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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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If you are facing a crash in InDesign, please submit the crash report as well. How to Submit Crash Report
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260 results found

  1. Scrolling too slow

    Adobe needs to improve scrolling speed. When using the slider, InDesign can't keep up with it.

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  2. Color Picker causes InDesign to Crash

    Every time I try to use the eyedrop Color Picker tool in InDesign it causes InDesign to crash and close. It will not allow me to drag the eyedropper to pick up a color, and if I try to drag the eyedropper it makes the color box freeze to where I cannot click "Ok" or "Cancel" and I need to press the "Esc" button on my keyboard to get out of the color box. Shortly after closing the color box, InDesign will crash and close. I have tried updating InDesign to the newest version, turning on/off my computer multiple times,…

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    If you are still seeing this crash happening in InDesign, please do the following:

    1. do a screen recording
    2. attach a test file
    3. mention the OS version, InDesign version.

    Put the screen recording and test file in a shared drive and share the location of the same with us.


    Adobe InDesign team

  3. Online Published Documents show a blank screen after clicking PDF download button.

    Online Published Documents show a blank screen after clicking PDF download button. Mac Safari & Chrome, Windows 10 & Chrome.

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    Thank you for reporting the issue. We need some information around the issue which may help us in narrowing down the root cause:

    1. Does it happen with the latest InDesign version 14.0.1 ?
    2. Is it document specific or happens with all the documents with PDF download capability ?
    3. Which type of accounts are you using : Paid or Trial or something else ?
    4. Please specify your Platform, OS version and Browser information

    A short video depicting the issue will be very helpful

  4. Hyperlinks not detected

    The "Convert URLs to Hyperlinks" function in the hyperlinks panel is not working properly in CC 2018. Not all the links are detected. There doesn’t seem to be any logic in which links are detected and which are not, it seems very random.

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    Need More Info  ·  amaarora responded


    I tried out with various hyperlinks and the function is working fine for me.

    Please try it out with the latest release and even then if you encountering the same issue,
    please provide sample documents with which you are facing the issue or just add a small video (on WeTransfer/Youtube/Dropbox) and share the link.

    Please do mention your machine configuration like OS, Locale.

    You can also send files/links directly to

    Thanks & Regards
    Payal Awasthi (InDesign Team)

  5. Indesign CC 2017 does not accept color management

    I work on Mac with high Sierra 10.13.2 with adobe CC 2015, 2017 and 2018.
    I have been working with Adobe for 25 years and therefore know the subject color management settings & synchronization.
    In Photoshop I have a color set made up of ECI RGB and ISOcoated v2 and other parameters such as rel.fartric with TK, etc.

    Then I synced with the bridge the suite on this set. Photoshop and AI do not accept this set but InDesign does. The error message comes:

    "Some parameters of the color settings file could not be used. The default values ​​are…

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    Thank you for reporting the issue. We need some information around the issue which may help us in narrowing down the root cause:

    1. Does it happen with the latest InDesign version 14.0.1 ?
    2. Is it document specific or happens with all the documents?
    3. Does it happen when you switch between Adobe applications in a specific order ?
    4. Please specify your Platform, OS version and InDesign version.

    A short video depicting the issue will be very helpful.

  6. Command + option + drag no longer copies text box

    Have used this feature for 20 years and now the double arrow indicating that a box is being copied shows up, but the text box is not actually copied--the box just moves.

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    This is working as it should – that is, duplicating the selected object.

    Please update to the latest available version of InDesign (13.1) via Creative Cloud application. Before launching InDesign, delete the Application Preferences and Caches to ensure that any corrupt preferences are not causing this issue to happen.

    Please let us know if you still experience this issue.

    Adobe InDesign team

  7. Locked text and image boxes

    Text and image boxes are locked to the page and can't be moved with the mouse, only with the arrow tools

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    Hi all,

    Can you please provide some more information to help in reproducing the issue at our end:
    - InDesign version
    - OS
    - Language
    - If document specific, please share a document with me
    - Starts happening after doing some particular steps, please let me know what all things you were performing before this issue happens

    Appreciate your help in reproducing this issue.


  8. [ID-4260604] InDesign with Typeface app is going in Protective Shutdown on document close

    Customer Scenario1

    Brand new Indesign 20.2: open any document, change nothing in it and close it. Indesign gives a warning and then crashes.
    MacOS 15.3.1 (24D70), Macstudio M2, I have reset all personal prefs, I am using Typeface app. This didn't happen with 20.1

    Customer Scenario2

    Doing a data merging of a .CSV file.


    InDesign is going in Protective Shutdown for few scenarios


    • Deactivate the Typeface app and continue to work with InDesign v20.2.0.36
    • Rolling back to InDesign to continue to work with the Typeface app
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    Please submit the crash report to us. (Guidelines to submit crash are available at ( )

    Also, please send the following information to :

    • Video recording of the crash
    • Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, could you provide the document(s)/asset(s) to us? Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)

    Adobe InDesign Team

  9. Major Preview Glitch

    I'm having a major glitch with preview screen mode in InDesign. When you toggle it on multiple elements on the page disappear, and this is happening on most documents and has only started within the last few days since the the last update. This is a major glitch when working on clients work when tings just start disappearing and not knowing if that is how it will print etc. I have uploaded a before and after image to show what disappears.

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  10. "Shin Dot" and "sin Dot" does not work

    On Mac, InDesign version 15.1.1 - typing the Unicode character "Shin Dot" and "sin Dot" does not work with the keyboard, only with the glyphs panel

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    Need More Info  ·  amaarora responded

    Did it work in previous versions of InDesign? Or only started happening after InDesign 15.1.1?

