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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6834 results found

  1. Copying originally English text in InDesign and it's pasting as Chinese characters

    Really weird - been trying to copy and paste directly from an indesign file to external documents while sub-editing a page, and noticing it's pasting as a string of Chinese characters.

    E.g. see attached screenshot is pasting as:
    渀 倀愀爀椀猀 琀栀攀爀攀ᤠ猀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 爀漀洀愀渀挀攀 愀渀搀 栀攀爀攀 椀琀 挀愀洀攀 椀渀 愀 樀漀礀昀甀氀 挀漀氀氀愀戀漀爀愀琀椀漀渀 戀攀琀眀攀攀渀 䜀倀 ☀ 䨀 䈀愀欀攀爀 愀渀搀 椀渀琀攀爀椀漀爀 瘀椀猀椀漀渀愀爀礀 䬀椀琀 䬀攀洀瀀⸀ 䤀渀昀甀猀攀搀 眀椀琀栀 眀栀椀洀猀礀 愀渀搀 䬀椀琀ᤠ猀 琀爀愀搀攀洀愀爀欀 猀琀漀爀礀琀攀氀氀椀渀最Ⰰ 琀栀攀 挀漀氀氀攀挀琀椀漀渀 椀渀挀氀甀搀攀猀 愀 昀愀戀甀氀漀甀猀 猀攀氀攀挀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 猀欀椀渀渀礀 愀渀搀 昀愀琀 氀椀渀攀渀 猀琀爀椀瀀攀猀 瀀氀甀猀 愀 瀀爀椀渀琀攀搀 挀攀氀攀戀爀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 刀漀戀椀渀愀 䨀愀挀欀 挀攀爀愀洀椀挀猀

    But only into certain programmes. Pastes in English in google search or directly into a google chat, but pasted into Whatsapp desktop or a fresh email or apple notes app (etc) it pastes as Chinese characters...

    For reference, using InDesign 2023, font is Adobe Caslon Pro, language is set to UK English...

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  2. InDesign 19.4 for MacOS ignores PluginConfig.txt

    InDesign 19.4 on MacOS ignores PluginConfig.txt and doesn't load the desired plug-ins on startup.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Place a plugin somewhere outside the InDesign app folder.
    2. Create a PluginConfig.txt that points to this plugin.
    3. Place the PluginConfig.txt either in the InDesign app folder or the Preferences folder.
    4. Start InDesign.
    5. The plugin won't be loaded.

    I have checked this on multiple machines and also have confirmation from someone also on the user forums:

    The Windows version seems to work correctly.

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  3. Photoshop Layers Not Displaying or Exporting Correctly from InDesign 2024

    Using InDesign 19.3 and placing (via link) a layered PSD into layout, preferred layer visibility (as spec'd in import options) is failing.

    Layer is part of a Group in Photoshop; part of the group is visible, part isn't (when viewed in InDesign).

    It isn't just a preview issue, because if I export a PDF from ID, the layers aren't visible in the PDF either.

    For now, my workaround is to use an earlier (2023) version of InDesign. The layers in my linked PSD preview and export correctly using the earlier version.

    I've tried recreating the missing elements (rules) in Photoshop…

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  4. typografische Anführungszeichen-Funktion funktioniert bei einer Datei plötzlich nicht mehr

    Problem: Plötzlicher Ausfall der korrekten typografischen Anführungszeichen

    Guten Tag,
    ich arbeite mit dem aktuellen InDesign unter Ventura.
    Bei einer Datei, an der ich seit Tagen arbeite, funktioniert plötzlich die voreingestellte Funktion der automatisch korrigierten typografischen Anführungszeichen. Es werden nur noch US-Zoll-Zeichen erstellt.
    Programm-Neustart sowie Rechner-Neustart helfen nicht.
    Auch speichern als idml und Wiederherstellung daraus brachte keinen Erfolg.
    Bei anderen, sehr ähnlichen erstellten Dateien sowie bei neuen Dokumenten funktioniert es einwandfrei.
    Schließlich habe ich einen Work-Around verwendet: Im Miniatur-Modus das gesamte Dokument in eine jüngere Datei kopiert: Alles geht wieder.
    Meine Frage: Was hätte ich noch (Einfacheres?) tun können? In welcher…

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  5. Publish Online does not zoom in/out or change orientation properly on mobile

    I am using InDesign 19.3, and have been using Publish Online to create dozens of magazines in digital format. I have just realized, however, that when viewing them on phones (either Apple or Android), the orientation switches are klunky and zooming in/out does not work very well. We do have the code embedded in a simple frame so that it can be branded with our logo. That should not make a difference, however. This problem seems to go far back in the forums and there have been no improvements or updates over time. Is there anything in the pipeline to…

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  6. Can't add paragraph- or charactar styles to CC library

    Whenever i add a pargraph- or character styles to a CC library it simply wont add it. It says that the character - or paragraph style is not supported in Indesign. This happens with new and old libraries, character- and paragraph styles just dissapeared in older libraries. This makes the libraries unworkable.

