BUG (since CS6!): Nonbreaking Space (^S) Issue with World-Ready-Composer
When using the ›World-Ready Composer‹, the character ›Nonbreaking Space‹ (^S) behaves exactly like the character ›Nonbreaking Space (Fixed Width)‹ (^s); i.e.: in justified paragraphs, its width does not adjust (like regular spaces do), but it is fixed and unchanging.
This only occurs with the ›Adobe World-Ready Composer‹ (both ›Paragraph‹ and ›Single-line‹) and not with the regular ›Adobe Composer‹ (neither ›Paragraph‹ nor ›Single-line‹).
It is not related to the font used, it has been tested with many different fonts.
Versions with this bug, tested and confirmed by myself or colleagues:
InDesign (Standard Version) CS6, CC2015.0
InDesign (Middle Eastern Version) CC2020 (15.1.2), CC2021 (16.0)
I suppose it occurs in all versions since CS6 (when the ›World-Ready Composer‹ was first introduced, afaik)!Steps to reproduce this issue
Enter a few lines of text and insert the character ›Nonbreaking Space‹ somewhere. Choose any of the ›Justify‹ paragraph styles and select the ›World-Ready Composer‹. Switch to the regular ›Adobe Composer‹ with the same setup and compare the result.Expected Result:
The ›Nonbreaking Space‹ should adjust its width just like any other of the regular spaces.Actual Result:
The ›Nonbreaking Space‹ does not adjust its width.Example as Screenshot attached.
(Menu is in German: ›Globaler Adobe-Absatzsetzer‹ = ›Adobe World-Ready Composer‹; ›Adobe-Absatzsetzer‹ = ›Adobe Composer‹)
As far as I know, this issue has been reported only once before (https://indesign.uservoice.com/forums/601180-adobe-indesign-bugs/suggestions/39403822-non-breaking-space-is-smaller-than-regular-space-w). But in this report, it is stated incorrectly that the Nonbreaking Space would be smaller than a regular space. It can, in fact, be larger as well (e.g. in a tight line with regular spaces smaller than their 100% optimum). The real nature of the issue is that it does not vary its size.

Thanks for reporting. We will review the issue
-InDesign Team
Nicolai commented
I would also like to address and push this issue again. It is critical for good typesetting to work with nbsp that adjust in width!
Clive commented
Issue still unresolved in current release of InDesign (CC2023, v18.1, 21-12-22), despite being previously told engineers were working on it and it would be fixed in the latest update.