    Which font are you using?

    -InDesign Team

  11. InDesign Is Still Unusably Slow

    Despite this forum being filled with "solved" reports of InDesign being unusably slow, it remains so.
    I am editing a 4 page document that is almost all text, and yet I get the spinning ball after each and every keystroke. It can take 5-10 seconds just to complete typing a word, and heaven help me if I make a mistake and need to backspace.

    I just updated InDesign this morning so I am on 14.0.2. I'm running Windows 10 1903. The machine is an MSI laptop with an i7 processor and 12GB of RAM.

    I have attempted to edit the…

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  12. InDesign CC 2019 - font error issues with PDFs

    When latest InDesign CC 2019 creates a PDF using certain fonts, an error message appears when opening PDF in Acrobat Pro DC: "Cannot extract the embedded font 'JLUSWO+fontname'. Some characters may not display or print correctly."

    Never had this issue with previous InDesign versions. The same PDF opens, views and prints perfectly in Preview. Creating PDFs by other applications with the same font are fine.


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    7 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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    We have released InDesign CC2019.0.2 with lot of stability fixes. If you are not on then I would recommend you to upgrade to latest version as it is more robust.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue?
    • Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If Yes, Can you please provide the document(s)/asset(s)? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)
    • Does Trashing preference and cache, please create a backup of Preference and cache before trashing them, help to resolve the issue?

    Adobe InDesign Team

  13. Can't scroll through pages in presentation mode

    2017.1 Release, Build
    macOS Sierra version 10.12.6

    When I go to the presentation mode, I am not able to scroll through the pages. Whether i use the trackpad, arrow keys, or change the keyboard shortcuts.

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    Hello All,
    There has to be a scenario in which the scrolling of the document is not working in presentation mode because, otherwise it is not reproducible at our end.
    I can observe that, pages do not scroll while making a vertical gesture on the mouse, but through other methods such as, click, arrow key pages can be scrolled easily.

    Are you able to scroll using clicks and arrow keys?
    Is it the case that, the issue is intermittent or only happens in a specific scenario?
    Also, let us know your machine details such its configuration, OS version and Id version

    This can help us to get to the bottom of the issue


  14. PDF Workflow shows syntax error in exported PDF Version 18.5

    I read that there was some Problems with PDF export since InDesign version 18.4. And i want to report that there are still issues with the latest version 18.5. Our Workflow reports syntax error in pdf and aborts procession. Its a full stop, no detailed error messages were shown. The only solution for us is to place the PDF again in older InDesign (17.4) and export a PDF from there.

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  15. PDF Comments Unmapped / Adobe Indesign 2020, 15.0.1 (latest issue)

    1. Adobe Indesign 2020, 15.0.1 (latest issue, updated)
    2. Several files opened and attempted to edit with PDF markups. Have checked the PDF file in acrobat and correct.
    3. Comments should be mapped to identical document but are not.
    4. Most, if not all comments are unmapped (latest document completely unmapped - 50!!).
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  16. InDesign crashes when changing paragraph style with Typefi Designer 8.7.3 (14)

    Every time I change the paragraph style on my document, indesign crashes.

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    We have released InDesign 2023(v18.2.1.455) with a lot of stability fixes. We recommend you upgrade to the latest version (if you’re not already on it) as it is more robust.

    As per the information provided by other customers, the issue might be related to Typefi Designer 8.7.3 (14).

    Adobe InDesign Team

  17. Black swatch in cell diagonal line is not overprint

    In Table and Cells, stroke color default swatch is [Black]. In this case, overprinting is set even if the overprint check box is off.
    However, the diagonal line does not set the overprint even if [Black] swatch is applied.
    This is not set unless the check box is checked, so it must be the same as stroke because it behaves differently from stroke.

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  18. indesign cursor lag

    My cursor is lagging while passing over portions of the Layers Panel specifically.
    I'm working on a Macbook Pro, with a BenQ GW2765 external monitor.
    The issue only happens while InDesign is on the external monitor, and it works fine while on the macbook pro.
    I've attached a video sample of the issue in action.

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    We have identified that this occurs when you connect your Macbook Pro with an external monitor using the older, obsolete Apple adapter.

    On using the newer, updated model of the Apple adapter, this issue does not occur. Many of our users have confirmed this.

    Please share what hardware you’re using to connect the external monitor to your MBP.

    Adobe InDesign team

  19. Indesign causes screen to enter a strobe flicker effect and no choice but to shut down

    Sometimes when I drag a text box to a different position the screen starts to flicker then goes crazy - like a strobe effect. It's applied to all software that's open and there is no choice but to have a frenzied time trying to shut down applications and saving work before the screen either goes completely blank or white. There is no choice but to restrt the imac.

    It happened around 5 times in the space of an hour and then won't happen for weeks.

    iMac - Intel Core i7 - 4 GHz - Memory 32 GB - AMD Radeon…

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  20. Master Page

    When setting up multiple 2 page spread master pages, there is an issue with graphics overlapping onto other master pages when 'Facing Pages' is switched on.

    For example - Master Page A is blank, and Master Page B has a green box along the top of the page.

    When the Master Page A is placed next to a Master Page B, the green box graphic spreads onto Master Page A as well.

    Please see the attached screen shots for clearer explanation.


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    We have released InDesign CC2019.0.2 with lot of bug fixes. If you are not on then I would recommend you to upgrade to latest version as it is more robust.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please provide more information to
    • Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when you encountered the issue in InDesign?
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue?
    • Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If Yes, Can you please provide the document(s)/asset(s)?

    Adobe InDesign Team

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