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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6923 results found

  1. Placed PDFs that contain hyperlinks when exported to PDF, links are removed

    InDesign 15.1.1
    macOS Majave
    Acrobat Version (Architecture: x86_64
    Build: 20.9.20067.384717
    AGM: 4.30.101
    CoolType: 5.14.5
    ========= END SYSTEM INFO ========

    Step 1: Open Indesign and place the "Placed PDF.pdf" file on a page
    Step 2: Export the PDF using Adobe PDF Presets (High Quality) select Hyperlinks checkbox on export and save
    Step 3: Open exported PDF and put mouse over hyperlink that was present in document from Step 1.

    Expected Result: would expect the hyperlink to remain clickable when exported from originating PDF

    Actual Result: hyperlink was removed on export and is no longer clickable :( See attached document…

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    3 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  2. placing text at cursor jumps in rtl in InDesign

    When placing a story at cursor using a right-to-left story frame, the cursor is in the wrong place.

    This has also been filed as Bug ID-4219127

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue. We are reviewing it

    -InDesign Team

  3. Disappointed with Adobe

    For me the last 2-3 InDesign updates have been just misery; I cannot work without the spinning wheel showing for every little change I do, so I have had to work on an older version. I was hoping the last update (15.1) would fix this, but no; I had to install an older version again. When will you fix this lagging problem which has been present in every update the last 1-2 years?

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  4. 6 votes

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    FIXED  ·  amaarora responded

    The fix is now available in the latest InDesign update, 15.1.1

    Please update to the latest version to get the fix.

    Adobe InDesign team

  5. save as file name bug

    Suddenly, when saving a file, the Mac interface highlights the entire document name AND file extension. The software has never done this, why the annoying change? Designers often save version numbers, so now it's not as quick to hit the right arrow key, change the version # at the end of the file, then save. The new way it highlights the file name doesnt make sense, because nobody would want to affect the file extension when renaming a file.

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  6. Adobe InDesign (Build 15.0.3) - Italian UI Translation issue

    Good morning,

    I have found a (severe) translation bug in the InDesign 15.0.3 Italian User Interface,

    In the dialog "Text Frame Column Rule Options", in Italian UI "Opzioni regola colonna frame di testo", of "Object Styles" the English term "Rule/Rules" has been erroneously translated as "Regola/Regole" instead of "Filetto/Filetti".

    Thank you for amending it in a future CU, as it is really misleading.

    Claudio Nasso
    Professional translator and DTP specialist

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    Closed: Fixed  ·  amaarora responded

    This issue has been fixed in the latest release of InDesign. Please update the application from Creative Cloud to see the fix.


  7. Adobe InDesign 2020 Super Slow

    InDesign 2020 is super slow. I cannot have two files open at the same time anymore (a problem for me). The response time between mouse clicks is up to 10-30 sec! I have moved my files to an external drive (off of the network to eliminate VPN as the problem), still no improvement. It has crashed, and when prompted I have sent a report. My program is current 15.0.2.

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  8. Placed PNG in InDesign, than export as PNG ... unfortunately the placed PNG displays as grey box.

    Placed PNG in InDesign, than exported as PNG ... unfortunately the placed PNG displays as grey box. I tested the same file and exported it as a PDF and as a JPG the placed PNG is visible. Hardware and software is up-to-date.

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  9. Correct UI Resolution for 4K Screens

    I have a 4K laptop (Dell XPS 15"), and the UI is just too small. Not small as in "I wish it was bigger", but rather "It is impossible to interact with the UI".

    From scrolling through forums and such, it seems that this problem exists since 2014 or so, when 4K screens where a rare sighting.
    But now these screens are becoming more popular, and the fact that they aren't supported by InDesign is pretty absurd. Especially when other programs (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premier etc.) work completely fine.

    I've seen suggestions for workarounds that have to do with setting the…

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    UI Scaling feature (under Preferences) of InDesign 2022 should cater to this requirement.

    Please update to the new version of InDesign to get this feature.

    InDesign team

  10. Font name incorrect when a character style is applied

    If you make a character style that applies "Bold" (or some other font style) and then apply it to text, the font name changes incorrectly in the Font field of the Properties panel or Control panel.

    For example, if the character style applies "Bold" and you apply it to text set to Minion Pro, then the font name changes to "Minion Pro Bold" and the style also changes to Bold.

    This is incorrect. In older version of InDesign it worked correctly: The font name should stay "Minion Pro" and the style should change to "Bold"

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  11. Text frame options: Individual inset spacing when rounded corners are enabled

    Currently the text frame options do not allow different inset spacing on each side if a rounded corner is applied to the text frame.

