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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6911 results found

  1. Can't set spacing between paragraphs using the same style to ignore

    When trying to set spacing between paragraphs to ignore I get an error. See attached file. Can you fix?

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  2. QR code clickable

    Hello. I have an idea regarding the InDesign program. It would be great if the generated QR codes in the interactive PDF were clickable. Is it possible to implement this? Currently, I manually assign hyperlinks to each QR code.

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  3. Montserrat typeface's; semi bold, bold, extra bold & black has issues displaying in Id

    Version 2024 19.0

    When I change the font to Monserrat with one of the mentioned styles most of the glyphs are wrongly presented for example if i choose bold most of the letters seem to be light rather than bold, with a few like 'o' and 'E' displaying as the right style, when they should all be displayed as bold.

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  4. Crop marks encroach inside bleed zone

    I work in a print shop. Bleed and crop marks should NEVER, NOT EVER, encroach into the bleed zone. InDesign should be set up to default the crop mark offset to automatically match the specified bleed, so that the crop marks in a PDF appear OUTSIDE of the bleed zone.

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  5. Indesign 2024 not working with window-snapping apps

    I recently upgraded to InDesign 2024. I use BetterSnapTool to arrange my app-windows in order to have a efficient and practical workflow. But InDesign 2024 does not work with BetterSnapTool (BST) or any other window-snapping apps due to this reason I received from the BST support:
    "Unfortunately all window manager apps on macOS are affected by this, Adobe has broken their window resizing behavior in their recent updates. Their products do not respond correctly to window resizing requests using the macOS Accessibility API anymore. As of now I don't think there is anything I can do to fix this. If…

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  6. Table Stroke adjusment panel

    On the Table Stroke adjustment panel, the thin blue lines are difficult to see for someone with color deficient vision or reduced visual acuity. I suggest increasing the width of the highlighted stroke to indicate which are selected.

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  7. Images or graphics disappear (Mac M1; Sonoma 14.5) (ID V19.4)

    Hi, It
    This Problem happen >> InDesign performance issue: Text disappears while editing <<
    I'm unable to copy images or certain objects.
    Images or graphics disappear, and I can't click or select them, even though they're still visible in the layer panel.
    I've tried using the "Alternate" function, but the image still disappeared.

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  8. Find Color not working

    Find Color [in document] fails to find specific color swatches.

    1- I deleted all unused swatches.
    2- I tried to track down redundant or undesired swatches that remained (in example, it was a pantone red/orange)
    3 -"Find color" could not locate where swatch was used
    4- I deleted the pantone swatch and converted to magenta in order to visually locate magenta in my document since "find color" did not do so.
    5- Found the color in a text field

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  9. undo() does work, but spawns pointless error

    // ----
    function inner() {
        var doc = app.activeDocument;
        var i = doc.layers.length;
            while (i-->1) {
    function outher() {
        app.activeDocument.undo(); //<- wrong error, it actually works
    // ----

    Also, this error is not ingnorable: if you put undo() in a try-clause, it doesnt work.

    Alsoalso, the different undo-modes ( are NOT sufficient explained. At least write some whole sentences on how they actually differ.

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  10. Running Header issue with anchored textframes (for alternative titles)

    If I use an anchored textframe to have abbreviated versions of the headlines as running head, they override every following trigger until the end of the story.

    I use character styles as trigger set to 'last on page'.

    Please fix this. (Or configure a better way for customizable running headers. Preferable in combination with the table of content)

    See also the following post:

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    0 comments  ·  Text/Story/Table  ·  Admin →
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  11. Text Variables Do Not Work with Auto-Size Text Boxes

    When I create a text box that has auto-size (width only) enabled and then insert a text variable (e.g. "modification date"), the entire text variable is collapsed into the width of a single character. It is as if the dynamic width of the text variable causes a bug in the calculation of auto-size, such that the width cannot be determined, and so it all collapses into the width of a single character instead, with all of the characters rendered one on top of the other.

    Very disappointing bug, because dynamic text variables and auto-size are a natural fit for one…

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  12. screen flickering sonoma

    I know this is a known issue, but after 4 months, I would have hoped that a fix would have been developed by now. My fault for now researching before upgrading to Sonoma, but come on guys. I seriously can't believe how terrible my experience has been with both the new Macs and Adobe software. I have been doing design for 18 years, and have never had as much trouble in that time as I have had from both company's products in the last year. This is ridiculous! It is unfortunate for users that we have no other viable options…

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  13. last letter in text frame disappears from PDF Hebrew

    We're having issues with the last letter or the punctuation at the end of a sentence disappearing when the file is exported as a PDF. Primarily happens with right-to-left language, we're using Hebrew.
    Been happening since the update to 19.0 onward.

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  14. Colours not previewing when changing Paragraph rules and text colours

    When changing the colour of text or paragraph rules in my document, the colours are not changing on the page - they are still showing as white, even though both rules and titles have been changed to orange.

    If I drag the text block off the page to the bleed/slug area, the correct colour change can be seen. When I export the pages to PDF the colour is also showing up correctly, yet I can’t see them when working in the document. See screen shot below.

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  15. Panel flyout menus do not open on external displays/expanded desktops — they open only on primary display

    I keep all of my tool palettes on a secondary monitor on Mac OS (now Sonoma) running the latest version of InDesign.

    None of the flyout menus will open when the tool palettes are on a secondary display. However, I find if I drag the tool palette over to my Primary display, the flyout menus work again (until I drag them back to the external display).

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  16. PDF Workflow shows syntax error in exported PDF Version 18.5

    I read that there was some Problems with PDF export since InDesign version 18.4. And i want to report that there are still issues with the latest version 18.5. Our Workflow reports syntax error in pdf and aborts procession. Its a full stop, no detailed error messages were shown. The only solution for us is to place the PDF again in older InDesign (17.4) and export a PDF from there.

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  17. opening an IDML zeroes the pasteboard dimensions

    EVERY time when I open the IDMLs (probably from previous version of indesign - now I have 19.4 x64) the pasteboard dimensions are set to zero.
    And only with IODML - opening INDD goes normal.

    I think its a last update issue.

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  18. Find/change

    Find/Change is really slow to search when i add a Find Format style [None] in the search.

    The search works fine in my document if I just search on a text word or other styles but when I add [None] to ensure it doesn't change other character formats applied it then takes forever to find it.

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  19. InDesign black screen after I disconnect from the external monitor

    Black screen in InDesign after disconnecting from external monitor. If I close InDesign and restart it, it works again. But that's very annoying for my colleagues and me.

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  20. Application frame not re-aligning after screen change.

    Waking my MacBook after disconnecting from a secondary (and larger) screen, often leaves my Application frame in the previous size. And due to the fact that this formerly connected screen is much larger than my MacBook, it leaves the frame in a size and postion which makes it impossible to fetch, resize, or drag it to a hot area to force it to re-arrange properly.

    Resetting the workspace, or switching application frame off/on, doesn't help. I have to Quit/Restart InDesign to let it realign its frame to the new screen size.

    InDesign version 19.3, MacOS 12.6.2.

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