Continuous tables with a secondary header
Where tables with assigned headers and footers need to continue to have headers and footers on subsequent pages when threading, the actual header text is rarely used for any part of the table but the first page of it. Why is there not an option for a secondary header for continued tables? Keep it the same style for the headers, but allow it to be set and editable. It is such a common need, and publication designers are forced to use an inefficient workaround. Please add this "secondary header" option when creating table headers and footers. Thank you.

Nora Kirkeby, production artist commented
I need this so badly on my current 300 pg project.
Reginaldo Nepomuceno commented
Hi! I've just been in the same situation, and in this case I've replicated the table across the text box, and this text box automatically flows through pages by master page.
This way, no matter how I stack the tables, whichever table is split between the pages gets a header, and the same look and feel.Does that help?
Ray Robertson commented
We really need this as well, but with the addition of "continued" text in the subheader. I voted here but also created a new topic named "Continued table subheaders (and headers)". Thanks.
Andrewtb333 commented
I was going to post something but just wanted to check your idea is the same as mine. Say your table header row is "Level 1" and coloured dark blue. You then have Level 2 subheading rows that occur often throughout a table, and are coloured a pale blue. When you go to page 2 of the table, you want it to start with the dark blue Level 1 as usual, and then repeat the last-used pale blue Level 2 row?
I often have tables that go on for pages at a time and although I need the main table header to show what each column is, I want the Level 2 rows to repeat so that the rows are in context (showing what grouping they belong to, which is the function of the pale blue rows).
At the moment I have to manually insert the pale blue row at the top of the next page, and if I add or delete rows before it, it ends up in the wrong position as it's not "locked" to the top of the page.