Auto update the Table of Contents when saving or PDF'ing
Currently you have to REMEMBER to update your TOC before you export to a final PDF (or before a final print). It would be helpful if it updated automatically upon saving or maybe include it as an option in the Adobe PDF presets, checked by default together with "View PDF after exporting" etc.

Anonymous commented
Someone was able to do it
InDesign Extension: Auto-Update Table of Contents -
Anonymous commented
The Preflight Panel would be a great place for Adobe to include a "TOC needs update" notification.
Anonymous commented
A button to update the TOC from anywhere in the document would be useful - as well as something to highlight it needs updating.
Jonathan Hale commented
This would be a great feature, have definitely exported a document and sent to a client only to realize I forgot to update the table of contents on that last draft... ouch. Remembering to update things is something computer software is much better at than humans!
Claudio Marconato commented
An option in the Preflight panel to show not-updated TOC should be great
JK commented
I agree that an option is needed.
I'm using conditional text and must update TOC each time I need to output a set. -
Tim Sheasby commented
I agree with Lori, this should be a check-box option AND/OR the pre-flight on export can warn when TOC needs updating.
Lori Curran commented
I would prefer this as an option. Many of my documents require tweaks, and though it's aggravating to have to remember the TOC, it would be even more aggravating (read, frustration to the point of tears) if those tweaks were impossible because of an automatic TOC update.
My tweaks are mostly minor, because I haven't figured out what's causing them. For example One, out of 50 items constantly bolds, even though it uses identical styles. TOC tweaks may occasionally be major, I don't like where a page breaks and want to adjust the text object's heights, or choose to put in a page break instead.
Thanks for letting me add my two cents. :)