Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6920 results found
The book palette must be locked. (move the documents palette)
a momentary unwanted user error.
We should be able to move documents by option or command key.
To make a small correction before printing. We move accidentally while working on files. We do not notice this. It's printing like this.
1 vote -
Printer configuration
Since the updates on Tuesday, January 23 2018, I am unable to print using my printer's fold and staple feature, which has never been a problem in the past. Also, I now have a notice that fonts are missing from my computer, and these are fonts I have used for several years.
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It is impossible to export iframes to ePub
To Adobe
It is well known, that Apple blocks iFrames. But when you can insert youtube codes into an iframe in InDesign and see it work perfect in "Public Online", then why do the video disappear when I export InDesign files to the ePub format.Claus Bangsholm
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QR-Code Generator
Opening the window «create QR-Code» makes thr function «copy / paste» inactiv. This is uselessly.
Please fix this bug.
Thx1 vote -
[Indesign CS6-CC 2018][BUG] Wrong objects in array after moving page item to layer using Javascript
When running a script to process page items stored in a custom array and after moving a page item to another layer, the array contents changes. Objects are removed and other objects which where not put in the array are suddenly located inside the array.
See also:
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Applying Master Page covers Document Pages
Version: InDesign CC
Steps to Reproduce: Apply the Master page
Expected Result: Master page would be in the background
Actual Result: Master page is in the foreground1 voteWe have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
Reproducible Steps –
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
• Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)Adobe InDesign team
Endnotes fail to import from .doc if no master page is applied in InDesign 2018
If placing a word doc that contains endnotes in cc2018, the text will import but all endnotes will be missing is there is no master page applied within the InDesign file.
1 voteIssue is now fixed InDesign’s latest update.
Please update to Id 13.1 for the resolution of the problem.Thanks,
Abhinav -
Import failed when placing .indd file, while user has file open. (on SMB share)
Import failed when placing .indd file, while user has file open. (on SMB share).
User receives the message, "Import failed." when placing a .indd file inside of another InDesign file.If this is a limit of InDesign it would be helpful if the error message was more detailed. If this error prompted the user to close the open file, it would be clear what is causing the issue. I believe that I have been able to place an open InDesign file in the past.
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image position changes on pdf export
I am creating a 'flipbook' of images in InDesign, when I fullscreen the flipbook in InDesign all the image positions are correct and do not move, however when I export to a PDF and preview the flipbook using acrobat, the images do not retain their exact positions and move 1px or 2px on some pages. I have repeatedly checked the image positions in InDesign and and they are all fixed in the same position. Is there any option in the PDF output settings that ensures that the images will be 'anchored' to the correct position?
1 vote -
Everytime I type a capital "I" all letters following are all CAPS. It only does it when I type that letter. Then after I select the text to change it to lower case the only way to get the cursor back in my control is to do a DESELECT ALL COMMAND. Otherwise the sentence stays selected and stuck. Another thing it does if not all caps is it changes to first letter in the entire sentence will be Capitalized like a title character style. My text is a set character style that I have set to be regular format, not…
1 vote -
InDesign CC 2018 Application frame will not fill screen
Hi Folks
Having an issue since InDesign 2018 with sizing the app window.
When in Application Frame mode, the frame will not expand horizontally to fill the screen — it will only expand vertically.
It expands normally up to about 80% of the screen width, but then becomes unresponsive to any attempt to make it wider - so I'm working in a dinky little workspace.
The app seems to think my display is narrower than it really is.
Windows expand normally when application frame is turned off, and return to the problem width when app frame is turned back on.
1 vote -
[Indesign CC 2018][BUG] Label info empty on library item when running javascript
When running a Javascript which checks a library item, the label property is always empty. Script labels can be applied on items on a page and dropped in a library. When adding the item to the page again, the label is still present. But when checking the label of an item using a script when the item is still in the library, the label property is empty.
Just test this using ....
alert(app.libraries[0].assets[0].label);1 vote -
[Indesign CC 2018][BUG] Offset tables not detected when running Javascript
When running a script which processes tables in textframes, offset tables are not detected. If you have a text frame which contains 5 tables, of which are only 3 visible, and 2 are offset. The script detects only 3. You can test this using ...
1 vote -
Story Editor not close during export
Impossible to close the story editor dialog when a backgroud task is active.
Indesign returns an error like this: "Impossible to close indesign when a backgroud task is active"1 vote -
ALL DAY pdf export
It took 5 HOURS to convert a file to pdf 1. ID had a terrible time reading an Illustrator vector -- same vector on every page. Felt like I was back in 1999.
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paragraph styles convert everything to italic
When I attach a style to a paragraph, all the text changes to italic even though the style is not italic. (I have character styles in place.) I use updated Creative Cloud and High Sierra.
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Compression settings almost ignored when exporting to PDF
For some weeks now, compression settings (almost) do not apply when I export a PDF.
When I use "300dpi-maximum quality" a pair of pages weight 105Mo, but if I use "130dpi-medium quality", the same pair of pages weights 103,8Mo, not exactly the same, but not what's expected..
And If I "optimize" the 130-medium file in ACROBAT PRO at identical 130-medium settings, it reduces to 1,1Mo (which add a step before I can send each PDF by mail to someone)
This apply as well to the ID I receive from other people than to my own creations.
I'm used to ID…1 vote -
Linking Issues Between Mack and Windows
Our team is experiencing broken links in files saved on our network between Mac and Windows users. How do we seamlessly link documents between the two different operating systems? When I open a file on my Mac and save it and a Windows user tries to access the same file, the links are broken. The type of server we are on is a Windows Server 2008 R2.
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Fonts and content
Fonts are becoming unavailable in a combination of High Sierra, InDesign CC 2018 and FontAgent. Franklin Gothic ITC has disappeared completely and will not import.
Secondly the content centre button appears got have been discontinued. Why?
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Note strip content in cross references panel varies
- Indesign CC 2018
- Open a document with cross refs.
- When hovering with the mouse over a cross ref in the cross ref panel a note strip appears, showing some information about the page it points to and also the page of the source.
- On some cross refs it does not. There it shows the cross ref text. This seems to be due to the cross ref format being slightly different, but all pointing to level 3 headlines.
- See attached images adobeerror5.1.jpg (correct note strip) and adobeerror5.2.jpg (false note strip)
1 vote
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