    We are trying to create a template that has a text box with a gradient background and a rounded corner that bleeds off the page. We need to set the inset to push the inset spacing on one side further than the rest to fit within the page margins, but with the rounded corner this is not possible.

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  12. Needing a smaller swatches panel (minimum 1 line, not 2 lines)

    Context : On most of my documents, with few but very distinct colors, I'll often switch to "big thumbnails". It's easy to distinguish a color from a lighter or darker version.

    But then, when the panel could displays two lines of swatches, I would only need one (see linked file), freeing a lot of screen space.

    Except the minimum size of that panel doesn't go under 2 lines, when 1 would be enough.

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  13. Variable fonts broken with World Ready Paragraph Composer

    Using the World-ready composer essentially breaks the glyph width interpolation of Variable Fonts. The outcome is that text set in a Variable Font will receive the Variable Font's default style's horizontal glyph widths for any axis location, resulting in unusable overlap or gaps.

    Attached you find a sample Indesign file with comparison and a screenshot thereof. This happens with any Variable Font I have tested so var, but to complete the same test case as included, download and install VAR/SourceSansVariable-Roman.otf as well as OTF/*.otf files.

    Link to Indesign file:

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue.
    We are reviewing it

    -InDesign Team

  14. Glyphs automatically replaced with indesign 15.0.1 update

    After updating to version 15.0.1 indesign replaced automatically one of the glyphs of the Source Sans Pro font.
    If the same file is openend with a previous version of indesign, glyph returns to its original appearance.

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  15. Change font without changing style

    Assume that I have selected some text which contains instances of bold, italic, or other "styles" (not INDD "styles," but variations of a typeface within a specific font family).

    In previous versions of InDesign, I used to be able to change the typeface of the selected text, and maintain all instances of bold, italic, etc. In newer versions of InDesign, this is only possible when I navigate to the new font family by scrolling through the menu; when I search for a font family, I am presented with only the specific members of the family, not the family itself. This…

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  16. bullets

    When I convert text to outlines, bullets disappear.
    Adobe Indesign 15.0

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  17. Bug with world ready composer when use space like thin en or em space in Thai language. And bug in text wrapping in 2020 version.

    After updated to 2020 version that added support to Asian languages (include Thai), it look like Indesign force user (in my case Thai) to set language in Advanced Character Formats to Thai. After set the language Indesign also require me to use World-Ready Composer to set all tone marks in place.
    Before the latest version, I always avoid to use World-Ready Composer because it combines a word to single object, not just locks tone mark and float vowel to character in the right position. By which it impossible to navigate with text tool to the position of text that…

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    The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.2.

    Please update your InDesign application to get this fix.

    Adobe InDesign team

  18. Paragraph style bullets and numbering Arabic incorrect display Indesign 2020

    Latest Indesign 2020
    When specifying an Arabic string for Number in paragraph style Bullets and Numbering, the string does not display correctly. Every letter is connected to the letter to the right rather than the letter to the left.

    The wrong behavior is not present in Indesign 2019.

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    4 comments  ·  Styles  ·  Admin →
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    Fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020 – that is, InDesign 15.0.1

    In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.

    Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the updation process.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  19. Indents incorrect when importing Word document

    When importing a Word document that contains some indented paragraphs, the left indent being set to 5mm in Word (for example), once placed in InDesign, these 5mm indents typically show as 4.992mm. This would not neccesarily be a problem except that Find/Change in InDesign will not recognise an indent to 3 decimal places and therefore this cannot be located easily and fixed. This is proving to be a big problem in my workflow as I cannot automate the process of re-styling these paragraphs using InDesign Paragraph Styles with Find/Change. This bug occurs whatever measurement system is used, i.e. mm, inches,…

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  20. I can't open any file after upgrading to Catalina 15.10.1

    Yesterday I switched from Mojave to the new version of MacOS Catalina (15.10.1), and InDesign CC 2019 (updated to version 14.0.3) immediately after switching to the new operating system started to no longer open the files, either from the "Open file" both by double clicking on the file (I also tried to open the files as a copy, but InDesign also crashes in that case).
    Point out that I also tried uninstalling InDesign and erasing all preferences, but the situation is not solved.
    I kindly ask you to resolve the situation (which is not the downgrade to the old Mojave…

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    Fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020 – that is, InDesign 15.0.2

    In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.

    Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the update process.

    Adobe InDesign Team

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