round corners on tables
External round corners on tables

Christian Cbar commented
Depuis le temps que tout le monde le demande, pourquoi ce n'est toujours pas mis en place ? :/
Ashley Eden commented
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theres commented
Everytime i refresh the excel table that is linked tho the products of the catalogue, i have to go through and apply paragraph styles manually. I had to make around 8 different paragraph styles to cover the different positions of the corners. It was the easiest way i could think of rounding the corners.
Tina DeJarld commented
I am working on a new account that uses tons of tables and the designers love rounded corners. Currently we have to paste each table into another shape that has rounded corners. And the best part is that all of these have to be threaded to each other. We have to pull out the shape and the table paragraph to get to the in and out ports and then close the shape back up. Would be so much simpler to have a rounded corner option in Table Setup.
Jonathan Steury commented
Andrew Quicke commented
And table cells and to groups of table cells. While they're at it, throw out the whole table system and redesign it from scratch, it's a lemon of the highest order.
Helal Uddin commented
definitely timely demanded now.
Eva commented
Yes, yes, yes! Please!
Anonymous commented
should be so easy!!!!
Anonymous commented
YES!! ! PLEASE!!! :-)