CC2018 IDML files not compatible with CS6
Clients who have CS6 can't open any IDML files I create/export in CC2018. They receive an error message saying the format is unsupported or a plug-in is missing. IDML files created/exported from an earlier version of CC (2017) work fine.

Please confirm in comments if the issue has been resolved for you with the latest release of InDesign?
S.R. Sharma commented
I tried CC2018 on trial basis and saved a file in CC2018. I did not go in for CC2018 and continued with CS6 which I am using. Can I open the CC2018 file in CS6
We have released InDesign 2020.0.1 with a lot of stability fixes. We recommend you to upgrade to latest version (if you’re not already on it) as it is more robust.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to
• Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when InDesign issue occurred?
• Video recording of the issue?
• Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, could you provide the document(s)/asset(s) to us? Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)—
Adobe InDesign Team -
Maja commented
Hi, I can't open my idml files from 2016 in InDesign CC 2020 or 2019. Somebody who knows what to do?
Anonymous commented
Same problem. Opening IDMLs made in CC used to open fine in earlier InDesign, but new ones do not open.
Anonymous commented
Hi, I'm having the same issue, except the IDML file I was trying to open was created using CC2019. Opening it as a copy doesn't work, and I'm desperate!
Steven commented
Hey guys I am having this exact same problem on InDesign since my school uses creative cloud 2018 the newest version. I downsaved to CS4 or later because I wanted to open it at home since I have the older version and not even that worked.... I had lots of information on that file and I can't manage to open it in any way what can I do to convert the file if it can't be opened? is there a solution to salvaging it since the file is actually there....?
Linda Sturk commented
Still no fix for this issue? Thanks for the support ADOBE.
Muhammad Sohail commented
anybody with an update??? I need it for a school project because my school's computers use CS6 and I used CC 2018 for my work and my teacher needs to be able to open the InDesign file. Please help
Anonymous commented
Indesign 13.0.1 generated IDML won't open in CS4.
Sevvy commented
I have the same problem, I have been working on projects in the new CC 2018 version of InDesign, saved it out as an IDML as to be able to open the work on another computer that has InDesign CS 6. However when I try to open up the file in CS 6 I get a message saying:
Cannot open file " File name.idml". Adobe InDesign may not support the file format, a plug-in that supports the file format may be missing, or the file may be open in another application.
I have made sure all plugins are up to date on both of the versions as well as that no other applications are open when trying to open the file up in the CS 6 InDesign. There has been no success.
I run the programs on a Windows desktop, Windows 10 with 64 GB RAM, 64 Bit operating system and an
Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.1GHz processors.Please help, I have screenshots if necessary if that will help.
jes commented
I cannot open an idml file in 2018. I can only open this file in 2014.
can someone help.
Jes -
Anonymous commented
open as a copy
Anonymous commented
Solution #3 worked for me
J commented
Having same prob. saving as idml in latest Indesign CC and client can't open in InDesign CS6. (Have tried saving as idml, packaging to get idml, renaming as .zip then changing back to .idml). Error message reads: Cannot open the file "tester.idml". Adobe InDesign may not support the file format, a plug-in that supports the file format may be missing, or the file may be open in another application.
Anonymous commented
Any update from Adobe on this issue? I need to create a CC2018 IDML that will be opened in InDesign 2014
Anonymous commented
CC2017 IDML files not compatible with CS6 or the CS6 update. I too am receiving the same message trying to open an IDML file in CS6 v8.1 (Windows 7) that was created in CC2017 with downsaved selection to IDML (using Mac). Which plugin? No other application is open. I updated CS6 to the latest. We're literally stuck.
Kate commented
Hello, just wondering if a solution has been found for this issue?
I've had to discontinue my CC 2018 subscription as I'm no longer a student, and prepared for this by saving everything as .imdl. Now, none of the .imdl docs will open now using CC2015.
Adminansjain (Admin, Adobe InDesign) commented
Hi Mike,
Can you please send an idml which has this issue to, it would help in reproducing the issue at our end.
-Anshul -
Mike commented
I have this message pop up when I attempt to open an idml file generated with Adobe InDesign 2018 13.0.1 in Creative suite 6:
"Cannot open the file ' File Name.idml'. Adobe InDesign may not support the file format, a plug-in that supports the file format may be missing, or the file may be open in another application."
I have reinstalled Indesign to ensure all plugins are present and installed, turned off all fonts, checked that only one version of the file is open and closed all other Adobe and non-adobe applications to ensure the file is not open in any other applications.
Interestingly, idml files created before the update open fine, with all data as expected.
Jim Lukens-Gable commented
The exact version of InDesign CC 2018 on the PC is 13.0.1 x64. We updated InDesign yesterday a which point IDML broke. Prior to that latest update, we were able to successfully create IDML files on the PC and open them on the Mac running CC 2015 build.