Power Efficiency
Since I've moved to working remotely entirely, I've noticed how quickly using several Adobe programs burns through my laptop battery. I'm running a brand new 16" Macbook Pro with the latest MacOS Catalina version, and I'm lucky if I get an hour and a half of battery life while running InDesign and Illustrator at the same time. When I review what is using the most battery life, my Mac lists InDesign, Illustrator, and Core Sync as the main culprits.
Now, I understand that these programs at times are fairly graphically intensive, but the battery life I'm getting is absymal, and I'm not even currently working on artwork that is using a lot of complex effects; we're talking basic shape and stroke icons and simple text and shape layouts.
Can you please work on optimizing the programs to prevent excessive battery draining? Core Sync in particular is really confusing; what exactly is it doing? I've even paused file syncing, but that hasn't seemed to do anything.