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  1. Show options when placing artwork

    In previous versions, I didn't have to click the options button to see the options for placing a graphic or PDF. The current version makes me click an option button. It makes no sense. Just show the options. Always. And have the program remember what you did the last time, or make make it so you can set a default the way you want it. Having the options visible without having to click another button would save me a lot of time. You had it right before.

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  2. Where do we enter InCopy/InDesign workflow requests

    Seriously, InCopy-related questions get dumped into "Other"? Can we get a full-fledged InCopy category here?

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    Completed  ·  Anonymous responded

    Thank you for the suggestion Anne-Marie. I have added an InCopy category to this page.

  3. auto save

    where i can set up a selected time that the document saves eg every 5 minutes

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  4. 6 votes

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  5. Zoom possible in presentation mode

    In presentation mode (Shift + W) the page will scaled to the screen-size. It#s bad, especially if the layout/page is very small. It would be great if I can zoom to 100% (cmd + 1) in presentation mode!!

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  6. Redirect links when file name changes.

    Like a website that uses redirection for old pages, it would be nice to have a way to redirect InDesign links to new links. For example, when a file name changes due to a version number, date, or whatever.

    the way I imagine it working is leaving a txt file behind with the old asset's name that has the new assets name within it. (maybe there is a better way to do this)

    that way, when assets change names, InDesign checks the txt file and looks in the new directory or for the new link before marking it as a…

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  7. InDesign needs language support for Burmese (Myanmar).

    InDesign needs language support for Burmese (Myanmar). The corporation I am with is doing a lot of translation currently from English to Burmese and InDesign cannot render the characters correctly. We would also be happy to help fund getting this done as well as provide access to our Burmese translation team. No one wants to type set books and manuals in Microsoft Word...

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    InDesign 2020 includes a new text engine to support five new South East Asian languages: Thai, Burmese, Lao, Khmer, and Sinhala.
    Your documents can now include text composed in these languages.
    Hope you find this new feature useful in your work.

    We’re marking this “Feature Request” as Completed.

    Adobe InDesign team

  8. Indexes

    When creating an Index, you are limited to populate ONLY one Index style format. If you want create more Indexes like the Index format, you can't, you are forced to use the Table of Contents style. Look at MS Word, you can create a General Index, a Index of Cases and Index of Figures.

    My suggestion: improve the Index function with the ability to create multiple Indexes, that follow the actual Index format (not the Table of Contents Format)

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  9. Have InDesign remember the size of its application window from last time used

    Have InDesign remember the size of its application window from when it was last used and have it open in that same size the next time used. Illustrator and Photoshop already do this...

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  10. A archive/backup save feature

    I recently was working on a highly important document. InDesign crashed AT THE SAME TIME as it was in the process of saving the file. I do regular saves, but because of how it crashed I couldn't revert to an earlier saved version of my file. My new workflow is to regularly save my work and I use sequential numbers e.g. filename-v01, filenam- v02. I also sometimes will use save as and create a new file called filename-backup and then I will have to do another save as to revert the document back to filename.indd. What would suit my workflow…

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  11. Email Invoices

    Its 2017, how about you start making an option available to email invoices for Creative Cloud? I have to go to 3 different accounts every month to print these manually for my accounts department. Its RIDICULOUS.

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  12. Faster way of following hyperlinks

    Make it so Ctrl-clicking a hyperlink (or cross-reference) takes you to the destination instead of having to clumsily open a dialog box, find the link, and push the corresponding button. (Didn't Pagemaker do this long ago?)

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  13. Improvement Indesign Accessibility Features

    I use Indesign to create accessible PDFs but there are a few features that should be there.

    Automatic Header Column and Header Row tagging. At the moment Header Column is recognized but not Header Row. If this was implemented you could go a step further and add ID tags and scope automatically. This would be a huge time saver since this all has to be done manually in Acrobat. It would also be nice to have an option to specify the Title of the table as a caption tag.

    At the moment you have to add the proper…

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  14. Isolate levels in a group

    Be able to double click to reach a group object but isolate all the objects in that grouping level, e.g:
    You have a placed graphic with flyouts or annotations but if its grouped and more often than not you have to double-click edit and exit the group and keep double-clicking until you reach your desired object.

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  15. Find/Change: search multiple formats, NOT & OR options, multiple changes, drop-downs

    I work with books, some of them very long and complex. Because I'm strict about styles and consistency, and because the authors rarely are, I have to use Find/Change a lot. It is by far the part of InDesign that I find most lacking.

    1. Instead of clicking to get to find format or change format options, pick from drop-down(s) right there on the F/C dialog. At least for styles (but ideally also for fonts, swatches, etc.).

    2. Search multiple styles at once (but not all styles, as happens when you don't select one in the find format area). For example: find…

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  16. SVG Export

    InDesign should be able to export either entire pages or selections into SVG. The JavaScript for exporting SVG is crap. The export should also include the fonts as well as checkboxes from forms. Form fields are not supported in most of the plug-ins. SVG is a very important standard. We used ist for maps, layouts etc. shown as small preview e.g. the cover of a book, forms, adverts etc.

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  17. F&C queries stored on server

    In stead of storing the xml files in the user folder, making it possible to store them on a server too and be able to refer to that folder with a shortcut. As for the scripts you could have the "user queries" and the app queries. This is handy when you have to control more then one computer in your department.

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  18. Delete Multiple Index Entries

    As it is, if you "add all" with the index tool, it creates an index entry for every instance of the selected word. Sometimes it might have that word 20 times on a page over a range of pages. As it is now, each of these entries over multiple pages must be deleted one-by-one by dragging the number individually into the trash can in the index tool. It would be awesome if you could select multiple entries at once (by using +ctrl or + shift) so you could drag multiple entries into the trash. This would increase my efficiency by…

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  19. Rename the open document from File menu

    I would like to be able to rename the current document from the File menu in InDesign (and all other Adobe apps). Now I how to close the file and rename it in Explorer, or save it with the new name and delete the old document file.

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  20. Asset Export

    Asset Export Window that is in Adobe Illustrator would be a very useful feature in Indesign

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