Continued table subheaders (and headers)
- Our main need is a way to specify "subheader" rows which will repeat after the main header at the top of each page. In the screenshot, "Bank of America" with gray shading and "Canadian region" are both examples of subheader categories which appeared previously in the table. We need them to continue to appear as a subheader row, underneath the main header, with an option to add text (in this example, "cont."). Note we need the ability to style the additional text.
A GREP style which could be used on the subheader row would be even better, as sometimes the table does not include all of the subheader text in the continued row. An example: The original subheader might read "Bank of America NA ($54,890)" and the client wants the subheader continued row to only show up as "Bank of American NA cont." So a GREP look behind feature would be great.
- A secondary need for which we have a workaround…The main table header (in green in the screenshot) also needs "cont." added on subsequent ages. Our present workaround is to go ahead and include "cont." in the first table header, but under Table Options select Header, Repeat Header: Once Per Page and check "Skip First". On the first page of the table, we then insert a header row not defined as a header row. Not obvious, but it works.
The continued subhead feature would be extremely valuable to us because we have tables which run dozens of pages long, as is the case with many users who work with long tables. Now, the subheader rows must be manually inserted at the top of each row. Although we have written scripts to do this, the problem is when the table is edited by rows being added or deleted. The manual subheader rows must then all be deleted and then re-added.
Thanks for listening.

Shivaram Allva commented
4 years ago?
Anonymous commented
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!!!