External Paragraph Styles (to keep all documents in sync easily)
I would like to have external paragraph styles (and other styles too) so that they can apply to multiple documents and keep all documents using them in sync with the same set of styles.
Dylan commented
It would be perfect if they behaved like an image, any change to the source gets updated everywhere! I tried doing this using CC Libraries hoping they'd link, but not quite and it's clumsy as hell too.
Evan commented
That would be awesome. I really want to see InDesign's styles become standardized to the point where they could live externally and be importable/exportable/editable much like CSS files, or ideally even *BE* native CSS files. Many properties would of course be indesign-specific, but common things like colors, font sizes, etc could be expressed in vanilla CSS, making transitions between web content and print content nearly seamless.