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5139 results found

  1. Add Creative Cloud Libraries to InCopy

    InCopy users would find CC Libraries very useful in many situations. Why aren't they part of the CC Library party?

    They could import selected graphics from a shared CC Lib to the story (as anchored graphics), same as they can Place them now. They could use them to bring in boilerplate text via linked InDesign text. They could use them to add styles to their standalone InCopy docs (eg, the body style for the INDD file the story will be flowed into). I'm sure there are more uses!

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  2. Make it possible to add ad Swatch from within the Style editing panels

    When editing a style and realising that a certain Swatch is not made yet, is a bit frustrating, since Swatches can not be added on the fly.
    Why not make it possbile to edit a color and add a Swatch in the style editing panel? Or let have styles their own colors without the need of a Swatch.

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  3. 3 votes

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  4. Disable paragraph border end rule across columns in InDesign

    We have option to merge paragraph border for set of paragraphs in InDesign. This results in enabling top and bottom rule for 1st and last consecutive paragraphs only.

    In this case, when a paragraph breaks into next column, then bottom rule will not enable for 1st column(screenshot 1). But if whole paragraph goes into next column, the bottom rule enables for 1st column (Screenshot 2).

    Expectation: But our client has requested to disable the bottom rule in 1st column regardless of how the paragraph breaks.

    Screenshot 1:


    Screenshot 2:




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  5. Display progress bar for long operations

    When working with a big document, there are many operations that take a very long time. For example, generating a TOC, deleting pages that cause text to reflow, etc. Tasks that happen almost instantly with reasonably sized documents can take many minutes when we get into 500+ pgs.

    Currently we only see a spinning beachball (mac) when we get stuck in a long task. There's no way to determine whether it's just going to take a long time, or if indesign is completely locked up. The system sees it as "application not responding," but a lot of times patience pays…

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  6. Save CC prefs across devices

    Seems pretty basic: remember my CC app prefs as soon as I login. So if I get a new computer and login, I don't accidentally download all apps in a language different to what my language setting was on the old machine.

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  7. User defined Indesign Preview Page

    When starting Indesign, you get shown a lightbox of recent files with a preview image. It would be great to be able to user define one page in your document to be the preview image, as sometimes, the first page is not the best to be used to make the difference.

    In my screen capture image, selecting page 3 as the preview image would be more distinguishable.

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  8. Allow to add notes to footnotes!

    As simple as the heading is to "allow to add notes to footnotes!"
    Google Docs, has this option, and and causes problems when importing them with the notes into InDesign, same applies when using DocaFlow

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  9. Workspace

    Please can there be an option to export a workspace, like Swatches and Paragraph styles? Every time with the new update, we have to take 30min to rebuild our workspaces. It would take so much less time to just load our workspace we are used to.

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  10. Drop down menu mixed with replace feature for contacts/agreements

    Inside of InDesign, I'd love a way to use the drop down menu feature that when you select an option inside of there it replaces that word with the newly selected word throughout a document. This would be great for contract/agreements, or any long documents.

    For example the drop down menu could have "marketer", "consultant", "freelancer", etc. Then depending on which item you selected it would replace that word inside the document entirely!

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  11. disable "live-update" of cross-references

    we are working on large document (about 600 pages) with many cross-references (over 3000).
    This leads to a very slow performance and makes working with the document a real test of patience.
    It would be great to have an option to temporarily disable the "live-update" of the cross-references!

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  12. Edit linked spreadsheet table's cell range

    I have multiple documents that contain hundreds of tables linked to cell ranges on different spreadsheets.

    It would be really helpful to be able to edit the linked cell range of each table, instead of having to go through all the table linking steps each time I need to change the cell range.

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  13. Remember last export format

    The recently released feature to remember export settings and have them stick with individual documents was a good concept, but it has not been fully implemented.

    As it stands, all it remembers is the 'type' of file that was exported – which in most cases is pretty pointless. I'm sure people know when they export their file whether it needs too be an EPS or a PDF.

    What I thought the feature was going to be was something that remembered the complete export settings – for example with a print PDF it could keep the info relating to compression settings,…

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    2 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  14. Cleaner Workspace Option

    When working in InDesign, if I click on the Paragraph Styles tab, it opens to the left and covers part of the workspace and scroll bar. If you look at the image supplied, the Properties Tab shows all the options in one place clearly, and it is out of the way.

    Could we have a setting where, when one selects a tab, it opens into a right side panel and does not extend over or into the work space. That will also help when resizing the window.

    this enhancement will help avoid closing tabs all the time, (unless one chooses…

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  15. Add a set of Roman numerals to script fonts.

    I design a lot of invitations and it would be nice not to have to manually create them from other typestyles to look pleasing to the eye. This also goes for addressing them as well.

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  16. Speed up baseline setup

    Setting up a baseline grid can be easier, I think.

    A workflow speed-up like this would be great:

    1) select the basic text
    2) click on a button that does all these things at once:
    - Show baseline grid
    - base the baseline grid on the line height of the selected text without going to the preferences panel (line height, etc.)
    - align the text to the baseline grid

    I think this feature is great for newer, and existing Indesign users and can be a great addition to the feature request in this thread:

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  17. Stroke & Corner Options independent of each other

    We create instruction sheets for setting up/updating retail displays. We use bolder and various colored strokes (object styles) to indicate which items are new to/changing location on/exiting a fixture. If none of these apply, a default (thinner/black) stroke is used. Sometimes the strokes have rounded corners or custom shapes ...and we need to use the stroke option to force the very thick stroke to align outside or it covers up the art within.

    With each new update, we start by setting all strokes back to the default (gloabal find/change) and then change individual strokes as needed. But because Stroke &…

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  18. Toggle Through Align-To Options

    The ability to use a keyboard shortcut to toggle through "Align To:" options.

    I'm constantly manually switching between, "Align to: Margin", "Align to: Page", and "Align to: Selection"

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  19. Restart footnotes after a style

    In addition to being able to restart footnotes every new section, page, or spread, add the ability to restart footnote numbering after a paragraph style of your choosing. Let's say I wanted to have footnotes restart each chapter and each chapter began with a numeral with the paragraph style named "chapter number," then I wouldn't necessarily have to watch or redo my sections, they would just automatically restart (at 1) after each "chapter number" style.

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  20. Create folders and Subfolders in the libraries

    Create folders and Subfolders in the libraries

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