    Adobe indesign 18.5

    To reproduce:
    - add a character - or paragraph style to the library
    - watch it disappear from the library

    expected result:
    - the character- or paragraph is added to the library, so it can happily be used for the book and all it's chapters…

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  7. Data Merge – PDF-Image Error

    Hi there
    We have the alarming situation, that we did some data merge with a bill in it which is set up as a image (PDF). We did a PDF for the costumer to check the personalization.
    Afterwards we did made the PDF for printing.
    Thats were the problem started, because the PDF of the bill was getting importet wrong. in the firstplace we imported the PDF with the Mediabox but since we edited some other files and placed some other PDF with trimbox the setting was saved in the indd presets and on the data merge we got the…

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  8. Some pages/spreads are turning black/gray and page numbers are registering as PB

    When scrolling through a document, the backgrounds on some pages turn black/gray, and the page numbers on those pages register as "PB" instead of the correct page number.

    Restarting InDesign did not solve the problem, and opening the file in regular InDesign also did not correct the problem. I could only recover the file by saving it as a .idml and reopening it.

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  9. InDesign Windows all over the shop

    I am currently using three screens for my work. Whenever I select a window from the menu, the flyouts appear in a hidden or hard-to-see location on any of my screens, usually in the bottom left corner. As a result, I can only see the header of the flyout, which becomes problematic when it is hidden behind other flyouts.

    In my opinion, when a window/flyout is selected from the menu, it should appear in the centre of the active screen and on top for easy visibility.

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  10. Hide spread does not work with publish online

    InDesign v 19.0 - Publish Online
    I welcomed the fairly new 'Hide Spread' option, which is long overdue. But unless this is a bug, I am astonished that the hide spread feature does not work when you use the Adobe Publish Online option!?
    I think the initial message said the hidden pages will be excluded when exporting (to PDF I presume), but I assumed it would also work when using the Publish Online option!
    But my experience publishing online just now shows me the hidden pages are always included. I changed paste board set-up to 'Digital Publishing' in case that…

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  11. XML tags are not allowing inside Footnotes

    We are handling huge STM Books and Journals and following XML workflow. Some of our books and journals will have huge footnotes with contents coded with client provided DTD. When applying the XML tagging to footnote contents, InDesign showing a warning that it's not allowed (attached the screenshot for reference)

    Due to this limitation, we're handling the XML based footnotes with different approach and unable to utilize the benefits of usual footnotes features, which includes footnotes moving to next page when the footnote references are moving, flowing the part of footnotes into next page(s) when the contents are exceeding the…

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  12. Why can't the "cell style" control the height of the line in the table?

    Why can't the "cell style" control the height of the line in the table?
    If the "cell style" can control the height of the line, it will definitely save a lot of unnecessary operations. I wonder why it should be set manually?

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  13. Can the panel only push to the right? This will exceed the screen on the right.

    Can the panel only push to the right? But when the panel is on the right, I hope to double -click the panel, and it will push left to the left, otherwise it will be beyond the right screen on the right.

    Perhaps, some people say that you can be close to the right edge, and naturally push away to the left.
    I know this, but this is not what I need.
    I need more flexible settings.

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  14. InDesign not responding, unable to close when a file is closed

    I am using InDesign (18.5), whenever I closed one file the whole InDesign became not responding, unable to close, open new file, or do any at all. I have to open task manager to force close every time.

    Is this an issue with the new version or others. Please help.

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  15. Please fix tool panels going off screen

    Tool panels are an absolute nightmare in Indesign. The detection of, in which direction the panel should open is buggy. I have the Application Frame on my main screen and the tool panels all on my second screen. The setting panels never pop up into a direction where it's handy. They just go outside of the screen.

    Also, when having some tabs open and some collapsed, it's an absolute nightmare to open a different one. InDesign does not care about how big your screen is. It just makes the panel bigger and bigger and go out of your screen making…

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  16. Indesign dont open pictures from ekstern SSD disk (Ctr D) not funktion (Indesign 9.3) Samsung SSD T7

    Bildene ligger på SSD disk, men får ikke åpnet de når jeg jobber i Indesign og trykker på CTR D, eller Ctr O. Timeglasset bare går.

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  17. Font window

    Font window frozen in center of screen, won't go away. Using Indesign 18.0 for MacOS.

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    1 comment  ·  Crash/Freeze/Hang  ·  Admin →
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  18. About InCopy pop-over window unable to close

    In the process of looking up the InCopy version number for another bug report, I opened the About InCopy window. This opened on my second screen and will not clear. There is no exit button, ESC does nothing, clicking it does nothing, clicking the links changes the content of the box but doesn't open any other options, clicking away from the box sends it behind the current window but does not close it. I cannot use InCopy as it is unresponsive underneath this pop-over box. The box can be cleared by closing out of it in Alt+Tab gallery, but the…

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  19. Scroll bars and status bar disappear in InCopy

    InCopy scrollbars and status bar (page navigation) disappear and there doesn't seem to be an identifiable way of turning these back on. Working on a corporate device so cannot test the 'Run as administrator' fix that is suggested on another forum online.

    Scrollbars and status bars are available on start up but disappear if you use the zoom tools, the device sleeps, or if you are active in another window (e.g. a browser) for some time (not sure precisely how long). Closing and reopening the program fixes the issue, but it is irritating to have to check in all stories,…

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  20. Bicubic Downsampling artifacts

    When an image is exported to PDF with Bicubic Downsampling selected, the interpolation creates a a column of pixels which seem to be duplicated from the column immediately preceding it. This isn't very noticeable on full images, but on specific cases, like the round circle attached, it creates an unsightly "bump out" that alters the shape of the circle.
    This does not occur if Average Downsampling is selected, so that's the immediate solution to the problem, but maybe the ID team needs to look at how Bicubic Downsampling is applied and if there's any way to improve this interpolation.

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