ICML export doesn't preserve the paragraph styles of endnotes.
- Adobe InDesign 14.0.2
- Export a story containing endnotes as ICML
- Endnotes should be styled properly
- Endnotes lose the applied paragraph style
- UserVoice will not allow me to attach an IDML or INDD file. I can email it if needed.
What this means is that anyone using InCopy will lose the paragraph styling of their endnotes.

Thanks for reporting the issue. We are looking into it
-InDesign Team
Anna Christian commented
We are having this same issue with Adobe InDesign version 17.2.1 and Incopy. @amaarora -- Please update us on status of this issue. It is disrupting our workflow.
Janet Romero-Bahari commented
Adobe InDesign version 17.2.1 and Incopy version 17.2 and 16.4.1
Endnotes paragraph styles still lost when working from Indesign to Incopy.
Definitely a delays our production and workflows. Looks like its under review, any status update?
Chris Roueche commented
Adobe InCopy & InDesign versions 14, 15, & 16
To support and expand...
Editing a story with InCopy shouldn't change the styling on the story's endnotes.
Paragraph styles applied to endnotes are being overwritten when the story's link is updated. Adobe's help documentation says endnotes can be styled by the user in the "Work with endnote text" section of https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/endnotes.html
"You can select and apply character and paragraph formatting to endnote text"
which would lead a user to believe that custom endnote formatting is both allowed and supported. However, the update's ICML import is modifying endnote formatting in a way that can scramble or even lose user-applied styling.
Attached (lostformatting.png) is a screenshot of a multi-paragraph endnote (Id1) that has been lightly edited in InCopy and then updated in InDesign (Id2). While user-applied overrides and character styles were retained, the small red arrows indicate lines in the 2nd endnote where formatting was lost when the ICML import forcibly changed the applied paragraph style to the document's endnote paragraph style (as specified in Type > Endnote Options > Endnote Formatting).
The 2nd endnote has become a mishmash of formatting. For some reason, the entire endnote now has a "regular" font face applied as an override, negating the "bold" face of default endnote style, even in the first two lines (whose paragraph style didn't change). Line 1's user-applied character overrides were retained, as was line 2's character style run. Line 4's "italic" face, previously supplied by its user-applied paragraph style, was retained with an override created during the forced style application. Line 3's "small caps" attribute, previously supplied by its user-applied paragraph style, has inexplicably disappeared.
The 3rd endnote's user-applied paragraph style was also changed by the update, but its formatting was largely retained using an attribute override created during the style's application.
Attached (highlights.png) is the same update with the style highlighter enabled, to better show the extent of the damage.
Anonymous commented
This bug is still not fixed with Adobe InDesign 16.0
[Deleted User] commented
The ICML export is actually fine, as are footnote import and exports. It's just the import that is losing the endnote paragraph styles.