Table of content – Styling improvement
1) Please make the TOC dialogue box scaleable: especially the include paragraph styles box is unmanageable (long names are not visible and after applying settings to a style it scrolls back to the top of the list)
2) Please include option to strip or override character styles in TOC
At the moment you need a lot of paragraph styles to set up the TOC, especially when having multicoloured headlines, both in document and TOC
3) Please give text boxes an option "include in TOC" (helpful when having the same headline on several pages) and the option to enter alternate wording and line breaks. For easier formatting of the TOC it would be great to have the possibility to make groups (chapters)

Anonymous commented
I agree with the suggested improvements to TOC styling
I would go one step further
You should be able to do TOC specs in the Paragraph Style window
Maybe another item down the left side for TOC specs
Like a button to include in TOC and how to style it, just like TOC styles
This way you could save a lot of time by setting up the TOC styles at the same time you are adding Paragraph Styles, at the point of creation instead of after the fact. -
Kelly Vaughn commented
YES! We should be able to expand the TOC dialog box both in height and width. There is a bunch of waster space on the right hand side, below the OK and cancel buttons. At the very least, the "Include Paragraph Style" and "Other Styles" areas should have a horizontal scroll bar. As it is right now, long paragraph style names get cut off. This is amplified when those long paragraph style names are also levels 2 and higher, which indents them in the list, making even less of the name visible.
On my Mac, when I click "More Options" the dialog box increases in width even so slightly, maybe by 1/8". But sadly, this does not add any additional width to the Styles section.