Footnote: Problems with Small caps when using World-Ready Paragraph Composer
ID 23 and 24: When the Footnote Text Paragraph Style has World-Ready Paragraph Composer enabled, then there is a problem with formatting in the first line of the footnote: Starting from Footnote 10, the problem appears. When Small Caps is applied (via open type font) then the style is applied to 1 letter before the styled text range and 1 letter at the end of the text is not styled as should be. So the staling is shifted for 1 letter regarding the applied style. When the footnote number is 3 digits, then the styling is shifted by 2 letters.

Rinaldo Zanone commented
Same problem in endnotes, beginning with endnote 10.
Rinaldo Zanone commented
Same problem
Anonymous commented
Same problem : on a text line, after de footnote call, small caps style (including elzevir numbers) is shifted. It's a critical issue in book edition (I'm working for several french university press). Big lose of time in verifying and contourning this bug (when it's possible, just like putting the text with numbers or small caps on the next line). On the joined sample, the V is not on small cap. A non joiner char placed after it can "solve" the bug here.