Document resizing without layout adjust
For me, the "feature" Adjust layout is always seemingly active when I change the document size, even though I have turned it off (or rather, never turned it on); my content elements move around on the screen when I change the document size. Which has always annoyed me.
However, today I found an explanation, at least in part. It's only the elements that are placed outside the document area, on the pasteboard, that jump around. And they do so in relation to the pasteboard. Anything placed on the document area, wholly or in part, stays where it should be.
So, for me it would be very helpful if Adobe could redesign the procedure of resizing the document, so that any placed content keeps its position in relation to other content as long as the Adjust layout option is off. Not in relation to the document area. (And if this would mean that some content ends up outside the pasteboard, a dialogue could inform the user that the pasteboard margins will be extended to avoid this.)
At least this should be a selectable alternative.