Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6922 results found
Imported PDF not previewing in high quality
When placing exported PDFs from Adobe XD, High Quality Display previews don't show properly when GPU Performance is selected. You must turn off GPU performance or select Typical Display.
MacOS 10.12.6 mid 2015 MacBook Pro.
1 vote -
beim sRGB jpg export ist Adobe RGB Profil eingebettet
Beim Export eines sRGB-JPG's aus InDesign 2019 ist in dem Foto dann Adobe RGB-Farbraum eingebettet.
Die Farben sind eigentlich korrekt (entsprechen dem sRGB-Farbraum), aber es ist eben fälschlicherweise das Adobe RGB-Etikett eingebettet, so dass die Farben dann falsch interpretiert werden.1 vote -
autocomplete texts in document info form
in the form of document info the autocomplete feature doesn't work. so when i want to add the author of new document, i must write it whole everytime.
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In Design Online Post has changed with updated
We have been using the Publish online Feature for a year. Today, the lastest post displays all the hyperlinks. Attached are two browser versions. Windows looks much like Chrome. Thoughts
1 voteCan you please let us know the exact behaviour difference that you are facing in Publish Online after InDesign 2019 update.
Detailed steps along with your Browsers, Platform, OS and a short video will be very helpful.
You can directy reach me out at sakverma@adobe.comThanks,
InDesign Team -
Endnote Font Size Problems
Version: InDesign 14
Steps: When placing an endnote in a frame "Loaded by Place Curser", the font size used for the end note does not honor the font size determined by the style. This includes when the paragraph style is set in the endnote options, as well as when the paragraph style is applied by selecting the endnote text.
- Create endnote style, and set it in endnote options
- Set endnote text frame to "loaded by place curser" in endnote options
- Add an endnote to the text, and place endnote text frame
- The Endnote text added to this frame does not…
1 voteThanks for reporting the issue.
How are you adding the Endnote text to the frame? Are you copying text and pasting it? If so, have you tried using ‘Paste without formatting’?
Please provide the information that is sought by Payal.Ravi Kiran
Adobe InDesign team -
1 vote
InDesign 14.0 x 64 Margin won't change since software update
When I try to increase or decrease margins, nothing happens. It used to work great until my last software update.
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index does not update
currently Indesign CC2018 and 2019 does not update an existing index but leaves empty text fields....confused
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InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop (most recent versions) are no longer recognizing activated fonts that they recognized 10 days ago. No updates were made to any software. This is EXTREMELY problematic since I can't continue working on numerous projects that use these fonts. This must be fixed immediately. Have tried rebooting, re-installing fonts, etc. NOTHING is working.
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Sometimes when I open a document that I've worked on, some frames (text or/and pictures) have moved 5 mm horizontally. Its random, not all pages but some. This is a great concern since we are doing 164 pages magazines for a client and we have to manually look through every page every time we open the magazine.
1 voteWe have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
Reproducible Steps –
• What were you doing when the issue was observed in InDesign?
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
• Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)
• Does trashing InDesign Preferences and Cache help resolve the issue? Please take a backup of the same before trashing them.Adobe InDesign team
I have updated to OSX 10.14 and now my InDesign freezes when I export a PDF. iMac specs attached. I have to force quit the application each time. The strange thing is that even though the app has frozen and the background task shows the PDF as partially complete it seems the PDF is actually being fully created.
Running InDesign 13.1
1 voteWe have released InDesign CC2019.0.2 with lot of stability fixes. If you are not on then I would recommend you to upgrade to latest version as it is more robust.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue?
• Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If Yes, Can you please provide the document(s)/asset(s)? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)
• Does Trashing preference and cache, please create a backup of Preference and cache before trashing them, help to resolve the issue?Adobe InDesign Team
grey background printed by Mac OS X Preview with PDF exported by Indesign
PDF files with rotated objects with shadow, printed by Preview, have a grey background (not if printed with Acrobat)
1 vote -
span footnote
"span footnotes over columns" works well (Indesign 2018) but when I print with HP Laserjet pro M252 I get only the first column of notes printed (the other blank) also if the text is ok and the PDF export and printing is ok.
Please, help.1 vote -
auto sized frame cuts off text descenders
When a text frame is set to auto resize by height, the descenders are cut off the last line of text.
Indesign 13.1 running on late 2015 iMac, High sierra 10.13.6
1 vote -
Placed type from Word comes in as 'none'
When I place text from a Word doc into my magazine template, the type comes in with the color 'none'. Even when I use a paragraph style that has black specified as the type color, it still stays as none. So I have to select all of the copy and manually change it to black. This doesn't seem to happen in other documents -- just my magazine template. I don't know how to fix it. Using latest version of ID.
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Inconsistent unit names in Czech version
The "points" are called "body" in the Czech langauge., the short version is "b". Unfortunately Adobe CC apps are very inconsistent and you can find "b" (InDesign, Photoshop), "b." (InDesign) or even not translated "pt" (Illustrator).
Please make it consistent. If you can't change it in all Adobe apps, at least make it "b" in InDesign. (Adobe CS 6 is correct, line thickness is represented as "b" while CC displays "b.".
1 vote -
Hi All,
Unable to install "Seagull Textile care v1.0" font in Adobe Indesign CC 2014. Font is not supporting. Please help to fix this issue
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ID 13.1 – no longer accepts mp4 media format?
InDesign 13.1
EXISTING mp4s placed in ID file (for viewing in exported Interactive PDF) no longer work (link not found (yellow triangle), and then when manually re-linked, link shows error in palette (red circle question mark).
Trying to place NEW mp4s, and although file(s) can be found, nothing is placed. Have googled and found nothing.
Updates to CC appear to have happened overnight, and I didn't have any issues last week.
1 voteClosing this, based on user comments.
Adobe InDesign team
Unable to create text anchor from text with an apostrophe in it.
Anytime I create a text anchor out of a piece of copy with an apostrophe in it (ex. What's New) and use it as the destination for a button or hyperlink, the interactive PDF does not redirect to the anchor. My workaround has been to select everything but the word with the apostrophe in it, but I would love to see this fixed in the next version.
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Alt text transposition issue with book files
I'm using a book file to organize a number of interactive forms.
When I export out the forms as interactive PDFs, the alt text that was designated in the "button and forms" panel for that form field sometimes gets switched out for alt text that is used in another form if the fields share the same name. This happens on export whether I use the"Export book to PDF" option in the book panel or I use the "File" option export (ctrl+E keyboard shortcut).
The alt text remains correct in the InDesign file and only gets switched out upon export.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?