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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6948 results found

  1. Activated Fonts Don't Load

    I created a graphic with Minion Pro Bold font but when I reopen the file to do more work a pop up window says I need to activate the Bold. Only when I shut down the software and reopen it after activating does the Bold font appear as originally designed. This happens over and over and seems like an unprofessional bug in the software.

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  2. Corrupt overlay palette window -- stretched and can't be closed

    The overlay palette window is ever-present when I open InDesign. Every time I close it from the 'window's dropdown (as it is to wide to find the X close window icon, it just keeps reopening? It is too wide to fit on the screen, and the text in the panel is pixelated. I have tried docking it to other windows to contain it, but it corrupts those too. Anyone else had this problem?

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  3. Text Wrap bug

    text wrap does not work with anchored object
    does not work on the same and previous rows

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  4. Renaming CC Library Elements

    Renaming elements that have been stored in the Creative Cloud Libraries panel is unstable and can use improvements.
    • There is no clear cursor to know where you are in the name.
    • Double clicking to highlight a word, once in the rename mode, common practice everywhere else, ends up opening the library item, not selecting the word you intended.
    • Doing a slow double click on the name, like you can do in the Layers panel to rename a layer doesn't work either.

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  5. Inline vector graphics pixelate while typing in high quality display performance mode

    InDesign 14.0.2 on Windows 10

    1) Set display performance to high quality
    2) Paste an EPS or PDF into a text frame as an inline graphic. It should render crisply as you'd expect in high quality mode..
    3) Start typing in the text frame that contains the inline graphic. The inline graphic pixelates.
    4) Click out of the text frame or stop typing for ~10 seconds. The graphic returns to its unpixelated, high-quality state.

    Context: we are upgrading 100 users from InDesign 2014 to InDesign 2019. This worked perfectly well without any pixelation or lag in InDesign 2014, but is…

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  6. Nested Line Styles interfere with Grep Styles

    I'm experiencing a bug where Nested Line Styles are interfering with Grep Styles.

    To reproduce:
    1. Create a Character Style "Small Caps" that only applies OpenType All Small Caps.
    2. Create a Character Style "No Break" that only applies the No Break rule.
    3. Create a Paragraph Style "Test":
        a. In Nested Styles, add Small Caps for 1 line
        b. In Grep Styles, add:
            i. Small Caps: ([\u\d&@#\$%/]{2,}(?!\l{2,}))|([\d&@#$%]+)|(I'D)
            ii. No Break: (?<=.{55}).{15}$
    4. Fill with placeholder text, and add a string of capital letters (something that matched the Small Caps grep) somewhere in the middle

    You'll notice that the line…

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  7. Accessibility and data merge

    Windows 10, ID 14.0.2 (2019), Acrobat Pro DC 2019.012.20036.
    Using Data Merge to create many pages of text from a large Excel file. Each row produces two pages. I have set up all the tags, reading order, bookmarks etc for the file but they are not reproduced for subsequent pages. When testing in Acrobat, the screen reader only reads the first two pages. There are no tags or bookmarks for subsequent pages. Can this be resolved?

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  8. the document window extends below the bottom of screen

    One file is open and you have the document window filling all available real estate besides the tool windows, when a second file is opened, the document window extends below the bottom of screen and must be resized again to view the info at the base. This issue was not apparent on pre CC Indesign

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  9. impossible to have high quality display with bitmaps

    With cs6 no problem. The same bitmaps files (TIFF) with CC, the display is very bad, even in high performance. Impossible to find a solution with technical assistance. Graphic designers with whom i works have the same problem. Apparently on the forums it would be a known bug. I work with windows 10.
    Two screenshot to see the difference between CS6 and CC

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  10. Master page effects don't render properly unless overridden.

    I have a drop shadow on a Current Page Number marker on my Master page.
    On the document pages, the marker renders the correct page number, but the drop shadow is always the character that's rendered on the Master page (In this case, a "B").
    Only if I detach the item from the master page will it render properly.

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  11. Sentence case in styles

    Please add a "Sentence Case" to Paragraph Styles. Incredibly the choices are limited to Normal, Small Caps, All Caps, OpenType All Small Caps. When editing a book the subheads are almost always Sentence Case. Why would this not be an option?

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  12. Import PDF Comments - New Bugs identified - Part 3

    We're also facing below issues in the new feature, called 'Import PDF Comments':

    (1) [CRITICAL ERROR] When any insertion is happening at the end of paragraph, InDesign is swapping the last character after the new insertion

    (2) When any PDF comments appeared within the tinted panel, it's not replacing properly

    Please let me know for any clarifications on the above given feedback.

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  13. Spanning columns sometimes makes my text move to the next page

    I'm trying to span some text and every time I do that text jumps to the next page. I have the keep options to anywhere so it's not a style sheet issue. This seems to be a new bug related to CC2019. Since I am using footnotes and it's going to be accessible I can't fake it and add another text box.

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  14. QR code generation updates

    I love using the QR code generation. However, I am limited to only a few options. My suggestion is to add more options such as, upon scanning the code it would play an audio or a video file. Or, an option to redirect upon scanning to the App Store, or Play Store etc.

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  15. eyedropper tool

    Using the eyedropper tool to select a color from the desired text is not working properly. Only strokes are painted with the desired color, not the text. It should like Illustrator's eyedropper tool which works perfectly. I have to use Illustrator's eyedropper tool to get the desired results I want.

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    Need More Info  ·  amaarora responded

    Please can you confirm if the “Character Settings” are turned on in the Eyedropper options?
    you can double click the eyedropper tool to check the eyedropper options


  16. Export as InDesignMarkup (IDML) ignores the color profile

    When exporting an indd-file as an IDML-file we've experienced a problem. In the original file there's an embeded a specific color profile (ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI)).
    If we check the exported idml file we found out that InDesign ignores the specific color profile and resets the profile to it's standard profile (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP)) - which is not the desired profile and not suitable for our european print environment.

    That was the reason of some color problems with some printing stores or agencys we're working with in the past.

    At this time we couldn't find a solution or…

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  17. variables not wrapping

    variables not wrapping => I am posting this again. It looks like this bug was reported 9 years ago and is still yet to be addressed

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  18. Do not tag numbered headings as a list item

    Unfortunately, the “Tagging Export” option within the paragraph style options getting ignored if the numbering options in the section “Bullets and Numbering” are set as well. Therefore, it’s not possible to use automatically numbered headings and getting a correct tagging structure. On the other hand it’s a good thing that lists are automatically tagged as a list. However, it should not override the export tag a user defined.

    Please take that accessibility issue seriously and fix it as soon as possible.

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  19. Extendscript hangs CC2019 (14.0.2) on macOS

    Code below works fine on Windows and CC 2018 on Mac. But CC 2019 Mac it hangs the app once clicking the OK button in window 2. I've tried three different Macs including Mojave and High Sierra. All the same result. Pretty sure it's not just me. This bug has broken a number of my scripts that present a secondary window for saving settings.

    var w1 = new Window("dialog", "Window 1");

    var btnOpenWindow2 = w1.add("button", undefined, "Open Window 2");

    var btnOk1 = w1.add("button", undefined, "OK");

    btnOpenWindow2.onClick = function () {



    btnOk1 = function () {



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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue, we are reviewing it

    -InDesign Team

  20. Not all fonts are collected in a package.

    This is for InDesign 14.0.2 x64

    To reproduce the issue, package any file and be sure the include fonts option is ON.

    Expected result is, as it ever was, that all fonts used in the document will be included in the "Fonts" folder of the resulting packaged file.

    Actual result is that some or all of the fonts are omitted.

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