Stroke & Corner Options independent of each other
We create instruction sheets for setting up/updating retail displays. We use bolder and various colored strokes (object styles) to indicate which items are new to/changing location on/exiting a fixture. If none of these apply, a default (thinner/black) stroke is used. Sometimes the strokes have rounded corners or custom shapes ...and we need to use the stroke option to force the very thick stroke to align outside or it covers up the art within.
With each new update, we start by setting all strokes back to the default (gloabal find/change) and then change individual strokes as needed. But because Stroke & Corner options are combined (can't do one without the other), we often lose our custom shapes.
It would be very helpful if Stroke Options and Corner Options could be applied independently (similar to how Size and Position Options can be set to None).
Thank you!