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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6922 results found

  1. [ID-4239165]InDesign fails to open or place files with long paths in Windows

    InDesign fails to open or place files with long paths in Windows. The "Long Paths Enabled" registry setting is enabled (i.e. it is set to 1). The problem affects several functions:

    1. From Bridge, Place > In Indesign causes "Script Alert: Error: Expected a reference to an existing File/Folder"

    2. DataMerge in InDesign: images with long paths are skipped, i.e. aren't merged. There is no error message.

    3. From InDesign. I cannot manually place a file with a long path through the “Place” dialog box. The dialog box will display the folder and thumbnails, but when I click the image to place it,…

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  2. Indesign 16.2.1

    Indesign 16.2.1 half screen cut red. when adjust windows side by side and then return back, screen cut in half and turn red. After restart it happens again. Whats that? Thanks

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  3. Recent files panel is unreadable

    InDesign Version: 16.1

    Steps to reproduce the issues: Open InDesign

    Expected result: Text of recent files would be readable and not stacking text on top of itself

    Actual result: Text stacks on itself and is completely unreadable.

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  4. Error(#18, #22, #23, #33, #39, #40) while trying to publish your documents using Publish Online in InDesign

    I work on InDesign 16.1 on macOS Big Sur 11.2.1.
    Since April 2nd, error #18 PublishOnline has been occurring when I try to publish online any of my documents. I tried on several computers and it still failed at 98%. I also tried with a blank file and the problem was there too. My files work well when opened with another account.
    Please find attached a screenshot of the error as well as a test file. I tried every solution on the help center and it didn't work. Could the issue come from my account? What solutions can you…

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  5. InDesign does not remember window size and position

    When opening a document, InDesign should remember the window size and position when it was closed. Illustrator does this, Photoshop does, this BUT NOT INDESIGN!! Why? Please fix it.

    Mac, InDesign 16.1

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  6. PDF comments importation Issue (wrong position)

    1. Indesign 16.1 Windows 10
    2. Create a text with no stroke, duplicate it and add a stroke. Export a pdf, insert comments in adobe acrobat, the import the pdf comments in Indesign.
    3. The PDF comments should be imported a their position.
    4. The PDF comments are not imported on their position on the text with a stroke.

    I have an issue when I import PDF comments :
    The issue is that comments are displaced and not aligned at their correct location in the Indd project doc that make the PDF.

    I spent some times on this, and found the reason :

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  7. Speed up cross references

    Opening the cross reference panel can be painfully slow. This has been an issue since at least InDesign CC, but maybe now is another chance to fix this.

    Behaviour is triggered by size of document and/or number of cross references. E.g. I'm working on a ~200+ pages document with about 150 cross references – both of which isn’t that extreme – and opening the panel takes around 4 minutes (yes, minutes). Interestingly enough, if the panel once opens and I change "Link to" from "paragraph style" to "text anchor", next time the panel opens instantly. Change it back to "paragraph…

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  8. Disable cross-references

    InDesign is far too slow when you have too many cross-references in a single document - and by too many I mean not many at all (I have 30 in one of mine, and the document grinds to a halt all the time). Whilst opening every single document that is references helps a bit, this is far from a satisfactory solution. At a minimum it should be possible to disable cross-references whenever you want, to avoid the performance hit. It would also be a good idea to fix the cross-references issue completely, so that cross-references are not constantly being updated…

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  9. Table borders, strokes, artifacted in InDesign problem

    InDesign ver. 16.1 (2021): Table borders and strokes created on a separate layer and artifacted in InDesign are not tagged as artifacts when converted to PDF.
    Close to a hundred "Path Object" errors flagged by the PAC 3 Accessibility Checker which we are required to use. The problem is none of these borders and strokes can be accessed in Acrobat with the Reading Order tool and therefore cannot be marqueed as artifacts. They are simply “not available” in Acrobat, yet PAC 3 flags them as “Path Object Not Tagged” errors.
    ~ Replacing tables with paragraph borders (on single layer) in…

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    4 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  10. Footnotes Still Disappearing: Please Update Your Customers

    Adobe: The bug described in "[Performance] Footnote disappears" back in October 2019 is still plaguing users.

