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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6825 results found

  1. Can't able to delete swatches

    I am using the Indesign CC 2015. My template document contains multiple swatches. I can't able to delete some of the swatches(PANTONE 7731 C, PANTONE 646 C,..). Even the delete option is also not shown for that swatches. Please check and provide the guidelines to handle this case.


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  2. EPUB; Exporting a numbered list to a reflowable pub

    When working with "numbered list: in Indesign, paragraph style work great.

    However after working and exporting it to a reflowable Epub it doesnt respect alignment and moves inward. I have looked up for anyone who has encountered the same problem making sure I wasn't the only one and yup there are others with the same issue.

    I would like not to, for every numbered list in every book, to convert numbering to text. This is something I have seen as an issue since someone commenting since 2014 and not receiving any solution.

    I need to know if there is some…

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  3. Print upside down after rotated the image

    I rotated three images on three different pages. When I printed out the document, those three pages were printed upside down! Not just from inDesign, I exported as pdf file and printed through Acrobat, the same thing happened. They look perfectly fine on screen. Also, if I deleted those rotated images, everything was fine, no upside down pages.

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  4. Can't open dropdown menu's

    1. Indesign 15.01
    2. Click on top menu item
    3. Dropdown menu is opened
    4. Mouse is constantly showing loading symbol and Dropdown menu doesn't open even after a few seconds
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  5. Word Lookup / Search with Google for text

    How about adding a 'word lookup' OR 'search with Google' for words while working with text copy in Indesign and InCopy? I know there is a default dictionary integrated, but I'm talking about the way you can search any sentence or word in the most browsers just by right-clicking.

    Basically, just a feature to add a search engine for text lookups directly from Indesign and InCopy - it will help a lot working with text copies and editing text stories directly from the program.

    Merci beaucoup !

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  6. InDesign Documentation

    I found out through Adobe support that page transitions in an interactive PDF created using InDesign only work in full screen mode. If this is true, your documentation should state this.

    I also found out that the SWF function has been removed for InDesign 2020. Please update your documentation to let users know that this is no longer available in 2020, but is still available in 2019.

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  7. not displaying all fonts

    I install fonts from various sources and with various methods and INDD never shows all the fonts in the family. I just installed all 18 fonts from Montserrat through the Typekit site and INDD display 14 installed fonts. Same thing using Extensis Suitcase. I can activate 10 fonts and only 6 will display. Where are the rest of my weights?????

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  8. Style Override Highlighter not highlighted when in use

    When I make some style changes in my text, the "Style Override Highlighter" marks theses changes. Great feature, no problem at all.

    But when I 1) quit InDesign and 2) start it again, the changed text is highlighted but the "Style Override Highlighter" icon [+a] is highlighted not at all.

    Solution shortcurt: Click on [+a] in character style panel, then on [+a] in paragraph style panel and it should behave the way it should. But it would be better if it'd be working the way it should.

    German InDesign 2020, Mac OSX 10.14.16

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    Since for most of issue the issue no longer occurs, or is resolved after cleaning InDesign cache and preferences, we are closing the issue


  9. Exported text missing Endnotes

    Exported text missing Endnotes
    We work with Footnotes and Endnotes a lot. And when everything is OK, but after going in print, the text is exported so that the autor can edit it for a next release (Law text and commented law so it changes often). I was very happy when InDesign did begin to work with Endnotes but ... it does not export them. Not even in Version 15.0.1. Footnotes are exported, Endnotes are missing. This is a big bug or an even bigger oversight.

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    Minhas ferramentas estão todas bloqueadas e não consigo utilizar mais o Indesign.

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  11. Relink from CC Libraries Sorting

    When Relinking assets in InDesign using "Relink from CC Libraries", the CC Libraries panel that shows isn't capable of having its sort order (date modified vs alphabetically) changed nor is it able to show Groups - please fix so it has the same view functionality as the regular CC Libraries Panel.

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  12. não consigo caracter especial

    não consigo inserir número de paginas como caracter especial. Faço o procedimento correto mas no final ele não insere o caracter.
    só fica o prompt piscando dentro da caixa de texto.
    E não sei porque a minha master page está cinza quando eu seleciono ela em vez de estar azul!!!

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  13. Fit frame to content shortcut causes pasteboard to jump around.

    Fit frame to content keyboard shortcut causes pasteboard to jump around.

    Running InDesign Version 15.0.1

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  14. Mystery white hairlines showing up on edges of Published Online Document

    I am having an issue with documents published online and viewed in Google Chrome. For some reason there are thin white hairlines showing up on the edge of certain pages that are not in the actual InDesign document. On a couple of pages in my book, I have made the background color the same as the background color that shows up in the browser, but these hairlines are still showing the edge of the page.

    Screenshots of the white hairlines attached.

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  15. invalid index reference

    Can´t create Index!
    Error message is (Translations): Can´t create index. At Least one reference contains faulty markers. Delete faulty markers from index references.

    HOW DO I FIND THESE? Can´t find anything wrong in the Index list or the document.

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  16. Footnote numbering in InDesign does not heed setting

    I have a single indd-document containing a book with 300+ footnotes in it. I have set the footnote numbering to "Restart numbering at every --> Section" (i.e. Chapter).

    But when I export the document to an EPUB file, InDesign does not heed this setting but keep running the numbering up to "348".

    I suspect this is a bug in inDesign 2020 (15.0.1), as there seem to be no good reason for this behavior.

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  17. Right swiping a hyperlink and then right clicking produces inconsistent context menu

    Hi there,

    If I have a hyperlink as plain text and then highlight it, then right-click the area, I sometimes get an option to turn it into a hyperlink and other times I get the spell checker menu with not such option.

    It would be good if the option to turn text into a hyperlink was always visible when you right-clicked highlighted text. I have dynamic spell checking turned on.

    Kind regards
    Mike H

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  18. Poor consistency between menus and short cut key mappings

    Hi there,

    It is very difficult or obscure to map a short cut key. This is because the drop- down boxes in the short cut key editor consistently don't match the menus.

    I am trying to match the menus to the short-cut-key editor. I am trying to map a short-cut key to Type->Hyperlinks...=>New Hyperlink.

    Kind regards
    Mike Howell

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  19. blacked out images with no broken links

    InDesign ver 15.0.1
    I have a file that displayed all linked images correctly this morning. 90% of the images are linked from my desktop, which is also where the InDesign file is located. 2 of the linked images are from a network cloud server.

    After disconnecting from the server and then reopening the file, all linked files appear to have broken links. However when, checking the Links panel, only the images that were linked from the server are broken. This makes sense except that all linked images populate the document as either a gray box or a solid black box.

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  20. Turn off Hyphenation across Page Breaks

    I love the don't hyphenate across column breaks, however in some instances I have a 2-column setup and hyphens on the page is ok, but across page breaks is not. Please add this as an option in the hyphenation options. OR add it as something you can check in pre-flight.

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