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  1. Find/Change text in Index entries too

    I find it amazing that we have been relegated to using fancy scripts to perform what should be a simple find and replace.
    Currently (as far as I know) search and change (aka Find and Replace) has no means to affect an index and its entries. There are scripts that try and address this shortcoming, but why? This is a simple and basic function. Correction, should be a simple and basic function.

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  3. Auto Package INDD files by Default

    It would be helpful if InDesign packaged documents by default when they are created. Ideally, as fonts and linked images are added to/deleted in the document, they are auto added/deleted in the package.

    This would be a time saver and would ideally eliminate the unnecessary duplicate INDD file created in the current package output and ensure all the current assets are in the file without ever having to manually update.

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  4. List out page numbers when deleting pages

    When deleting pages, a simple "You are deleting pages #X- #X" confirmation would be great, just to confirm the intended pages are selected for deletion. Currently, it just confirms you want to delete "the selected pages," which is vague.

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  5. Hej Jag råkade ut för ett problem vid packning för tryck.

    När jag packade en bok med 300 bilder för tryck hämtade InDesign bildfiler från olika bildmappar och samlade till en Link-mapp.

    Problemet blev när två bilder från två olika fotografer hade samma namn eg. sifferkod (IMG3061). Då lade InDesign till suffixet _1 så att den andra bilden döptes till (IMG30611). När detta gjordes gavs ingen varning att det skedde. Därför blev resultatet att i den efterföljande tryckfils-processen länkades bildfilen (IMG3061) upp på två ställen.
    Så därför bör Adobe lägga upp en varning att den hämtat två bilder med samma namn och fråga om det stämmer. Jmf…

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  6. Export Adobe PDF > Create separate pdf > Suffixes options (looking for Page Master suffix)

    Exporting pages as separate PDFs, I want to ad the Masterpage-names in the PDF-file-name as an Suffix. (Perhaps followed by the pagenumber if necessary.)

    Making single-page flyers, I've got Masterpages (Which contains a footer.) for different languages.
    I make the same flyer on p1: UK, p2: FR, p3 DE, ...

    When exporting all pages to a separate PDF I would like to ad the Master-page-name (or prefix) as a Suffix to the filenames like:

    Or if the Master-page is used on multiple pages:

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  7. Don't prioritize line breaks after end brackets ] }

    Newer versions of InDesign identify the position immediately after a bracket -- ] or } -- as a high-priority for a new line. Earlier verions did not.
    1. For us, that's a big problem because we use some fonts on which a different image is at this location, and it must connect with the one that follows. We never want a new line to start here. (The nonjoiner character fixes this, but it would be far easier if it didn't happen at all.)
    2. Most of the time, when these characters are used as bracket, there will be a space…

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  8. have a marker for "last page"

    have a marker for "last page" as an option

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  9. Export document with specific pages in multiple color spaces

    I do medical journals, and I frequently have clients who request their document in 2 versions: a full color version for online, and a version where some, but not all of the pages are in grayscale for the printer, to save on printing cost.

    It is yes possible to export an entire document converted to a grayscale color space, with some admittedly janky workarounds which it would also be nice to see streamlined.

    But at the moment, what I do for my needs is I have to export a full color version, a separate grayscale version, and then manually collate…

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  10. White spot

    not only in indesign, but in the entire Adobe suite, I require that it be possible to have a white spot color. This means being able to assign a white color that also allows the overprint definition. At the moment only the competition allows it.

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  11. Indesign: Add Previous and Next Buttons in Text Variables input screen

    Right now you have to open, save and close each text variable. Please add Previous and Next Buttons in the text variable input screen so you don't have to open and closes each time to edit/add.

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  12. Footnote Improvement: Footnotes do not always get consecutive numbers. Footnotes within quoted material retain their original numbers.

    This post is similar to "Custom numbered footnotes." Footnote Improvement: Footnotes do not always get consecutive numbers. Footnotes within quoted material retain their original numbers. To allow this, all Adobe needs to do is to create a second kind of footnote, the non-sequential footnote. The existing footnote style has a counter that increments by 1 every time the user inserts a footnote. Create a non-sequential footnote style that requires the user to enter the desired footnote number, and do not let that footnote increment the counter in the existing, sequential footnote style. Then the user can select either footnote style,…

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  13. Collaborative Work + Multiple Users Opening the Same File Simultaneously

    We need a collaborative environment inside InDesign. We use InD for Proposals and document repositories. We have manually created a library of graphics and text that we use as standard content across multiple documents. We have a team that is constantly asking for access to the file. The lack of version history reverting and tracking makes this a nightmare on top of the fact that only one person can have the file open at a time. Then, you open it, and on PC it says its a read-only file so you have to save-as a new file name. Document integrity…

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  14. Toggle "Preview" ON by default

    I'd like to see the effect of what I'm doing e.g. in the Paragraph panel by default. Can't find this in the application or on Google. This could easily be an option in the Preferences.

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  15. Links Panel: Show Exact Matches only

    When re-linking files, add an option to show "Exact matches only". Adobe Premiere has this. So when you're looking for the file you're re-linking, all files are greyed out except for the one that matches your file name.

    Find the Premiere equivalent in German attached!

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  16. ajouter ue outil de sélection de tous les blocs de texte

    ajouter un outil de sélection de tous les blocs de texte par page ou par document. permet de dupliquer les blocs dans des calques de langue différentes sans avoir a sélectionner manuellement bloc par bloc pour les associer.
    ou outil de selection par type ex: selection de toutes les images.

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  17. Align Stroke to Outside option by default

    For me the default Stroke Alignment setting should be Outside. I am always using boxes and frequently need to change the stroke widths. Since the default setting is Center alignment, this resizes the box, which I can't imagine anyone ever wanting. There doesn't seem to be any way to change the default stroke alignment to Outside, so I am constantly having to change this in the Stroke window. Which means we must have the Stroke window open simply because we cannot set the Outside as default. InDesign 19.2, Mac Ventura.

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  18. Hide all text and picture box borders when hiding Guides.

    I wish InDesign would hide all faint text and box borders when hiding the document Guides. I am forced to go to Overprint Preview to hide those, which slows down the design process, because Overprint Preview mode is very slow and not at all smooth to scroll through multiple book pages to preview designs without the distractions of seeing any faint text boxes. I don't see this ability in any of the Settings menus. Indesign 19.2, Mac Ventura 13.6.4

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  19. artificial intelligence for text

    Wouldn't it be a nice idea to have InDesign apply some artificial intelligence for looking at the text? Like what ChatGPT can do, but then integrated into InDesign. Checking the complexity, readability, Colorcontrast, tone-of-voice etc of your text. Would love to see that. Or suggestions on how to solve readability-issues for accessible PDF! Yeah!

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  20. intelligent swatches for type

    When changing selection from object to text frame swatches should change to the text itself intead of the text box.
    I always accidentially fill the text box with colour first instead of the text. I think, users want to change the text colour a lot more often than the colour of the text box.

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