    You can see from the comments that this issue is causing massive headaches for publishing teams.

    The last update from Adobe is from March 2020 and claims that this bug is under review.

    Your customers deserve a response and desperately need a fix.

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  11. Publish online doesn't work properly in chrome browser on new mobile devices (android)

    Hi there,

    We have published an interactive document with Indesign "publish online" feature. It works flawlessly in every browser, except in Chrome on some new mobiles phones with Android (not possible to go back or forward through pages or zoom). On the contrary, Interactivity and videos work properly.

    We have the last indesign version (2021. Creative suite)

    What's the problem?
    Thanks in advance

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  12. Having problems naming alternate layouts within the pages panel since update to Big Sur

    Problems started after updating to MacOS Big Sur
    Indesign 2021 - (2020 same problem)

    I can't rename the alternate layouts in the PAGES panel when the panel is docked. If the panel is floating free, there is no problem.
    I never had this issue before, it al started after updating to Mac OS Big Sur.

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  13. Border is not extending when table comes

    I am using InDesign CC 2019

    Expected Result:
    While using InDesign Border Features to format box items, there is an option to Merge consecutive Border and Shading with same setting in paragraph style. This is working for text and Images. But when inline table comes in between, border is not extending for tables.

    Actual result
    I have attached screenshot of expected result and actual result for your quick reference.

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  14. spellchecker causes InDesign to crash

    I've had this occur across multiple files; some new, some old.
    I cannot stop the behaviour from happening despite cache and com. dumps, prefernence resets, etc. - whenever I run Spellchecker InDesign disappears/crashes. I'm losing money constantly as I'm a designer who outputs a lot of multi page brochures, books, magazines, etc. and my efficiency has ground to a halt.

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    The issue has been fixed in the latest release of InDesign – InDesign 2021.
    Please update to this new version of InDesign to get the fix.

    Adobe InDesign team

  15. new folder

    command Shift N – new folder when trying to save/export a file - it doesn't work for me in Indesign 2020 with Mojave.

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  16. Type library is not automatically created by CC2020 installation. Error 104705: Unable to load Adobe InDesign Type Library (Version 1.0)

    Extensions and scripts halting or crashing after installing CC2020, due to a missing type library.
    Our customers report errors after updating to CC2020, and I got the same error when I tried. Our script make a halt at a DoScript call, with this error: 104705: Unable to load Adobe InDesign Type Library (Version 1.0)
    After starting InDesign CC2020 "AS ADMINISTRATOR", a missing type library is obviously created: the message and error disappears after doing that once.
    It was not enough for my user just to have administrator privileges on my computer and in the domain, I had to explicitly start…

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  17. Very Slow Performance - when opening two documents at the same time

    Is there any solution to this bug:
    InDesign has very slow performance - when opening two documents at the same time.

    Refer to the previous report "Very Slow Performance" that I submitted on June 19th 2020.

    I still use Creative Cloud applications and my InDesign is v15.1.1 x64


    Manuel Fernández

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  18. Self-closes or crashes when computer sleeps

    InDesign 15.1.1
    Windows 10
    After putting computer to "Sleep", InDesign is closed upon wakening the computer. Sometimes says "crashed" (10% of the time). Other Adobe applications are still open where left off.

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  19. GREP Beginning of STORY not Working in InDesign 2020 15.0.3

    GREP (Beginning of STORY) not Working in InDesign 2020 15.0.3

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  20. unwanted space at line beginning (Thai language)

    when paragraph contain Latin text or number or space at end of the line, many times when shrinking or expanding text frame, indesign cut the line and put space at beginning of the next line where those Latin text or number goes.

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