use the book editor panel to be able to rename the underlying file. For instance, just before I finalise a textbook, I would like to be able to put chapters numbers in as a prefix to each file.
At the moment, I have to remove "all" the files from the book. Or rename the files after closing InDesign. Then I patch up the book by using the resultant errors to remind me of which file goes in which sequence in the book. This process is very time consuming and unnecessary, considering the amount of synching this triggers.
Kind regards
Mike Howell

Anonymous commented
I agree with the other negative comments. I simply wanted to know how to rename a file in an .indb book and InDesign does not have that feature. Can you believe that? I also had an issue relating to converting a lengthy WORD document to InDesign and again, InDesign does not make the task simple. Hard to believe!!!
NancyGraz commented
I could not agree more with this request.
I have worked for decades in Framemaker, and just recently have had to learn InDesign because my new employer required it. Quite frankly, IMO, InDesign is the spawn of the devil and should never be used for any type of document creation that requires more than one page of text.
Basic functionality, such as being able to rename files within a book, not to mention being able to duplicate and create an independent, non-linked copy of a book and its source files, are all routinely performed by documentation authors. Having to jump through hoops to perform these tasks (among MANY others) is ridiculous.
Nancy Graziano