Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6832 results found
When language is set to Polish, InDesign insert American ("") instead of Polish quotes („”)
This is very annoying thing. Could you please fix it? (In InDesign CS6 it worked like a charm ;) ).
I'm using the newest InDesign (19.4 x64) and Windows 11 (23H2)
1 vote -
Conflict - when I select "e" and I would like to change it to "ę" (Polish special character) with right alt+e, InDesign opens Export dialog.
Please, remove the Export dialog in this particular situation, this is super annoying.
I'm using the newest InDesign (19.4 x64), Polish version and Windows 11 (23H2)
1 vote -
Request: import of layers when placing a child INDD
At the moment, there is only the option in the extended Place dialog to switch layers of the placed child INDD on or off. Switching layers of a child object should be possible in the parent INDD. Would be way more convenient than right-clicking every child object and select the Layer options.
1 vote -
Objects transformed with the Shear-Tool aren't displayed correctly in Review and with Acrobat Extension for Chrome
In my corporate design, I use rectangles with a shear angle of 45°. However, these rectangles are displayed incorrectly in the Review and in the Chrome browser with the Acrobat extension. Such rectangles are then not displayed at an angle, but as a larger rectangle. In the two uploaded images you can see the comparison of how it is designed in Indesign and how it then looks in the Review.
Correcting this display error is very important to me. Of course, I could also draw the slanted rectangle with the path tool. But this is very impractical because I can't…2 votes -
i have latest pc version of InDesign, 19.4 x64, and Separations Preview no longer shows ink percentages, at all
i have latest pc version of InDesign, 19.4 x64, and Separations Preview no longer shows ink percentages, at all.
1 vote -
eyedropper tool
Since 19.4 the eyedropper tool doesn't work as it should for at least picking up a character style and 'paste' its character style onto one or more words. This is when no text is selected.
When text IS selected, I can pick up a character style from some text that is styled like I want it to, and 'paste' it onto one or more other consecutive words, but not for a second time onto some other (string of) words. So only once useful. Which makes it unusable for this purpose.1 vote -
Linked .Ai path info doesn't match Bridge link info
Since Uservoice for Bridge was shut down, I'm posting here. My InDesign document (latest update installed) correctly shows the path to a linked Illustrator file. In Bridge (latest update installed), the link references the same file through a OneDrive path that does not exist.
I would like to report this to the Bridge team, but I'm not sure how. Or perhaps the InDesign team will know what's going wrong. Getting correct link info from Bridge seemed (at first) like vital capability for complex books with nested links to external files.
1 vote -
Import Fails for User Settings file exported from ID 2024 into Beta
The user settings file exported from ID 2024 is not recognized when I try to import it to Beta.
1 voteWe have explicitly blocked the importing of User Settings from ID2024 to Beta. Refer to for more details.
Sanyam Talwar(he/him)
4 votes
PDF/X-1a:2001 rendering is broken as of v18.4
Exporting using the PDF/X-1a:2001 preset no longer works properly as of versions 18.4. When rendering plate separations for printing using AFGA Apogee prepress software (which has NOT been updated, nor has the OS), the PDF crashes the render and spits out an error. I've checked and confirm that PDFs worked as expected forever until v18.4 and 18.5, which both produce an error. Saving the PDFs as a postscript within Acrobat and distilling back into PDF/X-1a:2001 fixes the problem, so something is broken in InDesign.
Apogee usually provides better error reports than the single "." in that screenshot, which suggests that…7 votes -
Mouse cursor slow when updating links
When updating links (either individually or all at once), the mouse cursor becomes extremely slow. This slowness happens in all applications, not just Indesign. In other words, if I set the links to update while working on other stuff in other applications, the mouse cursor is still super slow.
Using Windows 11. Don't know where you can see the Indesign version number.
1 vote -
Paragraph border gap does not overpint
If a dashed stroke is selected for a paragraph border, its gap does not overprint. See attached screenshots.
5 votes -
Bad bug when previewing image area beyond the picture box crop
There’s a terribly bad bug when previewing image cropping. If you click on an image and hold the cursor down, to preview the image area beyond the picture box window, InDesign literally moves the image inside by a few pixels, so, a) it doesn’t accurately show where you HAD the image placed, and b) you always have to Undo Move Item to restore where you had it placed, which makes picture cropping preview completely useless.
