Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6937 results found
dropbox sync font file issue
InDesign 15.1.1 creating font sync issue with Dropbox where it repeatedly changes the AdobeFnt22.lst file again and again while Dropbox tries to sync the file folder. This causes the editing process to be exceptionally sluggish and unresponsive when attempting to edit files saved to Dropbox folders. This does not happen on files saved to local drive (e.g. desktop) only Dropbox folders, and only in the most recent update. Previously it has not been an issue.
4 votes -
Fonts won't visibly load, but preflight is green. Close the doc and reopen - fonts work again.
macOS Mojave 10.14.6
InDesign 15.1 & 15.1.1When a document is open, some of the fonts will not visibly load. However when you go to Type > Find/Replace it shows there are no font issues. Preflight is green and all fonts are listed as "OK". We then immediately close the document and reopen it everything looks fine. When the same document is opened hours later the problem repeats itself.
• It appears that fonts loaded from the Document Folder ONLY are OK.
• Fonts that are loaded simultaneously in Font Book and the Document Fonts folder fail to display…4 votes -
export to PDF from latest InDesign 2020 results in pixelated PNG or JPG images
Upgrading from 15.0 to 15.1 versions of InDesign CC breaks PDF exporting of PNG or JPG images. Images now appear pixelated and low res no matter how high the original resolution of the image is, even when exported at 300 dpi (Print Quality settings). PNG and JPG images are flat with no transparency.
4 votes -
Share for Review
Share for Review does not seem to be working even after another update.
I sent an invitation by "Invite Only". My client received an email with a link and the only 2 options available for my client are "Sign in with an Adobe ID" – 99% of my clients will not HAVE or NEED an Adobe ID.
The second option is "Enter a password if one has been shared with you." Unfortunately, I was not given the option to set up a password. However, when posting publicly I could.
And lastly, when I update the file (link), there was no…
4 votesIf client does not have Adobe ID and does not want to create one (it’s free to create), then instead of choosing to send an ‘Invite Only’ Share for Review link, designer should send a ‘Public’ link to the reviewers.
InDesign team -
Mouse cursor disappears after change text
Indesign 15.1, 15.1.1 Windows 10
When I change text, mouse cursor disappears for few seconds (sometimes less, sometimes more). In this time I can't select anything.
Please don't tell me: - reset preferences. I did it.
Version 15.0.3 working OK.4 votes -
4 votes
Open more than one InDesign file
InDesign gets really slow after opening more than one document at a time
The Problem ist, that the Users can open more than one but InDesign get slower an slower, till you have to wait a couple of minutes until you can work on the selected item.
If we kill the InDesign Process via. TaskMananger an reopen the document, everythings works fine, but this can't be the final solution.
The problem happens in aller InDesign 15 Versions.
There ist no performance issue on the Win10 Computers. The Computer is running on 50-70%.
Anyone got the same Problem and have a…4 votes -
Text lag/slow when Documents Folder is present (package)
Since 15.03 there is a Text lag after opening documents that are in a folder that has a Documents folder. This delay has gotten worse in 15.1. If you're working from packaged InDesign folder, try deleting the document fonts folder inside it. Lagging was caused because of a double up in fonts on my computer. This took a month of testing by myelf and IT team to finally figure out!
4 votes -
Share for review
During this pandemic, I'm am trying to use the 'share for review' feature for a book I'm laying out. It is 600 pages, 300 spreads, about 333 MB file. It includes images and text.
I've designed other books -- the printer had no problem with the files
I'm using a Mac with InDesign 15.1.
When I tried to share the file, 4 pages - 2 spreads uploaded. I tried again and 8 pages - 4 spread, appeared for sharing. I didn't choose them, it is what InDesign randomly chose.
As an experiment, I created another file and tried to upload…4 votes -
Share for Review (15.1, ie. June 2020) color shift due to corrupt blend mode overlays
I feel like we've seen these kinds of issues before. But I noticed in the new "Share for Review" (InDesign 15.1) colors in a test document are shifting. A quick comparison shows that blend modes aren't been exported properly when sending a document up for "Share for Review."
In the screen shot, you can see what I mean: Top is the Review version as viewed in browser, bottom is the correct version as seen in InDesign. Some of the modes seem ok (Multiply, Normal opacity adjustments). But most blending modes aren’t rendering correctly (Hard and Soft Light look identical; Difference…
4 votesWe’re reviewing this.
Adobe InDesign team -
package file name period
When packaging an InDesign file, if the filename contains a period, all characters after the period do not become written in the new package folder.
For example, if I package a file that is named "Project 06.16.20", the new package folder will be named "Project 06."
It should be named "Project 06.16.20" but for some reason, the name after the initial period gets ignored. User must type in the rest manually.
4 votes -
keyboard shortcut "duplicate" not working
keyboard shortcut "duplicate" not working
4 votes -
Dynamic spelling is not working in the latest edition of InDesign
4 votes -
Character Alternates Contextual Menu not working in InDesign with Hebrew Support
Note the following checkbox:
Preferences > Advanced Type > Type Contextual Controls > Show for Character Alternates, Fractions, Ordinals and Ligatures
If checked, whenever a character is selected a contextual menu with alternates should appear (if supported by the font, of course).
It's working in the English (International) version, but not in the English (Hebrew Supporting) version.
More details:
InDesign 15.0.2 English (Hebrew Supporting)
macOS Catalina 10.15.44 votes -
All InDesign 15.0x EXTREMELY SLOW
All InDesign 15.0x is EXTREMELY SLOW, almost unusable.
I had to go back to version 14.03 to be able to work. This is on Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, v1909. It takes minutes to paste a picture.
Something has gone wrong in the Adobe world!4 votes -
PDF Comments
I really like this feature and it is a big benefit to my workflow. However, I find the ability to cut or copy from the comments virtually impossible. Would be great if you guys could make this aspect more user-friendly.
Many thanks and stay safe
Euan4 votes -
Alt text not appearing for images across spreads
in ID 2020, image across double-page spreads will generate an alt-text error when exported to accessible PDF. This problem goes away when saved as IDML and opened in ID 2019.
4 votes -
Major performance issues in 15.0.2 with multiple large documents open
I'm on a Windows laptop with a Core i7, 16 gb of ram and a dedicated GPU. Up until the 15.0.2 update there was some hitching and slowdown with these large files (and I noticed a weird bug where hitting T to use the Type tool doesn't actually change the tool) but now editing text can take up to 10 minutes with more than one file open. I can't make a screencast at the moment since I had to reinstall 15.0.1 to complete the project on time but the filesize we're talking about is 50-75mb, ~60 pages or so with…
4 votes -
proportional scaling
When I click and drag to re-size a text box or picture box, the proportions are constrained even though I'm NOT holding shift, and the lock button next to width and height is NOT selected.
Just started today. I've shut down and re-started my computer. I've closed and re-opened InDesign. I've downloaded the most recent update for InDesign.
4 votes -
Lagging/text doubling when changing paragraph styles
When changing paragraph styles the remaining text moves, but kind of doesn't refresh without me clicking away from the frame with the cursor or zooming in. What happens is I get double text which is confusing. Crashing is happening too at this point.
4 votes
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