Improving table styles
Problems in the development of tables
Currently we have some drawbacks when it comes to automating as much as possible the application of the tables by using "table styles", this is because our tables have 4 different sectors (hotrizontals), unlike the possibility that Indesign offers only 3 types of rows "header rows", "footers rows" and "text rows". This, for the moment, we solve it in the following way: once we apply the style of table, we select the rows that we want to change and we apply by hand the "cell style".
One possible solution is that the "style of tables" menu will allow you to incorporate more rows according to need, choosing the cell style you want and even being able to define in those headers parameters such as the number of rows they will occupy.

george commented
All the changes below would be a truly welcomed improvement to InDesign. AI improvements are OK, but the real bread and butter of improving existing features far outweigh some pie-in-the-sky dream of typing some words and having InDesign generate everything I need. Please stay focused on the basics designers need to help manage their tasks and don't get lost in the latest fads.
Corin Martin commented
It would be good to be able to select only verticals or horizontals in the borders. At the moment there's just outside and inside when I'd imagine most tables are styled in the vertical/horizontal.
Mark Allender commented
I am frequently placing large amounts of data into stylized tables where the first and last column have unique styles, as well as the bottom row.
I wish beyond simple cell styles, we could enter a kind of logic. With copy and paste, the cell styles get messy
- commented
It is an actual shame how pitiful the table function is. You can't even round the corners on a table! Please stop making us use workarounds that literally triple the amount of time spent designing.
Sally commented
Table row height needs to be a feature in cell style plus multiple sub headings would be great. Working with price list tables that have been a nightmare without being able to set header row and sub header row heights in styles, tedious work selecting each row (not even being able to select numerous rows which don't follow each other) to alter the heights of both.
How many of you work with a table with one header row? The option for multiple sub header rows would be great, rather than Header, body and footer...
Anonymous commented
Tables in InDesign are a nightmare. Applying styles sometimes works and sometimes doesn't work even after completely removing existing styles. Why can't we set row heights & column widths in a table style?
Stuart McCoy commented
I too would love to see a more graphical approach to table design in InDesign. The convoluted method we currently have leads to unexpected results and often is a limiting factor in how flexible tables truly can be in InDesign. Get rid if the cell styles palette, combine it with table styles, then provide users with a graphic 6x6 grid preview with definable zones for header, subhead, footer, and body rows. Make the body row zone have rules for how to handle repeatability for things like row strokes and background color fills. Also, make it easier to remove any existing styles and apply a new table style to text with only one or two clicks.
Steve Edwards commented
It would be great to have a more graphical way of creating styles for tables. In particular the horizontal/vertical rules which just seems really fiddly to me and quite easy to click on the wrong thing and then mess up the design. I think that Microsoft are on to something with the way Word handles table design. It's not perfect but just seems more intuitive.