A simple fix would be to show a ghost of what is being cropped when you select the image so that it shows the move…
1 vote -
Variable Font (Source Sans 3) some Characters not available
macOS Ventura 13.5.2 (22G91), InDesign 19.0
Since the update to Indesign 2024 (or version 19.0), some letters can no longer be selected in bold or black for the variable version of the font "Source Sans 3". When adjusting the slider, they become thinner again (instead of thicker) from a weight of 600. It affects e.g. the small a, e and l, but not the i, s... etc. they are also not displayed in the glyphs. With font weights below 600 (up to and including semibold) everything works fine (variable and with font weights). This applies to both the TT-version (download)…5 votes -
InDesign Home Bar
In InDesign 2024 v19.0, there is a new bar at the top that has the home button, share, workspaces & Adobe Stock/help. The bar has no name and no close button. Is not listed under the Window Menu either, so currently it's impossible to hide/close and it takes a lot of vertical space that I rather use for the canvas or other panels.
Please fix this and add a way to close it.
4 votes -
Can't add a single page to the end of a document with spreads. Pages add at weird locations.
When I try to add single page to the end of a document with spreads, either nothing happens, it adds a spread, the single page adds itself to the second spread instead of at the end, or if I try to delete a page, InDesign crashes. This on top of not being able to save PDF settings, and not being able to rearrange the "parent" pages.
I'm reverting back to 2023. 2024 is nothing but bugs. Had enough.
1 vote -
Request: import of conditions of conditional text when placing an INDD
When placing an INDD in another document, layers of the placed INDD are imported, so content in the placed INDD can be hidden or unhidden. The same doesn't work with conditional text, but the principle is the same. Hide/unhide text, for instance in a table, by switching conditions. Handling this by using layers is possible, but way more effortive.
1 vote -
Copying originally English text in InDesign and it's pasting as Chinese characters
Really weird - been trying to copy and paste directly from an indesign file to external documents while sub-editing a page, and noticing it's pasting as a string of Chinese characters.
E.g. see attached screenshot is pasting as:
渀 倀愀爀椀猀 琀栀攀爀攀ᤠ猀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 爀漀洀愀渀挀攀 愀渀搀 栀攀爀攀 椀琀 挀愀洀攀 椀渀 愀 樀漀礀昀甀氀 挀漀氀氀愀戀漀爀愀琀椀漀渀 戀攀琀眀攀攀渀 䜀倀 ☀ 䨀 䈀愀欀攀爀 愀渀搀 椀渀琀攀爀椀漀爀 瘀椀猀椀漀渀愀爀礀 䬀椀琀 䬀攀洀瀀⸀ 䤀渀昀甀猀攀搀 眀椀琀栀 眀栀椀洀猀礀 愀渀搀 䬀椀琀ᤠ猀 琀爀愀搀攀洀愀爀欀 猀琀漀爀礀琀攀氀氀椀渀最Ⰰ 琀栀攀 挀漀氀氀攀挀琀椀漀渀 椀渀挀氀甀搀攀猀 愀 昀愀戀甀氀漀甀猀 猀攀氀攀挀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 猀欀椀渀渀礀 愀渀搀 昀愀琀 氀椀渀攀渀 猀琀爀椀瀀攀猀 瀀氀甀猀 愀 瀀爀椀渀琀攀搀 挀攀氀攀戀爀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 刀漀戀椀渀愀 䨀愀挀欀 挀攀爀愀洀椀挀猀But only into certain programmes. Pastes in English in google search or directly into a google chat, but pasted into Whatsapp desktop or a fresh email or apple notes app (etc) it pastes as Chinese characters...
For reference, using InDesign 2023, font is Adobe Caslon Pro, language is set to UK English...
1 vote -
InDesign 19.4 for MacOS ignores PluginConfig.txt
InDesign 19.4 on MacOS ignores PluginConfig.txt and doesn't load the desired plug-ins on startup.
Steps to reproduce:
- Place a plugin somewhere outside the InDesign app folder.
- Create a PluginConfig.txt that points to this plugin.
- Place the PluginConfig.txt either in the InDesign app folder or the Preferences folder.
- Start InDesign.
- The plugin won't be loaded.
I have checked this on multiple machines and also have confirmation from someone also on the user forums:
The Windows version seems to work correctly.
1 votePlease share the “PluginConfig.txt” for review at
Try the below workaround and let me know if it works for you -
- Quit InDesign.
- In macOS, go to <Install Dir>\Resources\Cookies\ENABLE_POSIX_PATH.
- Launch InDesign.
Thanks and Regards
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
Photoshop Layers Not Displaying or Exporting Correctly from InDesign 2024
Using InDesign 19.3 and placing (via link) a layered PSD into layout, preferred layer visibility (as spec'd in import options) is failing.
Layer is part of a Group in Photoshop; part of the group is visible, part isn't (when viewed in InDesign).
It isn't just a preview issue, because if I export a PDF from ID, the layers aren't visible in the PDF either.
For now, my workaround is to use an earlier (2023) version of InDesign. The layers in my linked PSD preview and export correctly using the earlier version.
I've tried recreating the missing elements (rules) in Photoshop…
1 vote
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