Break hyphenated words at hyphens
Please make it so that hyphenated words always break at the hyphen when they break between lines.

LauraAdobe commented
I would appreciate this feature. Please and thank you.
Josh Langman commented
Agreed, this should be an option in the hyphenation settings. It is required for conformation to many standard style guides.
Anonymous commented
@Robert: There's a better way than adding soft returns. Add the hyphenated word(s) to your user dictionary with a tilde (~) in front of the word. That tells InDesign not to hyphenate the word. But actually, InDesign will hyphenate the word only at the hard-typed hyphens. Example:
will only break as
pumpingOnce added to your user dictionary, each hyphenated word with its hyphenation override will remain for future use.
Of course, there are thousands of hyphenated words out there, so it will take a long time before you fill up a user dictionary with them all. It would be MUCH better if InDesign performed this exception by rule.
Robert Kern commented
Very much needed. I spend hours fixing loose likes by adding soft returns to split compound hyphenated words on the hyphen. I'm really confused as to why InDesign doesn't naturally break words on the hyphen??? Makes no sense and creates tons of additional work!!!
Paul Nylander commented
TO clarify, what we need is for InDesign to break compound hyphenated words at the hard hyphen, rather than adding extra hyphenation, when breaking words across line breaks.
That is to say, a reader's self-
interest is ok, but my self-in-
terest is not.