Object Style Options: XY Offset < 1440
MacOS High Sierra
InDesignCC 2018 13.1
When setting up Object Style Options > Size and position options > Position > Adjust X OR Y,
it’s impossible to manually enter any value bigger than 1440 px (pt), regardless of page size.
Thanks for reporting this issue. We’re reviewing it.
Adobe InDesign team
RmndLnctt commented
This limit is absurd!
Travis Martin commented
Come on, Adobe! You charge us the big bucks for software. Let's get this improved!
Craig Wright commented
Why is there a still a 1440px limit? This should be a relatively quick fix for the amount of updates that have been out since 2019.
It makes absolutely no sense to cap the auto-size of an image container to 1440 when documents and images can be any size.
There's a few bugs in InDesign like this that really need fixing with the updates that go on. Please help us out.
Julie Anderson commented
This is a big problem when setting up pages to export for slide shows or video at 1920 x 1080 (standard 16:9). I have 101 pages with captions that need to line up 54px from the right margin. Please fix this !
JO commented
Still an issue way over here in Indesign 2020
Graham Lucas commented
Glad I found this - thought it was an issue with my document and wasted the last 30 minutes trying to solve! Why such arbitrary limitations Adobe?